
Chapter 2: The Encounter

Finally, Rolf reached the dragon's lair, his heart pounding in his chest. The dragon was enormous, with shimmering scales and piercing eyes.

"Come out, foul beast!" Rolf shouted. "I have come to slay you and retrieve your heart!"

The dragon emerged from its lair, its eyes gleaming with savage intelligence. "You are a brave one, human," it said. "But you are no match for me."

Rolf drew his sword and charged forward. The dragon breathed fire, but Rolf managed to dodge out of the way. He swung his sword, and it clanged against the dragon's scales. The beast roared in anger and lashed out with its massive claws.

"You will not defeat me," Rolf cried, dodging the dragon's claws and swinging his sword with all his might.