
The Dofus Seekers

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

AngelxYasutora · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

The Return of Qilby

"We re gathered here today to discuss the means of Qilby the Eliatrope Traiter He has escaped from the white dimension but fear not we have allies who have a way to stop him once and for all My children and their friends will save us all" Amalia said as she began the Council of Twelve meeting.

"But what can a bunch of Children do to save the whole world" Asked the Enutrof leader.

"They are the children of the gods Believe me their powers are much stronger than any of ours put together My and Queen Amalia's son and Daughter are two of them" Yugo said.

"And how do you know if they are really Children of the gods" Asked the Sram leader.

"Because my mother was the goddess Eliatrope therefore my daughter and her dragon brother are the Demigods Destined to become the new Eliatrope Goddess and Sadida God" Yugo said.

"We'll talk about the Demigods later Right now we need to talk about Qilby He has escaped from from his prison probably to seek revenge on Yugo" Amalia said.

"How did he even escape in the first place" Asked the Pandawa queen.

"That we aren't sure no one could escape the dimension he was in" Yugo said as he looked down in thought. 'unless.....someone helped him escape....but.....we don't know anyone that would and no one can use the Eliacube but me and Ad which is the only means to get him out' He thought to himself.

"What are you thinking about King Yugo" Asked Melany.

"Qilby never would have escaped the white dimension without the Eliacube to guide him and the Eliacube has been with us the whole time since we found it in the basement walls of the inn when my daughters from a previous life Shishinoah and her Eliatrope sister used its power to teleport it back into the world of twelve for us to find" He said as he looked at Melany.

"So you think that someone helped him escape" Melany asked.

"Either that or he simply fallowed the Eliacube here It did come here on its own......Also Qilby isn't the only threat we have to deal with....The Brotherhood of the Forgotten is out for revenge too Or so what Sarime told me" Yugo said.

"WHAT" Amalia and Adamai said at the same time.

"But how brother I thought you took care of them when you faced and destroyed Oropo" Adamai said.

"Not all of them brother There were twelve levels to his tower We only fought about half of his demigods" Yugo said as he looked at Adamai. "Including you"

"Please don't remind me of that Horrid time brother we have already forgave each other and left the past behind us" Adamai said angerly at him.

"There were more Demigods other than the ones here in the Sadida Kingdom King Yugo" Asked the Iop leader.

"Not as many as there are now Our Demigods haven't yet been born when we fought the Brotherhood of the Forgotten but yes I don't remember their names but I used to know one.....Dame Echo the daughter of Goddess Eniripsa and a dragon.....though she didn't not look like an Eniripsa she has helped a friend of ours give birth to her third child but she was killed shortly after that" Yugo explained.

"We we'll have Demigods versus Demigods that's gonna be a problem" said the Sacrier leader.

"Knowing my dughter our Demigods will win" Amalia said.

"But knowing the Brotherhood of the Forgotten they must have found out about our demigods and want to try to wipe them out so that they can be the new gods and goddesses....If Soromalaiki and Sarime can Use their Eliaheart to take them to another dimension to fight then the world of twelve won't be in any danger" Yugo said.

"What are you talking about Yugo" Asked Amalia.

"Our Son and Daughter have made something much more powerful than the Eliacube itself that only they can use called the Eliaheart A heart shaped artifact made of something that resembles wood with Eliatropes markings on it just like the Eliacube does" Yugo explained.

"And they didn't tell us those little brats" Amalia said.

"Believe me we'll punish them later right now they have something very important to think about nd we can't really forbid them to fight now can we Mali" Yugo said as he looked at her.

"You're right Yugo....so we'll punish them when this war between them is over" Amalia said.

"So what's this whole story on these Demigods you speak of" Asked the Sram leader.

"Well True there all just kids but they're much more powerful than all of us combined as King Yugo said....My Husband and I recently adopted one of the little Demigoddesses The Feca Demigoddess Nya" Melany said.

"Aside from Nya there's an Enutrof Demigod, a Iop Demigoddess a Dragida Demigod, an Eliadida Demigoddess, a Sram Demigoddess, an Eniripsa Demigod, an Osamodus Demigod, a Sacrier Demigoddess, a Masquraider Demigoddess, a Foggernaught Demigod, n Ekaflip Demigod, a Rouge Demigoddess, a Pandawa Demigod, a Xelor Demigod, and their leader, a Cra Demigod" Yugo explained,

"What is a Dragida" Asked the Osamodus leader.

"And what is an Eliadida" Asked the Sacrier leader.

