
The Dragon King Of Lust

DISCLAIMER: This story will take place in South Korea so I want tell you that this story is not related to real world and if there is any connection it is mere coincidence. There is a legend in the cultivation realm that a mythical dragon once lived in the known universe and ruled over it. But the people fearing it and the people wanting it's all mythical poweres united and attacked the mythical beast and in the neck of time a mysterious person appeared and took away dragon. Then that person separated the dragons powers and now in the modern world a man will wield one of the dragon's power which is THE POWER AND CHARM OF LUST OF THE DRAGON. Join the discord server everyone below is the link to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/gFqESRzv

Pritam_Mohapatra · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Going Into The Real World

Hearing from her father that they will went to somewhere made Ji Ho really excited. Since the time Gong Kim has brought her into the secret world, she has never left it.

She was always in that secret world which has very beautiful things in there. But in that entire world only Gong Kim and Ji Ho lived alone. Although Ji Ho was very happy living with her father Gong Kim But sometimes she felt that if there were some people with them in that world it would have been really great.

And hearing that they will be going somewhere really made her happy. Then shenasked her father,

Ji Ho: "Really, father we are going somewhere. Where are we going father ? When will go father ? Tell me father, tell me."

Gong Kim: "Have patience my daughter. We will go their after our breakfast and the place where we are going, you will soon know."

After saying this Gong Kim got up from his sitting posture and then he headed towards the inside area of his mansion and while he started to go inside his mansion, he signaled Ji Ho to follow him.

Ji Ho obliged to her father's wish and followed behind him and soon both of then entered into side their mansion.

Then after arriving their Gong Kim signaled Ji Ho to sit at the breakfast table while he himself went to the kitchen to brought the breakfast for both of them.

After few seconds Gong Kim brought the breakfast from the kitchen and placed it on the table. Then both of them ate their breakfast silently.

After they finished eating their breakfast, Gong Kim took the empty plates and bowls back to kitchen and cleaned them properly.

Then he told Ji Ho to come out of their mansion and went ahead followed by Ji Ho behind him. After they came out of the mansion Gong Kim looked at his daughter and said,

Gong Kim: "Daughter before we go to the place I want tell you some important things which you have remember and follow it properly."

Ji Ho: "Okay father."

Gong Kim: "The place where we are going is a strange yet dangerous place. You will see good people and evil people both there. Some people will not harm you but some people will try to harm you. I want you to avoid doing any kind of interaction with any people there as much as possible. I want you to stay close to me when we get there. Even if we get separated there I want you to protect yourself there. I want you to stay safe till we are in that place. Do you understand all these my daughter ?"

Ji Ho : "Yes, father I understand everything which you have said properly father. "

Gong Kim: "Good, now we are ready to go to that place. Daughter can you step back a little please."

Ji Ho: "Okay father."

Although a bit confused about the last sentence spoken her father but still she complied with it and moved back a few steps from her father.

And soon she a big shock in front of her eyes. She saw her father creating a bug circular structure out of thin air, which has nothing inside but only a bright white light coming out of it.

Then out of her shocked curiosity she asked her father,

Ji Ho: "Father what is this thing ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter it is called as a portal. It will take us to the where we want to go."

Ji Ho: "How this portal thing can take us there father ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter this portal is connected to a particular location present in that place. This portal thing can take you to any places but there is a condition to it."

Ji Ho: "What is the condition father ?"

Gong Kim: "The condition for the portal is that the place where you want to go must be visited by you before or you have known that place. But there is also a special case."

Ji Ho: "What is the special case father ?"

Gong Kim: "If you haven't visited any place and still want to visit that particular place using a portal then you have to say the name of the place that you want visit and the portal will take you to any random location of that place but this special condition is very risky and dangerous. That's why it is never used properly only been used in a very emergency state."

Ji Ho: "Father this portal thing is really amazing. I want to learn portal making. Please teach me this portal making thing."

Gong Kim: "Daughter all the knowledge and information about the portal is already in your mind but it is sealed for the time being."

Ji Ho: "Then father please unseal the knowledge of portal. I really want to learn it father."

