
The Dragon King's Heart

Having just survived an assassination attempt, attending a Masquerade Ball is the least of Princess Laina's worries! A night of light-hearted fun soon turns into a nightmare when the shameless Dragon King Dante kidnaps her. When she tries to leave, he refuses to let her go! Why would a King kidnap a princess he just met? As Laina gets to know Dante better, she finds herself with more unanswered questions than before. For example: 1) How does he know her favorite color? 2) How did she know the name of the dog in his castle? 3) Why did he call her 'sundrop'? Join Laina as she tries to make sense of her royal life as it spins out of control with the entrance of the shameless King Dante! Will they find happiness? Excerpt from the novel “Dante… My King, we can’t just kidnap a princess!” Marius exclaimed quietly. “Who said this is a kidnapping,” Dante hissed as he folded his arms, “I am simply bringing her back to Dracona.” “Against her will, it is kidnapping,” Marius tried to reason. “It’s not against her will. She’s just asleep.” I do not own the rights to the cover image! Hi reader! This is author ValestriaMoon here! This is my WSA 2021 entry and I am so happy to finally be able to share it with you! If you would be so kind as to add this novel into your library, share it with your friends, and vote your power stones on it; I will be eternally grateful. Special thanks to my editor for editing the book cover for me~ Feel free to check out my two other works: - Completed - Ongoing A huge thank you to @mayofenna and @fishitier for tag teaming and bringing this awesome awesome cover to life!

ValestriaMoon · Fantaisie
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351 Chs

Being Followed

If you blinked just once, you would have missed everything Laina did leading up to the Duke's fall to the ground. Even King Dante had to take a few seconds to figure out what had happened in that span of time.

Laina indeed put her hand out, ready to shake the Duke's hand. But Duke Lackerwood did not want to shake her hand. He wanted to wrap his arm around her waist and escort her to the dance floor.

He did not care if she agreed to it or not. He was drunk and bold and he wanted to dance with the belle of the ball. Laina saw through his scheme the moment his hand reached out behind her back.

She was surprised that even the nobility lacked morals and respect. Laina was not about to let him get his way either. She grabbed onto his wrist with one hand and placed her right hand on his shoulder.

With one swift move, she flipped him onto the ground. Before anyone could even grasp what had just happened. She dusted her hands and walked away. In such situations, Laina found that it was best not to loiter around for too long.

It raises too many questions, and it brings with it unnecessary gossip. Laina looked around for Margaret. She had grown tired of the music, the people, and the smell of varying perfumes that fumigated the air of the ballroom.

Unable to find her handmaiden, Laina gave up. She decided that it was best for her to return to the mansion on her own.

-Maybe I might even be able to get some alone time.- she thought to herself.

Being a Crown Princess was tiring. It was nice to be waited on by others, but the constant companionship was tiresome and draining. When she finally slipped into the empty hallway, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Unlike most other princesses who had chosen to wear elegant-looking heels that tortured their feet, Laina had chosen a more practical option. Since her dress kept her shoes hidden, she chose to wear a practical pair of black leather boots.

A princess should look presentable and graceful. But they never said a princess had to endure the pains of heels while doing so.

The silence of the hallway was calming at first. But soon enough, the shadows cast by the flickering lights began to make Laina feel a little uneasy. Her right hand was touching the hems of her dress.

She had a hidden blade secured to her thigh with a leather harness. It was there in case of danger and Laina hoped there would not be a time where she is required to use it.

But you can never know for sure what lurks in the shadows.

Laina sensed a presence tailing behind her. She did not want the person to come too close so she quickly turned around to meet them face to face. When she saw who it was, her mouth opened as she gasped in shock.

It was King Dante. Why was he following her?

"Why are you following me?" She blurted.

It was not her intention to open their conversation with this question, but she could not help herself. The handsome man did not seem surprised by her question. Instead, he bowed politely and apologized.

"My apologies, if I scared you, Crown Princess Laina. It was not my intention to do so. I was… concerned,"

It was unlike him to be unsure of his words. But in her presence, his tongue was tied. His palms were sweating through his leather gloves.

Laina arched an eyebrow as she folded her arms, "Concerned? About me?"

Why was the King concerned about her? They barely knew one another. In fact, this was technically the first conversation they ever had with one another!

Dante's eyes darted to the side for a quick moment.

He cleared his throat before explaining himself, "I noticed you seemed to have left the ballroom in a haste after speaking to Duke Lackerwood. I was worried something happened, so I wanted to make sure you're alright."

Laina narrowed her eyes. She tapped her right hand on her left as she listened to Dante's explanation. The Dragon King did not look flustered as he explained himself. There was no reason for him to lie either.

She gave him a warm smile as she tucked her hair behind her ear.

"Thank you for your concern, King Dante. I am alright. Duke Lackerwood already got what he deserved-"

Before she could finish her sentence, King Dante came up close to Laina. Everything happened so quickly, she barely had any time to react.

One moment, he was a few meters in front of her.

The next moment, he was right in front of her.

They were barely inches apart. She could smell the cologne emanating from his body. He smelled of smoked wood, oak, moss, and thyme. Something about it felt familiar to her.

But no matter how much she tried, she could not recall why.

King Dante gently held her hand in his. He inspected her hand with great care. This was the first time she had seen him up close in person. He was even more handsome than what most others had described.

He was quite the charmer indeed.

"Did he hurt you," he asked through gritted teeth.

Something about his tone of voice told Laina that he was angry. Why was King Dante getting upset at the thought of someone hurting her? They barely knew one another. Realising that he was holding her hand, Laina quickly pulled her hand away from his and took a few steps back.

The sudden distance between them made her feel a little lonely.

"Thank you for your concern, King Dante. I truly appreciate it," the words were swirling in her mind but when she was ready to speak, they were all stuck at her throat.

Finally, she said, "But we barely know one another. It would be best if we kept our distance for now."

He frowned. She pretended not to notice.

"I understand," he swiftly replied, "My apologies if I have made you feel uncomfortable, Princess Laina."

He turned to look out the opened window on their left. The dark blue night sky was dotted with countless stars. It was a beautiful night.

"I understand if you wish to return to your accommodation to rest. It would be my honor to accompany you on your journey back. It isn't safe for a princess to be out so late in the night on her own," King Dante commented.

He continued, "But the night is still young and beautiful. I mean you no harm, princess. I would just like to invite you to share the evening with me. I would like to show you something."

The other day I was at Bath and Body Works and I smelled the candle named <Mahoganny Teakwood>. I had an epiphany, maybe this is how Dante smells like XD

If any of you lovelies out there have a Bath and Body Works near you and they have that scent available, let me know your thoughts~

What would you want your lover to smell like? :P

ValestriaMooncreators' thoughts