"Dragida half Dragon half Sadida and Eliadida, half Eliatrope half Sadida.......Sarime thought of those names back when she was a little girl" Said Amalia.

"How can they be half Sadida and Half Eliatrope/Dragon Who's their mother" Asked the Osamodus leader.

"I am" Amalia said as she held out her left hand showing her ring to the whole Council of Twelve. "After this war between our demigods and Qilby is over Yugo and I will marry"

All the leaders Congradulated them on their engagement. "So would this mean that the Eliatrope and the Sadida Kingdoms will come together as one" Asked the Sacrier Leader.

"Hopefully yes" Amalia and Yugo said at the same time.

"You're just like your brother Once when my children die you and your brother simply move on like they meant nothing to you" The Osamodus leader said angerly.

"That's not true I cared for your son just like Armand cared for your daughter The truth is, my marriage with your son was arranged and though he was my childhood friend, I didn't loved him the way I love Yugo" Amalia said.

"How dare you" Said the Osamodus Leader angerly as he stood up.

"Listen, I love Amalia and together, we have already founded a family. Then, we will marry, whether you like it or not." Yugo says firmly.

"Well I oppose the marriage" Said the Osamodus Leader.

Adamai growls and breaths fire in the air. "It's about my brother's happiness, if you oppose my brother, you oppose me and you wouldn't want to provoke a dragon's wrath" He said angerly.

Without a word the Osamodus leader sat back in his chair, Still mad but resigned. Meanwhile with the Demigod Meeting. Sarime looks up at Armand. "Remember Uncle you're only witnessing so try not to speak" She said.

"I understand I'll try not to talk but if you're thinking what I think you're thinking then you're parents won't be too happy about it" He said.

"What's he talking about sister" Soromalaiki asked as he glared at Sarime.

"Uhhhh Well.......I'm thinking on not telling mom and dad on when we attack Qilby...they've had their fights Now it's our turn to have ours" Sarime said.

"Uncle Armand is right They won't be to happy about this once they find out" Soromliki said.

"Who said they're going to find out dear brother" Sarime said as she glared at her brother.

"Just one question : how could you three be Masqueraiders, Foggernout and Rogue demigods ? I thought these were other names for the Sadida, Osamodas and Sram gods" Asked Desi

"Uh Well they came to us in a Dream and told us that the us three and the Sadida, Sram, and Osamodus Demigods are to test each other's Strength Hoping that we could rule together" Said Fogario.

"Hmmm" Armand Hummed. 'Something doesn't feel right about those three Demigods' He thought to himself.

"Sarime When do you suppose we attack Qilby" Hikaoru asked.

"Midnight tonight.......at least that's what I'm thinking" She said as she looked at her crush.

"Isn't that a little....I dunno Reckless" asked Niko.

"Niko's right it's too risky to attack him right away We need a plan" Hikaoru said.

"What do you suppose we do Kaoru" Sarime asked.

"We need to think of a plan" Hikaoru said.

"I dunno I kinda like Princess Sarime's plan" Fogario said.

"I don't" Hope said. Fogario looked at Hope in a menacing way without anyone noticing.

"Plus Sari, do you believe mom and dad will allow us to fight Qilby ourselves, besides dad is angry because of the Eliaheart" added Soromalaiki.

"what do you suggest, bro" asked Sarime.

"First, we must vote on the plan to execute, then we'll tell them" said soro

"I'm agree with Soro" said Hikaoru

"Right, let's vote, all those who wish follow my plan to fight Qilby tonight, then raise your hand" said Sarime, raising her hand.

Fagario, Jenin, Dei, Desi, and Cid raised their hands. "All who think we should wait raise your hand" Hikaoru said. Everyone else raised their hands. 'Sorry my love You're out voted' He thought.

"Ok, you win. If one of you has a plan, he/she can speak" sighed Sarime.

"I suggest we tell Uncle Yugo and Aunt Amalia what we're planning I mean you heard King Yugo the other day right If he feels that either one of you is in trouble then he's gonna come and fight and he doesn't care if Qilby finds out that you two are his children" Said Jake

"I-I agree w-with Jake" Stampered Nya.

"As do I" Agreed Tiberious.

'I can't wait to kill that Talking Dragoturkey' Thought Jenin.

"Ok, all who agree with Jake, raise your hand" said Sarime, everyone but Jenin and Fogario raise their hands, including Sarime.

"So, we can say that concludes the meeting" Said Hikaoru.

As everyone was leaving Jenin, Hope, and Fogario stayed behind. "We'll catch up in a minute" Jenin said. When everyone had finally left unknowing that Armand stayed behind watching them.

