
Explanation Over a Meal

Once everybody entered the feasting hall which Runeas had created for events like this was finally being used. They all sat down at the biggest table where they could sit together and around each other. Ares sat to his right while Valina got to sit at his left because they were the first ones to sit down.

Once they sat down, Maulketh waved his hand and instantly the table was full of dishes from the world over. Of course, 100% cheese-free as just the smell alone still grossed him out. As for the dishes themselves, they were formed of pure mana which instantly caused everyone present to begin to drool at the smell. Ares reached out and pulled a large chicken over to himself.

He instantly ripped off a leg and began to eat. The skin was crispy, the flesh flavorful and moist, and mana full. Instantly Mana rushed into his body nourishing him.

"Wow, now that is good. How did you do this?"

Maulketh grinned as pulled a giant roast pig in front of him. He was about to start eating, but before he could start Valina began to cut it up for him. She brought up a fork full of the meat to his mouth.

"Here, let me do it."

Who was he to deny being fed by a gorgeous Devil? One of his personal favorite races as the women were beyond attractive. He opened his mouth and she began to feed him with a smile.

That fed his pride knowing that the descendant of Lucifer was feeding him like a loving girlfriend. Valina secretly looked over to Runeas who gave her a thumbs up. Her idea as usual made Maulketh smile as she was the perfect wing girl.

She always tried to push girls she approved of toward him, and she was as picky as he was. From the look of it, she approved of Valina and he did as well. Though seeing her feeding him made Ingvild who sat across from him jealous. She wanted to feed him so why did Valina get to sit next to him?

Instantly she shot Ares who sat on Maulketh's right a look. She squinted her eyes as if telling him to get up so she could take his seat. Though, when he noticed her look, and got a funny idea. Suddenly, his muscles slimmed down, his short black crew-cut hair grew out long and shining, and his face went from sharp and masculine and soft and feminine.

And obviously, he grew a pair of huge breasts that even gave Akeno a run for her money. Ares then hugged Maulketh's arm while shooting Ingilvid a look. As for Maulketh he turned around and looked right at Ares who shot him a wink. His arm was buried in the large cleavage that his friend now had.

"Hey, like what you see?"

Maulketh pulled his arm away with a sigh.

"What the hell man."

Ares laughed instantly returning to his usual masculine self."

"I told you I could turn into a sexy bombshell. So, what did you think? Big right? The last time I did that was 120 years ago."

Maulketh did not want to know what Ares had done that day.

"Nice joke, and tits, but don't do it again."

Ares was not as the joke was only funny once.

"Fine, your loss."

"I don't think so."

With that said and done, Valina went right back to feeding him. As she did this, he looked out at everyone as they had changed somewhat. Akeno, Kimmi, Gasper, Rias, and Koneko all felt more mature, yet they still looked the age of high school people. Most importantly they all felt way stronger as they had drawn out their latent talent and more.

Rias herself began to remind him of Sirzechs if not stronger as he had given her his blood. Runeas even felt stronger than Sirzechs considering she had just spent nearly 3 decades in a dimension of pure training with the blessing of Ophis.

And they all looked exactly the same as he had last seen them which reminded him the power of Devils to change how old they looked was a magical one. Koneko had white cat ears out, and 4 tails instead of one. Kimmi had developed some muscle in her legs and arms and she felt like an unsheathed blade. Rias still looked and acted herself, but she seemed more confident in herself.

Gasper was dressed in boy clothes and he seemed less shy than he once was. Seemed his cross-dressing days were over, thank Ares. Akeno on the other hand looked up and met Maulketh's gaze, someone who she had been afraid of once.

Though after so long she felt that he was not scary, just blunt. She found him scary back then as he told her what she had already known without being nice about it. Something she did not want to hear, but needed to hear.


Everyone looked at Akeno wondering what this was about. He nodded wondering what she wanted to say.

"What is it?"

