
First Strange Day On Birwick

Suri's first day at Birwick, Maxieno took the girl on a tour to point out several borders which were areas specifically for dragons. Suri sharpened her vision hoping she would see one or two Birwick dragons besides Maxieno.

She wanted to make new friends. While in Northendell her friends were very limited, Suri wanted to get to know them all. She wants to get to know everyone in Birwick without exception. Having lots of friends was definitely fun. The thought of having a dragon friend made Suri even happier.

She would have lots of stories to tell Hope, Grace and Rowan.

Their journey ended when the sun began to set. Maxieno turned around so Suri could rest. Arriving at the castle, Suri had seen that evening food had been served. Roast turkey and various types of meat preparations were served on the dining table.