
tragedy befalls

when he knew his master wouldn't last long he set him on his bed thinking about how he could treat him. he put his hand upon his master's forehead and noticed it was burning like a fire with kerosene as fuel. he quickly grabbed a towel and dampened it in the bucket of water from the well just out side their abode when he tried to place it upon his master's head his master suddenly awoke and took the hand with the towel in it and placed it softly away and said "it is my time there are many things left in this world for you to discover so I leave to you my celestial bow staff it came with you as a baby but I could only use it's power to a certain extent even though I was powerful it wasn't enough to what your capabilities would be if you trained with it." with years streaming from his eyes like a flowing river ra said " why must it be this way why not me if I where to finish quicker I would have been able to save you from this illness." but by then his master had taken his last breath when he saw this he started to wail like a poltergeist at the brink of insanity. he stayed there at that exact spot for almost a day my that time his legs where numb and his body showed fatigue from staying up that long. he fell asleep when the 24 hours last few seconds were up. when this happened some sort of spiritual energy had awakened in his body. Around a a thousand Li's away a emperor sat on a golden throne wondering when his strife would end when he heard news of a natural spiritual awakening. his eyes almost popped out of his head when he heard this he had never heard of someone naturally awaking there spiritual energy like that it was unfeasible even with years of practice a 100 year old man could barely awaken there spiritual energy but when he found out that it came from somewhere in the mountains he thought maybe a hermit might be living there. his royal advisor suggested" we should send men to investigate if we find the person who is this powerful we may have some hope". the king wasn't listening he was deep in thought than said " we should send men we may have a powerful Ally if we find the source of power fluctuations." he then told the advisor to send more than 1000 men to investigate the source of such power than when the advisor left he said" assassin squad find this power we must harness it by any means necessary if we don't then we may fall to the dark lord of chaos and despair.when the assassin's heard this they thought they were going to get killed by the powerful being that possessed such energy to serve forth and shake the very ground that they stand on.