
The Double-Edged Curse

When twin royals are born through the use of dark magic and shedding of innocent blood, a dark curse is placed upon them, threatening the kingdom's future. Desperate to save the crown prince, the royal family makes a fateful decision to transfer the curse to the princess, and kill her together with it. But fate seemed to have other plans, and the princess was saved and hidden where no one would find her. **** Alexander’s eyes slowly fluttered open as he felt a sharp pain on his head. He tried to move, but then he realized he had been bound to a tree with a rope. He immediately began to panic and tried wiggling from the grasp of the rope. “It wouldn’t budge, I made sure to tie it really hard.” He heard the voice of a lady, and then looked up in surprise. Standing before him was a lady who was covering her face with a veil. “Who… who are you? Are you the ghost everyone has been talking about?” The lady didn’t respond, and slowly removed the veil that was obstructing her face. Alexander subconsciously let out a gasp, and without thinking, he said, “What is a beauty like you doing in the middle of the forest?” **** Tags: Magic, Romance, Revenge, Mystery, Royalfamily, Fakeidentity, Comedy, and so much more. Prepare for a mind blowing journey with the characters. It promises to be fun and intuiting, making you wonder what’s going to happen next. Thank you for reading!

Diamond_sunshine · Fantaisie
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56 Chs

Vile Creature

Edward recovered from the shock, and turned to look at the others, behind him. "Hey, let's clap now, everyone!" He said, and they all reluctantly clapped.

"Wow, you sure are amazing, little bro!" Edward said as he patted Alexander on the shoulder. Then he faced the others once again, "What are you doing? I said you should clap!"

They clapped again, while Alexander just stood there with a stoic facial expression, which showed he wasn't in for any jokes.

"I made a promise to you, so yeah, of course I must keep it." Edward said as he reached into his pocket for some money. "Here. Oh, wait. Oops! It seems I'm out of money." He said the last part as he brought out a few gold coins.

He then threw the gold coins at Alexander's feet, and said, "Take this first. I'll give you the rest at home." But Alexander just stood there, looking at him with an expressionless gaze. "What are you doing? Pick it up…. Do you think I'm not going to pay you the rest later? I already said I'll give you the rest at home."

Alexander then reluctantly bent down and began to pick up the gold coins.

"Yes, that's right. Pick it up, and don't miss a single coin." Edward's voice was filled with mockery, "That's the only way you can buy your mother out of slavery, after all."

Alexander raised his head as fast as a lightening bolt, in shock when he heard Edward's last statement.

"What? You think I didn't know you were making money for that reason?" Edward smirked, and raised his voice in command, "All of you! Empty your pockets right now, and give him some money." 

Those that were drinking and dancing with him earlier, then reached into their pockets and purses, and threw whatever amount of gold coins they could find at Alexander.

"Yes, like that! Take it all." Edward said, as he walked towards Alexander. "But hey, how did you get this kite, huh?" He asked, but Alexander, who was fuming in anger, didn't respond.

"I heard there's a really pretty ghost living in the Black Forest. Did you give up your body to her for the night in exchange for this?" He chuckled, "Well, I guess you could have. After all, that's what your mother did to give birth to you!"

Alexander still stood there, silently fuming, but if anyone were to pay attention, they would have noticed the subtle vibration of his body.

Edward who was oblivious of this, still continued to taunt Alexander. "What will you do now though?" Edward asked as he leaned closer to Alexander, and whispered, "I have no intention of giving up your mother's ownership documents to you. Your mother will have to rot away as a slave until she takes her last breath." He then laughed out loud and turned around to leave.

Before Edward could even take a step forward, he was forcefully pulled back by Alexander, and a heavy punch landed on his face. Edward let out a loud cry, and his people immediately stepped forward to help him.

Two men held unto Alexander, but they were both drunk, so it was easy for Alexander to push them off of himself, and he went to Edward again. Grabbing him by the collar in a death-grip, he pushed him backwards, and Edward found himself in a pond which was close to the tavern.

Edward began to panic as he couldn't swim—even though the pond wasn't even deep. He began to yell for help, while Alexander left, leaving him to cry for his mama.


Alexander had gotten home, and he opened the wooden gate to the house. He hadn't even walked fully into the compound, when he saw his mother.

