
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · Autres
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10 Chs

Speaking with Rob Again

Aegon POV

the void

I found myself in the void again after Seeing those strange Dragon/Dragonborn dreams, I mostly understand what the vision meant except that my future self battling a man wielding Frostmourne and wearing the armor of the Lich King Arthas Menethil from World of Warcraft, is he another reincarnated from an evil ROB.

Then I heard the voice of ROB behind me saying "Long time no see Aegon, it has been 14 years since we met in this void, anyway, I am here to answer your questions and give you some good news and bad news, let's start with the bad news, first, you have been killed in your sleep by the bloodstone Emperor to take over your body, but don't worry he has been dealt with and I will give you his memory as compensation for what he did and I will give you two bloodlines". I just looked at ROB in disbelief and he continued to say "Secondly you will need to go to another world until I fix the timeline, and about the man that looks like Arthas in your visions, will he be your enemy that has been summoned by an evil ROB to balance the scales between good and evil in Stead of the night king, oh and don't worry we will revive you, and no one will think anything has happened to you, but everyone will Believe that your father has excelled you to Essos for A nonsensical reason, so you will wake up after returning to the world of Ice and fire on the shores of Old Valyria where your Imperial legions from your last life, have been waiting for you to come and command them once again"

I said to Rob with an inquisitive Tone "How did that happen to me?!, I know that I couldn't be possessed by any evil spirit or Demon/devil Because I have a lot of spiritual protection and Energy as a Dragonborn/Demigod", but Rob answered "It is because of your body, you see it is connected to the origin of the bloodline of the Dragon Lords of Old Valyria, you see the Dragon Lords are the descendants of the Imperial family of the Empire of the dawn are the descendants of the Maiden made of light and the Lion of Night, but those names are wrong because you see the maiden is, in reality, is the ancestral Goddess and the Lion of Night is me as you like to call me by the name ROB but my name in this Reality is the ancestral God, yes the Planet of yours is in a pocket dimension of the primordial chaos or as the locals like to call it secret Realm, and yes you are in aagainst the gods/A song of ice and fire combined universe and you and all of the people of the world can not cultivate profound energy because your planet doesn't have it but it used to have it, as for magic is what the locals call the law of nothingness, you see your home planet is the original home of me and the ancestral goddess, so to make it survive the consequences of the blood betrayal I needed to create another universe to separate the Primordial chaos universe from this world, so I made the world of Ice and Fire like the new Mundus and it is now a separate universe from against the god's universe and the history of the world before The blood betrayal became nothing but legend to the people who live on that world ".

So that is what he meant back then when you said the Dragon Lord bloodline can handle my power and more.

Then I asked him "Where will you put me in the Multiverse until you fix the timeline? and what about those bloodlines you were talking about?"

Then Rob/Ancestral God answers by "Well about bloodlines, I will give you the bloodline of the Dragon God of the soul Land, and the bloodline of the Dragon Knight from Dragon Quest The Adventure of Dai to help you deal with a lot of problems on your Journey and about where I will send you well I have a roulette Wheel to deciding that, and by the way you need to use your Gacha points that you have been hoarding from the date of your birth, I know you still have a phobia from Gacha after losing $10,000 on FGO".

Why why do I need to deal with this shit again, I thought I no longer need to deal with the horror that is Gacha, I said to myself with despair "Hello darkness my old friend me" Then I Heard ROB "Man it up already, I know you have the best luck in this Omniverse so spin the Gacha".

I answered him:" I will but, You first explain to me this Dragon God bloodline I mean I know what a dragon knight from Dragon Quest is but I don't know anything about Chinese cultivation stories except ATG so please explain". Then Rob begins to explain by saying:" I will not bore you with the details but I will tell you the bloodline of the Dragon God of the soul land Will give you the capability to wield the elements of Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, Light, Darkness, Space, Time, and Stability, and Will give you the capability to cultivate both spiritual and profound energies but If do you want the long details it Will be in your status screen, now let the Gacha draws begin".

fuck why the hell do I need to do this fucking thing again I really want to cry.