
The Doll Collection Book 1

After the death of her maternal grandmother, Mila Anderson and her mother, Amy McNeil-Anderson, returns to Perth for her funeral. Three days after the funeral, Amy and Mila go to clean her mother’s childhood home, but Amy stumbles upon a room that wasn’t there before. Curiosity took over the mother-daughter duo; they unlocked the door to see a room filled with various porcelain dolls—each dressed in Victorian-style clothing. Mila took one of the dolls, then it said, “Free me, please!” the beauty said. Mila placed the porcelain doll on the shelf and told her mother for them to leave—---the doll looked at her with pleading eyes; “Don’t leave me; I want to go home!” it said. One week later, Mila kept hearing a little girl screaming—--while ignoring and not telling her mother. Finally, Amy notices her daughter’s dark circles—-and proceeds to ask; Mila finally comes clean~~~Amy hires an exorcist. But will the exorcist be able to get rid of her maternal grandmother’s misdeeds? Or Will the dolls seek revenge due to the trauma they endured?

FatouTangara98 · Sports, voyage et activités
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15 Chs


For many years, Grandma hid the truth from us; we didn't know about her behind-the-scenes deeds. I foolishly idolized her and wanted to become her, but now I need clarification on whether I even tried to become her. I don't even know if I should believe that doll; "Did grandma torture her?" I murmured. I wondered how long Grandma had wanted to hide the truth from our family; I'd always been curious about the specific room, but Grandma always told me it was a room full of dust and spider webs. As I have arachnophobia, I dared not step foot in the room--- until days after the funeral when my mom and I went to Perth to clean the house. Of course, it had only been three days, and there were cobwebs and dust everywhere----I wondered if Grandma had cleaned out, but it seemed like her last days didn't seem pleasant. 

As I walked around the house, I got chills, and then I saw the forbidden room open the door--- curiosity piqued me, and I stepped inside dressed in Victorian-style clothing. They should have looked dusty and creepy, but that wasn't the case. They looked human with perfect makeup; everything about the dolls sent chills through me. I picked up the doll and brushed her hair. It was silky soft, and I loved it, but I asked my mom if I could keep it as I took it.

 "Please free us! We want to go home!" she said. I was confused and quickly put the doll----and closed the door, but their sad eyes pierced through my soul, and I felt terrible. Then, I saw my mom standing by the door with her arms folded. "I have been waiting for you, but you stayed in that room," she said. 

"I'm sorry, but we need to get out of here now," I said, pushing her out the door. My mom said nothing, and when I looked inside, the same doll peaked at me from the corner, and her eyes got teary; "Please save us! I want my mommy," she mouthed. 

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