"Well, Now that lame meeting is finished, it's time to discuss how to get rid of these puny demigods in the easiest way" Said Fogario.

"I-I don't think it's a good Idea to kill them off you guys They are far more stronger than the three of us and I don't want to betray them like the two of you do" Said Hope.

"But don't you want to rule as the new Sadida Demigoddess instead of that Stupid Dragon" Jenin said as she looked at Hope.

"W-well I was hoping that we could rule together" Said Hope shyly.

"Oh... Look at that, it seems Hope has fallen in love" Mocked Fogario.

"I-I have Not" Hope said Defensively.

"Hope and Soro Sitting in a Tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Mocked Jenin.

"S-Stop it I-I haven't Fallen in love" Hope said.

"Or so you say" Said Jenin as she crossed her arms.

'So they are up to no good....but Hope seems different than the other two.....It's as if She doesn't want to betray them like the other two do...I've Got to warn Yugo, Amalia, and Adamai somehow' Armand thought to himself.

"Look Hope you got to choose either them or us" Jenin said as she brought out a Shushu gun and place it to her neck. "So you better choose now or else I'll blast you to pieces"

"Y-y-You guys of course" Hope said.

Jenin smiled menacingly and puts her shushu away. "Good....Let's go Fogario" She said before Fogario and her leave the area leaving hope all alone crying and falling to her knees.

Armand comes out of hiding and places a hand on her shoulder. "I don't want to betray Soro and the others...but they're the only friends I have.....their like my brother and sister" Hope said.

"They aren't just your friends You have Soromalaiki and the others as your friends too" Armand said.

"But if I Choose to betray Jenin and Fogario then they'll make me pay" She said with a Scared tone in her voice.

Armand Smiled. "Not if they have anything to say about it" Armand said as he pointed to the exit of the area. She turns to see Sarime and Hikaoru looking at her Sarime Crossing her arms smiling.

"H-How long have you guys been there" Hope said as she dried her eyes.

"The Whole time and don't worry We believe you on the fact that you won't betray us" Said Hikaoru.

"So, you know what Fogario and Jenin intend to do They're very dangerous and those who they obey are worse" said Hope.

"Those who they obey" Hikaoru Questioned.

"Toxine and Poo....the four of them are the ones that Released Qilby by using a copycat Eliacube made by Nox a long time ago Back when he had the original Eliacube" Said Hope.

"Hikaoru and I already heard of them from Daddy, they probably want their revenge" said Sarime, thoughtful.

"What should I do" Said hope Beginning to cry again.

"Don't be scared, you can tell us all you know about them and if they try to harm you, we'll protect you" said Armand.

"Okay" She said as she tried to try her tears again.

"So you have a crush on my brother don't you" Sarime teased.

Hope blushes madly. "W-WHAA N-No I don't" She said shyly trying not to show her blush.

"Come on Don't lie to me I can see it written all over your face" Sarime said.

"Sari that's enough Teasing.....let's go warn your parents and your uncle about Jenin and Fogario" Hikaoru said.

"Who knew Jenin had a Shushu" Sarime said.

"She is the sister to Remmington Smeese and his brother Grany She has two Shushus shapped like guns......I should know......I witnessed the exchange of him giving her the two guns he posessed" Hope said.

"We've heard about Remmington and Grany from King Yugo as well" Said Hikaoru.

"Well, there's no time to waste, let's warn them" said Armand.

Minutes later and After the Council of Twelve meeting was over, Armand, Sarime, Hope, and Hikaoru were talking to Yugo, Adamai, and Amalia. "WHAT....J-Jenin and Fogario.....are gonna betray us" Yugo said surprisingly.

"Y-Yes Please Don't hurt me for telling you" Said Hope as she hid behind Sarime.

"Why should we hurt you, we know it's not your fault." said Amalia.

"Besides She has a Crush on Soro" Sarime Teased.

"Oh She does huh that's interesting" Amalia said.

"Uhh N-No I don't" Hope said as she blushed madly. Adamai, Armand, and Yugo laughed.

"What about you How was the meeting with the leaders" Armand asked.

"It went good though the Osamodus Leader doesn't approve of Yugo and I getting married but he's gonna have to live with it" Said Amalia.

"And wht about you two How did your meeting go.....Aside the fact about the two tht are going to betray us" Asked Yugo.

"Uhh It went good" Sarime said.

"Just good huh...Are you sure about that" Yugo said as he looked at Sarime worriedly.

"Well, we have voted and many of us think it is better to speaking with you about Qilby" Hikaoru said.

"More like all of us but Jenin and Fogario" Said Sarime.

"Alright What's up" Asked Yugo.

