
Reaper Derelict final part

Vincent was covered by all the Husks and Heretics when he canalized all the energy into his vocal courts when he opens his eyes and shouts, "FUS RO DAH!"

A wave of unstoppable power vaporized everything in the way of his shout as it hit everything around him instead of only the Husks in front of him.

Vincent looked around and saw no enemies making him feel exhausted as he looked down upon himself seeing the armor being half-destroyed.

"I will need some new armor," says Vincent as he tries to regenerate his right arm.

"And new weapons," says Vigilance as Vincent looked at his Caliburn and sees it completely destroyed.

"How is the Lament doing?" asks Vincent since he modified the blade to withstand the Oathbreaker Protocol.

"It is completely gone," says Vigilance as he looked at the Lament which was almost completely gone when he says, "I have thought you wouldn't use the Stasis Energy since the Traveler warned you about it."

Vincent was laying on his back when he sighs, "Too bad for the blade. I will have to reinforce the next one stronger."

"What about the Stasis Energy?" asks Vigilance as Vincent sighs again.

"Why do you think I call it Oathbreaker Protocol? It is because I am breaking my word to the Traveler by using the Stasis Energy," says Vincent as he was slowly recovering while saying, "At least the helmet survived the shout filled with the combined energy."

"But you should change it before you experience death by asphyxiation again over and over again while your skin slowly freezes up," says Vigilance warning him as Vincent's armor changed to that of a Hunter (Lucent Night-Set).

"I will have to buy the new Lucent Night-Set for Titans once we are back. The old one will be repaired and hung on a mannequin back home," says Vincent as he begins to float.

"It seems we have left the Reaper's Gravity Field. Are we floating in space at the moment?" asks Vincent as he tried to spin so he could face the ground.

"You cut a whole section of the Reaper. It is no wonder that we are floating away from the Reaper. You can call yourself lucky that the part of the Reaper you cut off is still intact," says Vigilance as he looked at cracks that are all over the walls.

"It seems we found a second weapon against the Reapers," says Vincent when he touches the ground with his left hand before pushing himself upward so he would stand on the ceiling.

"What now?" asks Vigilance as Vincent looked at him and takes the broken down Lament before tossing himself from the ceiling towards the exit.

Once near it he places his feet against the Lament and pushes himself out of the track he was in floating into space when he sees a giant ship in the distance and his whole body began to shiver in fear.

"That can't be," says Vincent in disbelief when Vigilance sees what Vincent was seeing.

"What is the Leviathan doing here?" asks Vigilance himself as the giant ship they were seeing was the Leviathan, the current flagship of the Taken King.

"He must have felt my light," says Vincent as he became serious because he was floating toward the giant ship at the moment.

"Once inside we are done for. Do I summon your one-man spaceship, the Platinum Starling?" asks Vigilance as Vincent wanted to look behind himself first but couldn't.

"Vigilance, what is the Leviathan moving towards. I don't believe that I am its real target," says Vincent as Vigilance looked behind Vincent and he seemed to shake around.

"What are you seeing?" asks Vincent seeing that Vigilance was shaking not because of fear but because of his nervousness.

"The Leviathan is going after the Derelict," says Vigilance as Vincent takes a deep breath to think about what to do before he sighs.

"I think my day has become even more stressful than it already was because of that damn ship showing up," says Vincent as he looks at Vigilance.

"Any plan?" asks Vigilance as Vincent smiles.

"Let us go with the flow," says Vincent as he enters the mouth of the beast while saying, "Platinum Starlight."

"Right away," says Vigilance as he materialized the Platinum Starlight and he teleported Vincent behind the steering wheel.

"It is time to face this Taken King," says Vincent seriously as he flies at full speed towards where the landing bridge is.

Vincent looks around and sees that everything inside seemed to look like the Dreadnaught when Vigilance says, "I didn't imagine that the Leviathan would look so corrupted."

"Well, the Taken King must have decorated this place after taking it over," says Vincent as he could see the landing bridge and he asks, "Have you scanned the place?"