Gong Kim: "My dear daughter it is not the right time for you to learn the portal because first I want you to see the capabilities of the portal and how it makes the travel easy. Then once you get familiar with it as we both travel trough it and then after coming from that place I will teach all about portals and then I will unseal the information of portal knowledge in your head and after that you can also use portals. But for now let's go to that place."

Ji Ho: "Okay father, I will follow your every instruction and I am very excited to go into that place."

Gong Kim: "If you want go there then come with me inside the portal."

Although instead of using the portal Gong Kim could have used his teleportation technique, which would have taken them right into the real world without any problem and very quickly than the portal. But he knew Ji Ho was not ready to properly channelize the energy and thr correct cultivation technique required for teleportation. Because she hasn't received the dragon's powers and with the powers of the dragon she will also inherit the dragon's teleportation power. That's why he didn't even mention about teleportation technique in front of. He was just waiting for the three years to pass quickly.

Then after hearing her father's word, Ji Ho came to his side and then both of them stepped into the portal together.

Once they reached inside the portal, Ji Ho was really surprised by it. She saw the inside area of the portal was completely covered in white colour. Then when she turned back she saw the gate through which they entered into the portal has disappeared completely. Then when she saw in front of of her she saw a new hole was appearing in front of them.

Then Gong Kim tapped on Ji Ho's shoulder and told her, "Daughter the place where we have to go has reached and it is right in front of us. Now we just have to go through the opening and we will reach there."

Hearing this Ji Ho became nervous and it was clearly showing on her face. Seeing this Gong Kim placed his hand on her shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous daughter when I am with you nothing will happen to you."

Hearing her father Ji Ho became normal and then she said, "Father let's go, I am ready."

Then both of them looked ahead to the opening which came closer to them and soon Ji Ho found that she and her father was out the portal and now they were standing in a narrow place where no one was standing and the portal in which they were standing and using which they travelled from their mansion has disappeared into thin air.

Then many questions in her mind she looked at her father who understood everything and said, "Daughter I know what is in your mind but right now I can't say anything to you but I will tell you everything once we return to our mansion but right now just enjoy this place where we have come."

They both landed in an alley as Gong Kim didn't want to attract some much attention towards them by appearing somewhere crowded with people out of thin air. Although it was been a very long since he had left the real world and the dragon had also wiped out everyone's memory about him and Gong Kim. But Gong Kim still preferred to take the precaution to keep Ji Ho safe.

Then Gong Kim lead the way for them and soon they have entered inside one of the crowed street in the real world. Then they both get mixed with crowd but Ji Ho was only focusing on her surroundings in the new world which has fascinated her the most.

She saw beautiful buildings, streets full of people, shops on the either side of the street seeling various products including food, cosmetics, dresses, accessories, etc.

These things made her eyes widened in astonishment and she kept staring at the new things she was seeing in front of her. Then after walking for about few distance Gong Kim stopped in one place.

He stood there looking at something in front if him which caused him turn complete silent and just stared at the thing in front of him. Seeing her father stopped all of a sudden made Ji Ho confused, then she asked him,

Ji Ho: "What happened father ? Why did you stop here all of a sudden ?"

Gong Kim: "This place has changed a lot in eighteen years. I still had the memories of this place from eighteen years back just like the thing had happened yesterday."

Gong Kim didn't heard his daughter and he just talked with himself inwardly.

Then Ji Ho just gold his arm and jerked off his arm few times which made Gong Kim to come out of his reverie. Then he looked at his daughter who had just brought him back to his senses.

Then he again looked at the place and then looked at his daughter Ji Ho because that place has a very special connection with Ji Ho. Yes, the which was in front of then was none other the place ffrom where Gong Kim had saved Ji Ho, then took her with him.

Then to quell his curious daughter's questions Gong Kim said,

Gong Kim: "Did you ask anything daughter ?"

Ji Ho: "Yes, father I wanted to know why have you stooped here all of a sudden and why are you looking at the house in front of us ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter this particular place has a special memory of mine which I can not forget and right now by looking at the house I am just living that memory again."

Ji Ho: "Tell me about this memory of yours father ?"

Gong Kim: "I will tell you everything daughter but at the correct time. Till then have some patience and trust this old father of yours."

Then they both moved from that place and started to explore the place more. Then Gong Kim suddenly stopped in front of a shop which was selling some food items and then Ji Ho also looked at the shop and saw many delicious foods there which made her mouth water.

