
The Dragon’s Kin

What would you think if you suddenly woke up in a dark place without a light? What if you found out that you are no longer human? When your memories as human slowly fade? What should this little dragon do!?

Iotameru · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

First day of the festival

After such long persuading, I was finally able to go out and see the festival. With few conditions that came up with mother's permission.

First was basic one. 'Stand always somewhere where mother can see you', next was 'Don't stray from me' and the last, but the most cruel 'Don't buy more sweets than I allow you to, you will need to eat your dinner'.

Dammit! All my planing for visiting the best shops was for nothing!

Feeling a little depressed, I walked next to mother through the crowd. For the first day of the festival, there were a lot of people.

Many races could be seen looking around for new things to buy. I wanted as well, but mother restained me.

As we walked, I could often sense men's gazes staring at mother. She totally ignored them.

I'm sorry guys, but you won't stand a chance against her. She isn't even human.

The more we walked, the more people started to enter my point of view. We entered main street where the market was. I heard unknown music as well as smelled the exotic food. Just thinking about it made me hungry. I'm not a glutton for food and sweets. Tha-That's because dragons eat more okay!?

This lively atmosphere was seen all around city. As we walked past the place I was scavenging sweets yesterday, suddenly cheers and yelling voices were heard from the people around us. Large number of people were fixated on one carriage.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" was one of the cheers,

"LONG LIVE THE EMPIRE!" was another.

There were many more, but between the turmoil I could mainly hear those two.

What I didn't realized until now, was that today the crown prince will be joining the festival. In the distance, a lonely carriage with royal family crest of Fleania surrounded by knights was seen.

It was nobody else than the crown prince Raynold Mythran von Fleania himself. With the window open, he waved his slender hand at the crowd.

Despite being young boy of only 16 years, he was considered as the first heir to the throne.

Even his short golden hair with green emerald eyes, that were trait of their Fleanian royal family gave him the appearance of a ruler.

He does resemble the princes from a fairy tales. If I was some country pumpkin, I might have even fallen for him.

Noticing him, my mother half-closed her eyes and quietly mumbled "So that old geezer actually have a son".

Because there was a lot of noise, the only person that probably heard her was me, since everyone was fixated on the prince.

Saying 'Old geezer's son' while looking at the prince? She knows the king!? She never told me that!

As I was glaring at her, my mother realized that it was me and with a confused look, she asked "What's wrong? With your eyes, you should be able to see the carriage"

I clearly see it! What I want is your relationship with the king!

Well, that is what I wanted to say, but since we were in crowd I couldn't. I had to endure it until we return to inn or it might cause a commotion.

Seeing the change of my expression, she asked me something I couldn't deny

"Ah! You are curious about something, right?"

When I nodded, she touched her lips with a hand and gave a fufufu laugh.

You know me way too well!

We left the area and went back to the inn.

While holding her hand, only one thing was on my mind.

How to crack this mother instinct before she finds out my hidden stash of sweets!

Just for those new, I like to add some Easter eggs in my WN - names of active fans.

Fred - Frederick, the Tama's father

Aurora - Tama's best friend

Godnesse - he runs his own company in volume 1

And now! Mythran - the Fleanian crown prince

Iotamerucreators' thoughts