
The Dragonborn (ASOIAF/GOT AU)

Warning: ASOIAF and all its characters don't belong to me. Fanfiction contains dark themes(killing, rape...) my Patreon where you can more chapters - https://www. patreon.com/newcomer22

lego_lass · Livres et littérature
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13 Chs

Chapter 3 R-18

It has been fourteen years since the War of Usurper, when Daemon presented the heirs of Prince Rhaegar - Rhaenys, and the body of Aegon Targaryen, to Robert Baratheon.

However, the truth is that "Rhaenys' body" was actually the body of a girl of similar age that Daemon found and dressed in Rhaenys' clothes, He crushed the body beyond recognition and made people believe that it was Princess Rhaenys.

On the other hand, the baby "Aegon Targaryen" was actually a peasant child that varys replaced. After Robert Baratheon and the court mistakenly believed that Aegon was dead, Varys secretly sent him across the Narrow Sea.

Of course, these are all stories for later.

Thanks to this "service," Daemon was promoted to the nobility and granted Rook's Rest and all its tax-free land.

Rook's Rest is located on the northern shore of Blackwater Bay, west of Crackclaw Point.

He chose a coat of arms for himself, a bloody sword with a red dragon corpse underneath, on a black background."

This coat of arms was once despised by many because it was just killing two weak children who had yet to grow up. However, Daemon was unconcerned and named his family name Thanatos, meaning the transliteration of the name of the god of death in ancient mythology.

Daemon Thanatos was also disliked by some lords because he became a nobleman by killing children, for example, Eddard Stark of Winterfell. Stark once publicly disapproved Daemon's behavior.

Of course, Robert Baratheon admired him, not only because he offered the dragonspawns' corpses, but also because in a tourney, Daemon Thanatos defeated Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer, as well as Ser Barristan Selmy, the current Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. King Robert I Baratheon personally knighted Daemon.

He also proved himself on the battlefield. He killed Rodrik Greyjoy in the Greyjoy Rebellion and drove the Ironborn back to the sea.

All of this earned him the respect of most people, and also earned him the infamous nickname "The Mad Warrior".


Seventeen-year-old Princess Rhaenyshas become a beautiful girl with Curly black hair.

And at the age of forty, Queen Elia still looks like a mature beauty in her thirties.

In the master bedroom of Rook's Rest. Two women were piled on the bed and vigorously fucked by a man. His huge cock thrust in and out, causing screams from the two women.

The first woman was tall with fair skin, and a young beauty and the other woman was a mature beauty with a curvy figure. These two women were Elia and her daughter!

Over the years, Elia had tried to escape or send letters back to Dorne, but every time, Daemon would appear like a ghost to stop her and force her to have sex with him.

Daemon had played with both her anus and mouth, which Prince Rhaegar had never touched.

Several times, when she had tried to flee to the woods, Daemon caught her and had sex with her on the spot. Even on the way back, she was fucked by Daemon while he was riding a horse.

Now, Elia had completely lost her mind and became Daemon's sex slave, wearing a purple veil, staying in Daemon's newly-built Silver Lyre Tower, and offering herself to Daemon to release his desires every day.

Daemon's semen had miraculous effects. It made Elia, who was originally weak, become strong and also had the effect of maintaining her beauty. Despite being forty years old, she still had tender and soft skin.

And just like her mother, at the age of fifteen, Rhaenys Daemon took her virginity. Now, like her mother, she was also a sex slave of Daemon. She often served Daemon with her mother.

To hide her identity, Rhaenys claimed to be Daemon's recognized illegitimate daughter, but the servants and maids all knew that the lord often had a sexual relationship with his so-called illegitimate daughter.

Daemon played with two women, one voluptuous and juicy, the other tall and slender, with great pleasure.

However, for some reason, Daemon's semen almost seemed inexhaustible but could not impregnate either of them. Nevertheless, he could continue to ejaculate without restraint, causing the two women to scream loudly with his cum all over their bodies, unable to open their eyes until he was finished.

After cum, Daemon continued to thrust his cock in and out of the two women's mouths, while his hands rubbed their very similar breasts.

I already have 10 chapters on my Patreon. Chapters are added daily on patreon

https://www. patreon.com/newcomer22

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