
The Double Systemed Deities

In this world, there is a saying: The universe has hidden trials happening everyday, nobody knows when will they appear nor they give instructions on how to complete them; all they know is when completed, the trial will grant the worthy individual a hefty reward. After graduating from primary school, they decided to go on a hunt and gain exp for their level up, Like always, they assembled to their hut; located on the branches of a silver tree. But with them merrily planning, everyone suddenly fell asleep, not knowing what caused it. Opening their swollen eyes, what they saw is yet again their status. But something is different this time, Another screen containing notice they had never seen before appeared. Something they'll soon love, because it grants them access to the hidden trials they can currently have. But little things they know, the mysterious system has more than what they haven't explored. It isn't there to make their lives better, but it choose them for a reason. --- Wake up kiddos! You have work to do! Trial: Goblin Extermination! Synopsis: The appearance of goblins in the kuruuk forest is more complex than what the townfolks thought. A very sinister outcome is bound to happen when nothing is done. Missions: --- The main story would start on page --- I'll try publishing seven chapters every week, but additional ones will vary as how many power stones and collection this book get. --- Background photo isn't mine, if you're somehow the artist. Tell me so and I'll remove it.

creator_64 · Action
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32 Chs

Chapter 30

"Congratulations! You've got the weapon:[Swiftblade] in the F-grade battle chest!"

"Congratulations! You've got the potion: [Gorilla boost] in the F-grade Battle chest!"


"Congratulations! You've got the weapon:[Bladedfang] in the E-grade battle chest!"

Five wooden chests sat on the bed with him, with no one else in the room—he can finally tally every reward he got.

Each chest was already opened, revealing every reward he got from the mission they just completed. Two new blades and three potions, "not bad for low-grade chests." He commented.

Having this done, Valor finally opened his interface and was welcomed with multiple screens that lit up. With different regards and different meanings, Valor checked his stats first.

"[Path—Versatile Magic enhancer]

Hp: 150

Mp: 200

[Current Stat points]

Str: 12 Dex:14 Int: 29

Agl: 17 Ch: 7 Prc: 10

Sp: 18 Lu: 4.


Skills: -(Passive)-

•Slayer—To those you fight with the intent to kill, Every direct hit would trigger a critical effect.

•Six-pact spatial lock—With a critical hit to the opponent, you'll place a spatial lock to the target where the next six attacks won't miss nor be defended."


•Steamcombustion, Tier 1—Make your body burst with steam in all directions and deflect projectiles for three seconds within (1) meter distance.

<Caution!> Near organisms may suffer different degrees of burns!

•Domain of Fog, Tier 1—[First phase] Throw a ball of fog to a specific position.

[Second phase] Explode into a thick smokescreen that would cover (20) cubic meters and bounce away low-level waves.

<Advice> Good against low-level locate spells/skills.


Spell pouch:

•Fireblast, lowest version— fire a fireball that explodes when it hit a solid-state. <Warning!> You should watch out where this will explode, it can knock you too.

<Comment> Not even at Tier 1!? Yuck.


Total Exp:3256

Total Bp:3050


You have enough exp to level up, do you want to proceed?


Item shop...

Spellmarket... "

Valor smiled first at the AI's regard before he decided to check the new item shop he unlocked, he unhesitantly chose the icon for it and the items he can buy with his bp showed.

"When it comes to skills and spells, knowledge, breathings, automatic circulations, and so many more that includes the brain's command. The system isn't to be trusted, but their weapons and sets, they are reliable when it comes to this, "Valor reconciled his father's words while he scrolled down the items he can buy with his bp.

"This all looks great for my current level... Wait, then what's the weaponmolder's worth if we can just buy them here?" He suddenly asked air, but no one answered. But he can't take curiosity any longer so he took out his dial-phone before he typed a USSD code.


"Simple, the weaponmolders create the blueprint and would either sell it to the system or keep it to themselves. So the things you can buy are all designed by humans, the system just assembles them and you pay for the cost." A monotonical voice of a girl answered him, it was Ella. The AI who can answer your woes.

"So that's why they're all so damn rich, they can just make a scrappy design and they're fricking millionaires!" Valor commented.


The item shop has some rules; he can currently buy only F to E grade items but he can go to a registered alchemist/weaponsmith's private shop in the system and there he can buy any grade available to grab, which were all created by the owner of the shop. Of course, he needs the owner's pass to view the shop and buy, so he can't buy any high-tier items right now, not that he has the ability to buy if was given the chance to do so.


Valor strolled down and saw every item he can currently buy, but he didn't yet, he exited the item shop and didn't mind anything else but the level-up notification at the near bottom, he chose it quickly and the letters enlarged into a silver screen.

"You have enough exp to level up, do you want to proceed?"

"Yes," he answered quickly and the next path he could take appeared.

"(Apprentice magic-knight)—set your start to the path of being a magic knight with this next step, your body can take five more magic circles beside your base as accompaniments.

—You'll be given the item [Smoldering Ink] to inscribe your magic body in an object you'll call [trigger]"

"[Smoldering Ink]—Use to inscribe runes on an object, specifically used by alchemists to enchant weapons with souls and elements. But if you're a magic knight creating a trigger, apply a drop of blood first to have ownership on the magic body you'll inscribe and not everyone can activate it easily."

"[Trigger]—If you are the owner, Apply mana and you'll activate the magic body inscribed instantly."

Without any more options, Valor chose the apprentice magic-knight without any pause of thoughts.

"You chose (Apprentice Magic-knight), Ascend to this path?"