"Yes, and there is a secret passage that should lead us directly to the throne room," says Vigilance projecting the path before Vincent so he could see it.

"You think the Taken King will be there?" asks Vincent seriously as Vigilance thinks for a moment.

"Well, the room is the only one that is comparable to the biggest room on the Dreadnaught. If the Taken King is really as big as Eris Moon always presumes him to be it would be the only place he could be using," says Vigilance as Vincent arrives at his destination.

Vigilance teleports Vincent out of the ship and on the landing bridge while the Platinum Starlight disappears when Vincent says, "At this moment I really would have like to have that crazy woman beside me."

Vincent walked some steps as the armor that should be covering his right arm was empty and was moving in every direction. He walks towards the edge when he looks down.

"Quite risky but we need to hurry," says Vincent as he saw the passage under the bridge he was standing on when he hears something and a spear appears in his hand.

He turns towards where the sound came from seeing Taken Cabals which made him flinch before taking a step towards the edge while saying, "I don't have time to deal with you. Maybe next time."

Then he falls from the edge as he reaches the same high before using his spear to jump from it making him land on the passage while recalling his spear which returned into his hand.

"It seems I am able to use Magicka again," says Vincent as his spear wouldn't have returned if his Magicka hadn't returned.

"At least one good thing. How is the arm doing?" asks Vigilance as Vincent began to move forward again.

"It should regrow faster now that Magicka can leave my body again," says Vincent as he could feel his arm growing faster than before.

"How long will it take me to reach the throne room?" asks Vincent as he walked at a moderate pace when Taken Psions appear in front of him.

"*sighs* And I thought I was freed of dealing with them," says Vincent as he rushes at the enemy while they were shooting at him.

He tries to evade the bullets coming from the right while deflecting those coming from the left. He reaches them and destroys them when he looks at the doorframe and enters it finding levers that he could pull.

"This doesn't seem much like a secret passage to me. Maybe Ser Jorey could use one of those cracks but I am too big for them," says Vincent as Vigilance appears and floats over to the levers.

"Now we only need to knack the code and the secret passage will open itself for us," says Vigilance as Vincent looked at him confused.

"You know the odds are 1 to 46656. How are we supposed to find it out," says Vincent as Vigilance was already working on it.

"Just give me a minute and two to find it out," says Vigilance scanning the room trying to find the right combination when Taken Cabals come from above and begin to shoot at them.

"I will take care of them. I hope you are done with finding it out when I return," says Vincent as he throws his spear at the first Cabal destroying it before recalling his spear while avoiding the bullets of the Cabals shooting at him.

It took him fifteen minutes since he couldn't use his full strength because of his missing arm when he returns and asks, "Have you found it out?"

"Yes, it should be 153246. It should open the entrance," says Vigilance as Vincent begins to pull on the levers in the order Vigilance told him when nothing happens.

"Are you sure we did it right?" asks Vincent as he looked at Vigilance before Vigilance looks at the levers.

"You pulled it in reverse. The first one is on the left entering the room," says Vigilance finding out where their fault was as Vincent tries it again.

Once done they hear a mechanism and Vincent says, "You have done it. Now, where is the entrance?"

"It should be somewhere over us," says Vigilance as Vincent sighs thinking that he pulled a reckless move earlier he found out that there was a normal way to go down at the end of the bridge.

"Then let us get to the Taken King," says Vincent as he walks the right path up because he could defend himself that way better from an ambush while Vigilance notices that the armor seemed to not move wildly any longer.

"Your arm must be almost healed," says Vigilance as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I hope it is fully healed when I meet the Taken King," says Vincent as they arrived almost at the top when he sees some pipes leading into a dark tunnel.

"We need to get in there," says Vigilance as Vincent sighs.

"This reminds me a lot of Riften and their Ratway," says Vincent as he takes some steps back before rushing forward and jumping onto the pipes.

Before entering the tunnel hoping to find the Taken King and defeat him while he still could do so.

Hope you like it.

Deathseekercreators' thoughts