
The Dragonborn Emperor

Hadrian_darkstar · Autres
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10 Chs

Chapter cheat sheet

Earth's prime name: Hadrian Augustus Aquila.

The name of his Second life in Tamriel: Hadrian Reman Cyrodiil.

His name in this life: Aegon Targaryen.

Bloodline: Pureblood Valyrian Dragonlord.

Dragonborn(Elder scroll).

Demigod through a technicality/Olympian Demigod.

shezarrine(The Elder Scrolls).

soldier first-class(FF7).

Pureblood Wizard(HP).

Pendragon (The Nasuverse).

King Solomon's bloodline(The Nasuverse).

Gifts from ROB and The Gods :

The Amulet Of Kings/Chim-El Adabal (The Elder scrolls)

Rings of King Solomon.

grimoire of King Solomon. (The Nasuverse).

grimoire of The HP world.

grimoire of Aubis(The Elder Scrolls universe).

Grimoire of the Nasuverse.

Grimoires and tomes of the Valyrian magic and rituals and smithing and engineering.

Sacred Gear: The Dragon Emperor's Imperial Regalia.

King Arthur Pendragon and alter Armors [fate/prototype](The Nasuverse).

Excalibur [fate/prototype](The Nasuverse).

99999999999999999999 gold.



an infinite pocket dimension that allows anything to be stored in it without any limits, except living things like animals, but not plants or ingredients.

personal dimension:

A personal safe dimension that mention that allows its owner to live in it and whatever he brings with him, is protected from any high-dimensional entity even deities are not allowed to enter or harm anyone or anything in it.

training dungeons:

It allows it user to train in it, Some dungeons have trainers and teachers to train and teach the user.

The Thu'um:

The thu'um, also referred to as the Masculine Breath the Storm Voice or simply the Voice, is a form of magic inherent in most Nords and some others which use the words of the language of the Dragons to form "Shouts", the equivalent of spells, of immense power. The word actually means "shout" in the Dragon language. It is said that dragons make no distinction between debating and fighting, and so their words have always been magical and powerful, for those who take the time to learn and understand their meaning. The Nords believe that Kyne, the embodiment of the wind who is viewed as the Nordic aspect of Kynareth, breathed onto the land at the Throat of the World to form them. As such, the Nords believe that their voice and breath is their very essence and that channelling this life essence is how the thu'um operates. Those who can wield this power are called Tongues by the Nords. Most, if not all, Nords have some capacity for the thu'um, but it takes a particular talent and many, many years of study and training to become a Tongue. The thu'um can be used for a wide variety of purposes, anything from sharpening blades to quickly travelling across the land, even controlling animals, or killing enemies. Some stories suggest that the ancient Tongues even had the power to "sing Shor's ghost into the world".The most powerful Tongues must be careful when they speak and are often gagged for safety, as their voice can cause great destruction.

Fire immunity EX:

Do To begin a Pureblood Valyrian Dragonlord you are immune from any type of normal fire and The magical one except The highest level Holy and cursed fire.

Meta ability creation:

The power to create supernatural abilities without limit.

Multivessel travel:

It allows the user to travel the multiverse while stopping time in any universe he's not in.


is a visual ability that is also called Hawkeye. This is generally a must-have ability of the Archer class. It is also frequently used during scouting. Simply looking from a high location is sufficient to fully survey a town and search for enemies. In addition, Clairvoyance will affect the accuracy of bows. It connotes superior visual perception and dynamic occipital capture, such as supplementing the long-range aiming of projectile weapons. At higher ranks, the bearers of this Skill may have acquired abilities such as precognition ("future vision") and other forms of perception beyond standard eyesight (X-ray vision and so forth) - this is also considered a prerequisite for being a Grand Caster. It is a Skill furnished on the flesh.

Golden rule EX :

Being fated to a life that is filled with riches.

Divinity core A++(If attribute becomes EX he will become a God):

Due to the system of the Omniverse being Dragonborn Is the equivalent of being a demigod so he is technically a demigod, and he is also an Olympian demigod and he also devoured too many Dragon souls so he has more Divinity from Akatosh and he is an aspect of Shezarr, so his divinity is comparable to the king of heroes Gilgamesh.