She took a deep breath, stood up, and bowed toward him. He was not expecting that as he did not ask others to bow to him, but he would not bow to anyone either. Not anymore.

"I wanted to say thank you. If not for you, I would have forever hated my own heritage, but I have a request. If you would hear me?"

He nodded as Valina stopped feeding him to hear her out. But he already knew what she wanted.

"You wish to speak to your father."

Akeno nodded.

"I need to meet him once more. To apologize, after so long I understood what he went through. I had to face my own memories to reach where I am now."

He looked to his right where Valina was sitting. He had taken her from her father figure by force, but from the look of it, she was fine.

"Sure, I was planning to give Grigori a visit you can come along."

He reached down and ruffled her white hair. She realized he would let her see Azazel once more.

"You are going to let me meet Azazel?"

"Yes. I have no reason to keep you kidnapped. I was planning on hibernating and then spending a lot of time training you all, but you just went ahead and did it without me. What gave you the idea that you had to spend years training? And without me."

He wrapped an arm around Valina's waist to pull her closer. She was slim, but not extremely as she had a nice toned figure. And from the look of it, she did not mind this level of contact. Now that he had a Principle of his own, the attraction of Females to him was stronger than ever.

He looked over to Ingilvid who was enjoying as many dishes as she could. After a century of being in a coma, she was more than happy to eat like this.

"Is it good?"

She nodded as her cheeks looked like a stuffed chipmunk. He smiled at how adorable she looked. More importantly, she had been the first being he had met that could soothe his thirst for power if even for a little while.

She seemed made for a dragon as singing to an enraged dragon was a way to calm them down. And she had that taken care of with her beautiful singing voice and her Longinous.

Runeas meanwhile laughed as she rested her chin on her knuckles. Her pretty violet-slitted eyes starred into his own.

"To answer your question, it was Ophis. She recommended we train while you slept so we would not remain too weak. As you keep getting stronger quickly she wanted us to keep up with you. And me, Rias, and Valina had the luck to have been given your blood.

That reacted with the Blessing of Ophis and allowed us to draw even more power. I mean, you have it as well."

He already knew that, hard to not notice the large tattoo-like symbol of Ophis on his back.

"That is fine and all as I expected you all to train as I slept, just not years. I mean, you and Calypso spent 27 years in training. That goes for you three as well. Especially you three."

He meant Astrid, Grimnar and Celestine. His three familiars looked down as they felt they had gone against their masters' wishes. Astrid blamed herself as it was her idea for them to stay full-time.

"Blame me, I wanted to impress you with our progress. No, we wanted to prove we were worthy to be your familiars."

Grimnar whined with his three heads looking like a sad dog. He wanted to be praised, but he had done wrong. Even Celestine seemed regretful to have spent so long without him.

"We are so sorry master, we won't do it again. But we did it for you, we wanted you to feel proud of us. Did we displease you?"

The three of them were looking at him with very disappointed looks as they felt they went against him. Now he felt bad.

"But I am proud, you three are the perfect familiars. Grimnar, you are more than worthy as my attack dog. So feel proud of yourself, Astrid, Celestine I could never get mad at for you doing something like this for my sake. I was just bitter that you spent so long without me. You are linked to my soul so I felt how much you missed me."

He looked over at Runeas and Calypso.

"Though you two also spent that long in training. What did you want to prove?"

Runeas explained what their mentality behind this training spree was about.

"Well, I wanted to get stronger as Ophis drove home something important. You are a Heavenly Dragon with the goal to defeat both Dragon Gods. Why would we remain weak when we all have our pride as those you choose to make your family?

Imagine it, you defeat Ophis and Great Red then we would become nothing more than trophies. I, no we could not just have that title. We would not even be worthy of calling ourselves your wives or mates. We have our own pride, and I don't want to be just a trophy. I want to be someone people respect not just for who my lover is."

Suddenly as a show of force, Runeas' aura spread out into the entire hall. When he felt it, he grinned as she had indeed surpassed Sirzechs. Why would she not have when Sirzechs had stopped training and she spent all that time perfecting herself.