"Ascend." Valor unhesitantly agreed.

With his approval, Valor instantly felt his body stiffened with muscle contraction while his thoughts blurred and fuzzed, Different from his other level up, this one felt more real as literal electricity flowed out his body, gentle and weak from the outside. Valor was electrocuted inside. It paralyzed him, making him unable to move throughout the short period.

With his hairs standing from the charge, Valor glowed dimly with blue light. Here he saw another regard that he never saw before, "Optimizing body: 10/100.

(You will be immobilized in this short period but don't worry as you're untouchable throughout the level up, the system protects you after all.)"

Valor who saw it could only shrug and endured the short pain. Two seconds later and the bar hit 100, signing him the level up was done. The electric current vanished with the regard but his muscles were still numb, shaky with his abrupt movement, Valor instantly found the changes of his body; Much lighter and stronger than before, he excitedly exercised complicated moves and explored the extent of his optimized body.

"[Path—Apprentice Magic-knight]

Hp: 150

Mp: 200

[Current Stat points]

Str: 20 Dex:19 Int: 34

Agl: 23 Ch: 7 Prc: 15

Sp: 24 Lu: 4.



•Slayer(Passive skill)—To those you fight with the intent to kill, Every direct hit would trigger a critical effect.

•Six-pact spatial lock(Passive skill)—With a critical hit to the opponent, you'll place a spatial lock to the target where the next six attacks won't miss nor be defended."


Total Exp:2256

Total Bp:3050


-Requirments for the next level up-

*2000 exp

*Create a trigger


Item shop...

Spellmarket... "

Seeing that he has enough exp to level up, and he knows how to create a trigger by his future memories, Valor pondered if he should continue it or level up at another time. Three seconds and he chose the latter, as he knows that taking every step is a must for a broader foundation in his path. He should use it once or two before he levels up again and arrive at the main path.

Here he also realized his abnormal speed, "would I be labeled as a monster and would be stoned to death if I announced it took me two days to reach the main path?" Thinking about it, he promised to himself that he should not reveal it until next week. "Based on what I read, a week is pretty rare but still acceptable. I can announce it then if someone asked." In order to avoid troubles and unnecessary risk, Valor would hide his level until the time is right.

"Now I'm done with the silver one, let's check the gold one," he muttered as he exited his system before opening the gold interface.

Name: Valor Lustrave




Talent points—

Str: 20 Dex:19 Int: 34

Agl: 23 Ch: 7 Prc: 15

Sp: 24 Lu: 4.

The deity of the Holy Tree

Power of the tree:

—Power of the root: You will know how to use this power as time passes by.

(2370 souls left to devour.)

(999999 vital energy left to


—Power of the Leaf: Master it on your own, you'll have a better understanding with that.

—(???) You will discover your other ability as time passes by."

He squinted his eyes for clarification and found he wasn't mistaken, it says what he saw. He really saw 999999 and the unlocked power of the leaf.

So without any pause, Valor decided to go to the seed and see its growth. But he remembered he doesn't know how to go there again, but he again remembered in his future memory how. He can either do it when exhausted really bad or his brain function dropped to a 10℅ efficiency rate; which would need him to intake a depressant potion or drink a mouthful of booze. Either way, he won't intake any of these yet, but he still wants to see his plant's growth.

"Do I really need to drink liquor to have acc-" he pondered how but suddenly he stopped his thoughts, as he wasn't able to continue them so. His eyes lost their hue before he collapsed on his bed sleeping.

"Overwork Failure." It's the second time of this day, but he didn't try to wash it off with revitalizing potion. He let his body rest as that's what he planned to do this night.


Valor's consciousness of his surroundings faded before he opened his eyes, dark without gravity, he found himself floating in deep space.

He's back to this unknown space inside him, where darkness dominates the rest and nothing can be seen nor felt. But soon he saw light, it seems alone but he noticed two more with it.

Floating in this deep darkness, the three gave color to his sight. So he decided to get closer to observe them clearly, there he saw a small sprout of light, white with a tint of green—Valor knows it was recently born to this word.

Looking down to the roots, he saw them extended to the two balls of light. Unlike before, the now soul ball is colored pink and is as big as a basketball—he can guess the color is caused by the parasites' appearance—pink as a flesh.

The other one was much larger, one meter in cubic diameter. It floated in white color—as clean as a sheet of blank paper.

He looked back at the plant and noticed that one leaf was sprouting to open, still crumpled but he knows it would soon gain color and stand up with two or more leaf. He just needs to wait for that to happen.

Recalling his future memories, Valor couldn't help but smile as he knows the different uses of the [Ability of the Leaf]. Like a leaf, his body has the power to inhale and exhale. But it isn't the ordinary inhale and exhale that his lungs usually do as he can do it all over his body, then he can inhale "harmful substances" and "exhale mana with healing properties"—though it's only a toe to a human proportion of the harmful substance he can turn into mana with healing properties and the rest would seep into his body and harm it, it's still pretty decent for him. He knows it comes with the process.

Then by bathing his body to the radiation of any kind, his body would turn 3.5 percent of the radiation into energy and the plant would use them to create something like that of glucose—The very merit he is waiting for, that product that is made by mixing vital energy and life force, mixed with the harmful substances around him then was cooked with the energy from radiation—but he's just waiting, the memories of the future didn't include him using what it created. So it's just a theory that he fantasized about when pondering about it.

He marveled the magical plant first before he decided to close his 'eyes' and continued his sleep, peaceful in the middle of his slumber, Valor found his consciousness drifting into the domain of dreams.