"Jenin and Fogario Helped him escape along with Toxine and Poo with the help of a copycat Eliacube that Nox had made long ago" Hope said Shyly.

Their Eyes widened. "Impossible" Adamai said.

"Yugo, what are we going do" Amalia said, looking at her fiancé.

"I say let's go talk to Qilby once and for all He is on his way to the Sadida Kingdom isn't he Kaoru" Said Sarime.

"True he is on his way I mean the Eliaheart gave you and Soromalaiki the Warning right" Hikaoru said.

"Y-Yeah" She said.

"No way you're going alone if that's going wrong, I'm going with you" said Yugo.

"LIKE HECK YOU ARE FATHER......You had your fun on adventures now it's our turn...We're going to meet up with him ALONE Just the twelve of us" Yelled Sarime as she glared at her father.

Yugo Mentally Cringed when she called him father. "Yugo, you know you can't stop her, she's our daughter after all, let her prove herself" said Amalia, putting a hand on his shoulder

"Alright, you win but promise me you'll be careful." Sighed Yugo.

"I promise daddy and if you ever sense that both of us are in trouble you can come find us" Sarime said as she smiled happily.

"if the three of you are hurt I'll come find you regardless of Qilby is aware that you're my daughter and sons" Yugo said.

"Sons.....What do you mean daddy" Sarime asked.

"Hikaoru has been like a son to me for a long time" He said as he smiled. "Also.....I know you're in love with him"

Sarime Blushed madly. "D-DADDY" She yelled.

"I'm so happy, my little babies have their first love" said Amalia, dreamy.

"Mommy, not you too" begged Sarime.

Hikaoru Looks at Sarime lovingly. "So what are we gonna do about the traders" He asked as he looked at Yugo.

"I'm not sure it's really up to you guys" He said.

"Well Killing them is out of the question" Sarime said.

"Sari's right We can't kill them" Said Hikaoru.

"We can't take risk to let them free, I suggest we cast them in the dungeon to prevent harm" suggested Armand.

"But they don't know that you know about them betraying you" Said Hope.

"That's true We should act like we don't know they're going to betray us" Said Hikaoru.

"But we can't have them walking around the Sadida Kingdom freely Someone has to keep an eye on them" Said Amalia.

"I-I'll d-do it" They heard Nya say shyly from behind them.

"Nya...How long have you been sitting there" Sarime asked.

"T-the whole time......I-I'll keep an eye on them a-and let you know i-if they do anything s-suspitious" She said shyly.

"No way, Nya, if they know you watch them, they could harm you,they're dangerous" said Armand worriedly.

"I-it's okay King Armand Tiberious will be with me at all times H-He will be my legs" Nya said.

"But have you spoken with Tiberious about this situation...........and you won't keep an eye on them alone.......I will watch over them with you" Said Sarime.

"No I can't let you do that Sari" Said Hikaoru.

"I must Hikaoru If nobody watches them we'll regret that and I can't let Nya go alone." Said Sarime.

He looks at them worriedly then gives them a hug. "Just promise me you two will be careful and watch each other's backs" He whispered.

"We promise" They both said.

"Good" He said as he smiled. He kissed Sarime's cheek which made her blush "I love you" He whispered in her ear.

"Awww How sweet" Said Amalia.

"They look like us don't you think my love" Said Yugo, kissing Amalia's cheek.

"Yes they do" She said as she intertwined her hand with his.

"Okay we'd better get Tiberious and get going Nya" Sarime said as she moved away from Hikaoru.

"Yeah you're right Let's get going" Nya said.

When they caught up with Jenin and Fogario they were heading out of the Sadida Kingdom and into the dessert. There they met Toxine, Poo, and Qilby, now wielding the copycat Eliacube the way he used the original Eliacube. "We're back Dear Older sister" Said Fogario.

"Excelent Dear little brother Have you figured out when we shall attack the Kingdom" Said Toxine.

"Midnight tonight The Eliatrope Demigoddess thought they would attack you tonight at midnight but the Cra Demigod stopped her so tonight is the perfect time to attack" Said Jenin.

"An Eliatrope Demigoddess How very interesting" Said Qilby.

"She's the Daughter of King Yugo and Queen Amalia and her brother dragon is the Sadida Demigod" She said.

"So my dear little brother has a family of his own how facinating" Said Qilby as he smiled.

"What do you intend to do to him and his family" Said Fogario.

"First I'm going to kill Amalia then I'm going to kill his children Right in front of his eyes but that's gonna have to wait till later" Said Qilby.

"Why Wait Why not just do it now" Said Toxine.