His mother who had been worriedly waiting also saw him, and ran to him. "Alex!" She exclaimed.

Alexander couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes, as he knew he had made her worry. "Mother." He said.

"Where have you been this whole time? You had me so worried." She said in worry, as she looked at his tattered clothes, and the slight bruises on his face. "And why do you look like this? What have you been doing?"

Before Alexander could say a word, they both heard Edward yelling from outside the gate. "Damn it! Where the hell is Alex?" Then the gates opened, and a very wet Edward walked in. "Alex! Damn you!" He cussed as he walked towards them.

Alexander's mother quickly moved towards him, and bowed. "What happened, sir?" She asked.

Edward scoffed. "What happened?… Do you not see this?" He asked, as he pointed to his wet clothes.

"How did this…"

Edward interrupted her before she could finish her question. "Ask him!" He said, pointing to Alexander.

She then turned to face her son, who was still looking away from her. "You are not the one who did this, are you?"

"What is all this commotion?" Lady Blackwood asked as she came out of the house and saw what was going on.

"Mother!" Edward said, and went to her like a crybaby.

When she saw the bruise on his face which he had gotten from the punch, her eyes widened in shock. "What… what happened to your face?" Then she faced Alexander. "Did you do this?… You bastard child!" She was then about to move closer to Alexander, intending to hit him but someone else was way ahead of her.

Alexander's mother slapped him before Lady Blackwood could get any closer. "You rotten child! Where did you learn such terrible manners?" She asked.

Alexander was shocked at the unexpected slap, and he finally looked his mother in the eye for the first time since he arrived.

"Did I fall short in educating you? How dare you lay a hand on the young master's face?" She continued to question him, but in her eyes, one could see the unshed tears, and pain that she tried to hide.

"Apologize to the young master, right now." She ordered him, as she pulled him to stand in front of Edward and Lady Blackwood who were both smiling in victory when they saw the scolding he received from his mother.

"Hurry up and do it. Now!" Alexander's mother urged him, when she saw that he wasn't saying anything.

Alexander looked down as he said, "I don't want to." Causing Edward's stupid smile to be wiped from his face in an instant.

Alexander then looked at his mother. "Mother, I didn't do anything wrong, so there's nothing to ask forgiveness for." He said, and then he left the house, while still holding Alethea's kite.


In Edward's room, his mother helped him apply ointment to his bruised lip, while he hissed and whined In pain.

"That insolent wench! How dare she interfere?" Lady Blackwood said out loud, and her anger was vented as she pressed harder on Edward's lips.

"Ow! Mother! Be more gentle!" Edward complained.

When he spoke to her up close, she could then perceive the scent of alcohol, and she smacked his face—not too hard. "You insolent child. Why the hell were you drinking in broad daylight? It's because you are like this that Alex is always seen as a better man than you."

Edward rubbed on his cheek, and said, "Stop scolding me! Alex is planning on backstabbing us."

Lady Blackwood's face twisted in confusion. "How do you mean?" She asked.

"The reason he is going around, trying to make money is so that he can try to buy his mother's ownership documents." Edward explained, "I bet he is trying to use some kind of way to get those papers from us!"

Lady Blackwood internalized everything Edward had said, and she scoffed. "That bastard is indeed a vile creature. Don't worry, your mother will take care of everything. Just mind your business and focus on your studies."

"My lady!" Someone called out from outside.

Lady Blackwood and her son came outside, and they saw Alexander's mother kneeling on the ground.

"My lady, I apologize for what happened today. It's all due to my shortcomings in educating him. Please forgive me, and please do not take it out on him." She begged.

"Yes, indeed you did do something wrong. Since you did something wrong, you should be punished, isn't that right?" Lady Blackwood spoke with so much sinister.

"You there!" She then said, pointing to the male servants.

"Yes, my lady?" One of them answered.

"Bring the the whips!" She ordered, and they immediately did as told.

"My lady! Please forgive me." Alexander's mother begged, as she rubbed her palms together, but her pleadings were ignored.

"Twenty strokes!" Lady Blackwood simply said, and the men got the message.

Two of them then held the poor woman by her hands, and two others held unto one whip each and began to flog her, while Lady Blackwood and Edward looked on with no ounce of remorse.

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