The Dragon Emperor's Imperial Regalia:

Is The Strongest Longinus class Seacrat Gear unknown to the DXD universe due to being crafted pacifically to the Dragonborn.

It is based powers are the same as the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing And the ability to devourer and assimilate abilities and materials and energy, Its real power is unknown but it can Evolve and adapt with Dragonborn.

Dragon Magic Core EX:

Grant draconic Energy and magic to the bearer like a reactor due to the existence of the dragon blood inside its bearer.

Son of Omniversele Athena/Minerva:

You Are the son of the Olympian goddess of wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts, and The protector of the lifestream of the Omniverse, so all of the Versions of the said goddess consider you their son so you get all of the protection and blessing of them.

Blessing of wisdom:

You can easily understand and learn any knowledge and tactics in The Omniverse.

Blessing of tactics:

tactics in warfare or politics are easier for you than any other.

blessing of Athena's protection:

It will activate and produce a miracle to save The one who is blessed with it, It either produces a miracle that will help you to defeat your enemy or it will produce a miracle to save your life with your body intact but not unharmed .

Dragon Slayer Ex +++:

The Dragonborn is the Ultimate Dragon Slayer.

The Dragonborn has a 65% advantage against Dragon Types enemies.

God slayer Ex:

Due to defeating Alduin who is considered The God of the End of Times and defeating a lot of Daedric princes in your lifetime in Tamriel, you are considered a God slayer by the Omniverse System, The Dragonborn is considered a god slayer so he got an advantage of 65% against Divine beings.



Name: Aegon Targaryen

Born in 263

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Species: High Human/Demigod/Wizard

Race: Valyrian

alignment: chaotic good/ lawful good/neutral in his Domain(he's usually a chaotic good character but If he is in his Domain (aka his empire)he will be lawful because he is the manifestation of the law of his Domain)

strength: B++ Due to his age

Mana: EX++

Intelligent: A+

Wisdom: A+

Dexterity: B++ Due to his age

Willpower: EX

Luck: EX +++

Spiritual energy: EX++++

charisma: A+++

divine attribute: A++

godly parents :

Akatosh Dragon God of Time and father of dragons kind. (That includes any dragon type and Dragon blooded person like The Elder Scrolls Dragonborn and the Valyrian Dragonlords)

Lorkhan the Missing God, the God of Space, the God of Creator-Trickster-Tester, and creator/protector of mankind of Tamriel.

The Omniversele Athena/Minerva the Olympian goddess of wisdom and good counsel, war, the defence of towns, heroic endeavour, weaving, pottery and various other crafts, and The protector of the lifestream of the Omniverse.

DxD biblical God

mortal parents:

Father: King Aerys II Targaryen

Mother: Queen Rhaella Targaryen


Rhaegar Targaryen The elder brother. (4 years between him and the MC)

Shera Targaryen stillborn Elder sister.

(2 years between her and the MC)

Viserys Targaryen The youngest brother. (born 13 years after Aegon )

Daenerys Targaryen The youngest sister. (born 8 years after Viserys )


Reincarnated Hero Emperor.



Son of Akatosh.

Son of Athena/Minerva.

Emperor of Tamriel (formerly).

The second prince of the seven kingdoms (formerly).

Prince of the Iron Throne(formerly).

The Exiled Prince.

The Exiled Dragon.

Emperor of The Valyrian Empire.

The Dragon Emperor.

The Emperor on The Ruby Throne.

The First Emperor.

The Wise Emperor.

Aegon the Conqueror Reborn.

The second coming Aegon the Conqueror

The first Dragon rider in over a century.

The rider of Ancalagon the Black calamity.

The rider of the strongest Dragon.

The Dragon Emperor of the East.

The Dragon Emperor of Esos.



Ancalagon The Black.

type: True Dragon. (evolved from a Valyrian dragon)

Full size: between 150 and 300 meters (500 ft. – 1000 ft.)


Very powerful Dragon fire

He can speak to his Rider telepathically.

He can understand any language but he will always listen to commands in Valyrian.

he can cast spells.

familiar bond with the rider.