But he realized it, his pride was one of the biggest parts of his Draconian Self, yet he had forgotten that the women he accepted would most likely have the same pride. Even Rias herself had proven that she wanted to be recognized by her name and as one of the wives of the Dragon Emperor of Tyranny.

She herself explained what went through he mind.

"I took your words to heart, I have the talent to surpass my brother and I have your blood. I had years to reach the level of power I wanted to reach, and it was because of you. I remember what you told me, 'Riser is a speck of dirt'. But you were wrong, he is less than dirt."

She began to laugh at Riser who she once felt was out of her league. Yet meeting her Ancestor and Maulketh had been the driving factor to reach her current level. Someone equal to or above her brother a Super Devil.

Calypso had not received his blood, but her goal had been achieved.

"I, on the other hand, had to tap into my parent's powers and I did so. I can safely say my father won't even recognize me."

One by one everyone began to speak about what they had achieved. Akeno had become able to fuse Demonic Power with her Holy Lightning to make a deadly cross of both. Kimmi worked on her own strength and the strength of the swords she could make. Along with a unique Abyss Side Balance Breaker, she was still working on.

Koneko as well could now use Senjutsu on herself or even others. As for Ares, the god had become a monster as he had pushed himself the hardest. His goal of defeating Maulketh drove him to more power.

In Maulketh's opinion, Ares had more than earned a spot in the 10 ten. Where though, he did not know, but above Thor who was once in the Top 10. After so long, he had the drive to train as most gods did not do so.

Ares found a friend and a goal he wanted to surpass. As such, he had more than surpassed his father, which made Maulketh decide something.

"Ares, you ready to kill a sparkplug?"

Ares grinned as he understood what Maulketh was telling him.

"I am always ready, when?"

Maulketh thought about it as to what was the point of the game he was playing. He was playing by raising an army to kill Zeus and was honestly lost in its fun. As such, it was better to just get rid of Zeus and take over the pantheon.

"In 2 weeks, there is no point in keeping Zeus alive any longer. I will be the one to kill him and I will be standing regent of the Greek Pantheon. From there, we can go about seeing who can keep their seats. Hopefully, Hades can take the seat of King of the Sky as I rather not do it."

Ares had good news about that.

"Oh, before we start, I think we should meet up with my aunt and sister. We still got to make their new symbols of power, but that can wait until Zeus is dead. But, you going to save Athena's mom right?"

He nodded.

"I already said I would so I will. My sword will eat Zeus while I will eat the Thunderbolt of Zeus. That way his power will not go to waste. Oh, and Rias, when was your open house."

She almost had forgotten about that so she thought about it before she remembered.

"Today is Wednesday right?"

Maulketh nodded.


"Then in 6 days."

"I will be there, and Valina, Akeno, we can go to Grigori before that. You have your fathers to speak with, and in two weeks I kill Zeus and take over the Greek Pantheon as I always wanted to do. Consider it my introduction into the grand supernatural community."

Runeas also felt it was time for her to stop acting dead.

"I will also do the same. It's time for me to meet with Zekram, my brother. I bet he will be happy to see me."

Maulketh shrugged.

"He better."

As he was pondering Ingilvid spoke up.

"You are going to kill Zeus?"

She did not sound against it or for it, just curious.

"Yeah, that rapist is going down. He is essentially a resource in of himself which will give me Divine Lightning affinity. Though maybe calling it that will be weird?"

{There he goes again, going for more and more. Does he ever stop Ddraig?}

[You saw how he gained Poison and Acid affinities, there is no limit to what training he will undergo. Get used to it already.]

{Yeah, I should.}

Maulketh began to eat again.

"Come on, we can talk later, don't let the food go to waste."

With that said they all went back to enjoying the meal. Meanwhile, Ingilvid had a big smile as she felt Maulketh had a big family. A happy family and she was glad to be part of it.

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