Then she asked Gong Kim to buy something her to eat. Then Gong Kim asked her what she wanted to eat and as an answer to the question she just pointed towards a dish placed in the shop.

Seeing this the shopkeeper said, "You have very good eyes madam. This is the special dish of my shop. It is called sweet and crisp soft tofu. This dish made from the soft tofu which is one of the best food ingredient of this country."

Hearing the shopkeeper's last word made Gong Kim frown and raise his brows and he asked him, "By this country what do you mean ?"

Shopkeeper: "I mean what I said. What do you not know the system of the world in which you live, old man ?"

Ji Ho: "Watch words, mister. No one can talk to my father like that."

Gong Kim: "Calm down daughter. What he said is right your father is indeed old. I am sorry, sir for my daughter's behavior."

Shopkeeper: "It's okay, mister, but do you seriously don't know about the governing system of this world."

Gong Kim: "Yes, sir I don't know so if you don't mind me, can you tell me about the governing system of this world. Actually i have been in seclusion to for cultivation, so i really don't know much about the world."

Shopkeeper: "I also don't know much things but as much things I know I will tell you. This world is divided into four countries, which are ruled by the most powerful families of the respective country. This country where we live is the Park Country which is ruled by the Park family, then the country in the east is the Hwang Country which is ruled by the Hwang family, the country in the north is the Jong Country which is ruled by the Jong family and the last country which is south is the Song Country which is ruled by the Song family. This is much that I know."

Gong Kim: "So the world has now been divided into four countries with the powerful families ruling it. Okay thank you very much sir. Well then please give us the sweet and crisp soft tofu l."

Shopkeeper: "How many servings do you need, sir ?"

Gong Kim: "Guve us four servings."

Shopkeeper: "Four servings coming in right for you."

Ji Ho: "Father why have you ordered that much food ?"

Gong Kim: "Daughter it is your first time coming here and eating delicious food which you haven't had, so eat some and if you like them we can take some back to our home."

Then the shopkeeper packed their order and gave the pack to them. Then Gong Kim asked him the price for the food to which he replied ten gold dragon coins.

Hearing that in the real world the gold dragon coins are still in use made Gong Kim happy inwardly. Then he took out a pouch which was hanging by his waist and opened it and handed over the money for the food.

Then Gong Kim told Ji Ho to go and see other things in the shops while he will join him shortly. After hearing her father Ji Ho went ahead and Gong Kim stayed back at the food shop and then he handed the shopkeeper ten more gold dragon coins and asked him,

Gong Kim: "Sir, if you don't mind can you tell from where I get more detailed information about the world and the four different countries ?"

Seeing the gold coins in his hands the shopkeeper hesitated first and then Gong Kim handed him ten more coins and now seeing more coins made the shopkeeper to tell him the thing which he was asking.

Shopkeeper: "Sir, if you want to know more about the world and the countries then there is only one person who can help."

Gong Kim: "Who is this person and where can I find that person ?"

Shopkeeper: "Her name is Lee MI Ryung. She has many knowledge and information about the world and the countries. You can find her at her own restaurant and entertainment place which just at the end of the street in the right direction."

Gong Kim: "Thank you so much, sir for help. You are very a kind person."

Saying this Gong Kim left the shop and went towards Ji Ho who was just strolling in the street while the food in her hand and was observing various things there.

Then Gong Kim reached at her side and said,

Gong Kim: "Daughter have seen everything here ?"

Ji Ho: "Yes, father."

Gong Kim: "Great. Do you want to buy anything ?"

Ji Ho: "No father I don't like anything till now."

Gong Kim: "Okay, no problem we will visit this place very often then you can buy anything. Now I have to visit someone, come with me."

Ji Ho: "Who do you want to meet father ?"

Gong Kim: "There is an acquaintance of mine living at the end of the street. Let's go there and meet her."

Ji Ho: "Okay father."

Saying this both father and daughter went ahead towards Lew MI Ryung's place to meet her.

While they went towards the place of Lee MI Ryung, Gong Kim came across a dress shop where beautiful dresses are kept. Then Gong Kim thought to buy some new dresses for his daughter.

Then he brought Ji Ho with him to the dress shop to see and buy the best dresses of the shop for her.