
The dragon's heirs

After hundreds of years since the time when the people of Thrakia last joined forces with the dragons, an egg started to hatch. Five young nobles are called to the capital to try to tame the dragon but the royal court is not an easy place to navigate. When one of the canditates shows a different position that expected and is even able to use magic having their one purposes, the task becomes even more challenging.

Cristina_5911 · Fantaisie
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58 Chs

Chapter 15: The prince

"Dear cousin," Magnus greeted his guest who waited for him sitting at the flowery decorated tea table, in the garden adherent to the Silver Wing. The man raised quickly and bowed at once upon seeing him. "Are you ready for today's special tea?"

"I guess I'm as ready as I could be. There are many things I am curious to find from the lady," Daemon answered.

"As am I, cousin. Let's sit and wait then, she'll soon be here," he looked at the chairs, inviting them to sit down.

The garden, a tapestry of nature's artistry, was the perfect place to sit and receive the gentle caress of the sun's golden touch. Blossoms unfurled their delicate petals, revealing a kaleidoscope of hues that painted the air with a symphony of colours.

The air hummed with the harmonious buzz of bees and the delicate flutter of butterfly wings. Birds serenaded the garden with their melodic tunes, creating a melodious backdrop to the sun-drenched ambiance. The gentle breeze carried the fragrance of blooming flowers, intertwining scents of roses, lavender, and jasmine, creating a sensory symphony that uplifted the spirit. Magnus felt peace setting down in his soul, throwing out all the anger he had before.

"There she comes," Daemon announced, stopping his wandering thoughts.

When Magnus turned, there she was indeed, walking elegantly on the stone pathway meandering through the verdant expanse, as she looked around, admiring the flowers. There was something special about her that made his stomach clench and he had a hard time taking his eyes off of her. It wasn't her beauty nor how calculating she was. It wasn't even the fact that she seemed so sensual that some men were still talking about how alluring she was at the ball.

It was something that the bare eye could not see and one would have to dig deeper, clenching on her every word and move to find it. Some kind of secret that would be hard to find out, but that raised his curiosity about her. Magnus wanted to know more about that lady who suddenly entered his life and to see if her actions would lead to his salvation or his destruction.

When she was near enough, Lady Ivalyn's eyes met his, recognizing him. She approached and bowed in an elegant curtsy, her back straight, looking towards the short, clipped grass. Her vibrant and radiant hair was a blend of blonde with red tones in the sunlight, flowing down her slim shoulders with a soft, warm glow.

"Good afternoon, Your Royal Highness. It is an honour to be in your presence, " she greeted with her sweet voice.

"Good afternoon, Lady Ivalyn. It is a pleasure to meet you today. Are you outside to enjoy this wonderful weather?"

"The weather is indeed pleasant for a promenade and it might be some of the last warm and sunny days of the year as autumn approaches. But my intention is to head to the dragon egg's room as it is my turn to spend time with it."

"Maybe you could spare some moments of your time and enjoy the garden some more? How about we help and invite you to a cup of tea?"

"I could not refuse, Your Highness. It is my pleasure."

She came and sat down at the small round table, her maid waiting a few steps behind. Being so near, Magnus could see how the leaves on her dress emphasised the green on her eyes.

Taking his eyes from her, he addressed his maid. "Bring a cup of tea for the lady, Rosy," the prince commanded, although the cup was already prepared.

They were quiet while Rosy poured the tea and then headed towards Lady Ivalyn's maid to wait together. The lady took a sip of the tea and turned to the two men, smiling pleasantly.

"I believe Your Highness and my lord have questions to ask me and this is understandable, so please begin," she invited them.

Without hesitating, Daemon took the lead. "Why did you help His Highness the night of the ball?"

"Simply put, I don't want him to be injured or die. He is the crown prince and the only heir of the kingdom and his death will mean war," she answered calmly despite the gravity of her words.

"War?" The prince asked but his cousin was more worried about something else.

He clenched his teeth. "Why would the prince die? The poison was only supposed to make him lose his ability to use spirit, was it not?"

"You are right, my lord. If His Highness hadn't taken the antidote, he would have lost his most precious ability. But, if I may ask, what do you think the culprits are after?"

Daemon paled at the question. "You mean his death?"

"Exactly, my lord. Why would someone want to curse the prince if he could still become king and rule over the land of Thrakia? This was only the first step in what I think will be a long chain of events that lead to war."

The two men looked at each other, speechless. Magnus thought that if he were to die, his cousin would take the throne as the next in line. There was something that wasn't adding up.

"If I were to die, there are others in line to the throne, why would there be war?"

"Because, although Lord Daemon is the obvious choice, he is not easily controlled or influenced. The ones behind this want power and it's hard to obtain it from someone just," she explained calmly before adding. "Let's not forget that if Lord Allan had enough support he could as well become king, being third in line."

"That man will become king over my dead body," Magnus clenched the teacup so hard, it was a miracle it didn't break.

"If Your Highness excuses my impertinence, but that is the whole point."

The prince couldn't help but stare at her before laughing loudly. "I see, my lady. I cannot help but wonder if you are not part of this scheme?"

Lady Ivalyn put her hands gently on her lap and straightened her back before answering. "But I am part of it, I just chose to be on the other side than I was supposed to be."

Daemon did not seem pleased by the answer. "You chose to be on the other side than you father, if I understand that right?"

"You understood that perfectly, my lord. I do not wish for the prince to die, nor for this land to fall in the clenches of war," she explained.

"Yet, as you said at the ball that night, you do not wish to be used as a witness against him, is that right?"

"It is, Your highness."

"Why is that?"

"It is too early and there is not enough proof. Have you found the maid who poured you the poison?"

The prince shook his head, deep in though, finding it strange that a person appeared and disappeared just as easily.

"I know that my intentions are suspicious," she continued, "and why would they not seem so? My father is who he is and your highness and my lord already know what he can do. What you might not know are the lengths to which he's going to get what he wants. The things he uses to reach his ambitions. And I am one of them."

"You mean to say my lady is used by the duke?"

"Exactly," she answered. "And my biggest worry is how easily he discards the things that lose their usefulness."

Magnus had a hard time believing such a story. Even if the lady was indeed used by her own father who was driven by his ambitions, there was no reason to put her trust in a stranger.

"Why do you think that we are to be trusted?" He inquired.

Lady Ivalyn smiled differently this time. It wasn't the sweet or sensual smiles that pulled someone in. It was more knowing, and maybe, a little sincere. "Because I would rather trust a just stranger than a deceitful friend."