"I agree with Toxine I just want revenge on the brotherhood for beating me hard and leaving me in the middle of nowhere" Said poo in an angered tone.

"Patients friends You'll have what you want all in due time After all Revenge is a dish best served cold" Said Qilby.

"I just wanna kill that wereched Talking Dragoturkey he's been getting on my nerves from day one" Said Jenin.

"Oh no What should we do" whispered Nya.

"We have to get back to Hikaoru" Whispered Tiberious.

"Right Le's g-" Sarime began to wisper before her mouth was covered. They looked behind her and saw Hikaoru with his finger over his mouth.

"Did you guys here something" Said Jenin as she pointed her shushu gun at the tree they were hiding behind.

"Relax Jenin it was just the wind" Said Fogario.

"Whatever, prepare yourselves because tonight, the Sadida Kingdom will lie in a pool of blood." Said Qilby with a malicious grin. "Now I think it's time that I gave my little brother a visit"

"We've gotta go warn daddy" Whispered Sarime.

"B-But how are we gonna slip by them" Nya Whispered.

"Fallow me" Whispered Hikaoru.

When they got far enough away from Qilby and the other evil demigods Sarime looked at Hikaoru. "How did you find us Kaoru" She asked.

"I thought you could use my help since you wouldn't know how to get out of a paper bag" He teased.

"HEY I RESENT THAT" She said angerly.

He gives her a noogie. "I was just teasing my love" He said.

"Aww how sweet looks like my little niece has a boyfriend" They heard Qilby say around them. Hikaoru holds Sarime and Nya close to him.

"It's Qilby" Sarime said as He appeared in front of them. Qilby used a portal to take Sarime away from Hikaoru and held her in his arm. "I'm only saying this once and if you do as I say I'll think about not killing her right here and now is that clear Now then Take me to Yugo"

"QILBY.......LET. HER. GO." They heard Yugo say from behind them.

"King Yugo" Hikaoru said.

"Ah My Dear little brother We meet again" Said Qilby.

"Let my daughter go right now Qilby" He said angerly.

"Don't worry, Yugo, I won't kill her now. First, I want to see you suffer by seeing both your wife and your children die before you, so you'll understand all I felt to be separated from my sister in this empty dimension where you banished me." Said Qilby, venom in his words.

Yugo smiles. "You'll have to find her I've hidden my dear Amalia somewhere even you can't find" He said.

"YAY Way to go Daddy" Sarime said. She smiles. "NOW BROTHER ATTACK HIM WITH THE ELIAHEART" She called out

"You got it sister" Said Soromalaiki as he came out of nowhere attacking him with the power of the Eliaheart.

"ELIAHEART WHAT'S THAT" Qilby cried out.

"Oh Nothing special Just something that'll rid you of your curse once and for all" Sarime said.

Soromalaiki Facepalmed. "You idiot you weren't supposed to tell him that" He said to himself.

"What do you mean rid me of my curse once and for all" Asked Qilby, astounded.

"As If I'm gonna tell you 'Uncle'" She said as she closed her eyes.

"Either you tell me or I will kill you right here and now you little brat" Qilby said angerly. Just then he was touched in the back by the Eliaheart as Sarime opened her now glowing eyes and touched her hand to his. Soro's eyes began to glow as well. "What's going on TELL ME" They didn't answer.

Just then all of his memories from his past lives flashed before his eyes as he began to forget everything but the first twelve Eliatrope and dragons to set foot on the world of twelve and the fact that Yugo put him in the white dimension. "Is it working" Yugo asked.

"I don't know I.....I think so But they're using it far too soon It's not finished yet" Hikaoru said.

After all was said and done Sarime fainted and fell out of Qilby's arms and into Hikaoru's as Soro's fell into Yugo's "Let's get them home before Qilby realizes what's going on" He said.

"Right Let's go Nya Tiberious" Hikaoru said as he looked at them.

"O-Okay" Said Nya shyly.

"Qilby You alright" Asked Poo.

"Yes I'm fine I'll kill them for this" Qilby said as he clinched his fist.

Mere hours later Sarime opened her eyes. "uhh....W-What happened" She asked as she sat up only to be hugged by Hikaoru and Amalia.

"Sarime Soro you're both alright I was so worried" Amalia said as she hugged her children.

"You used the Eliaheart to erase the curse that was brought apon Qilby about remembering his past lives.......but the big question is.......Did it work" Hikaoru said.

"Only one way to find out and that's by killing him then have him go back to his Dofus then wait till he and Shinonome hatch" Said Soromalaiki.

Just then Sarime Sensed something and her eyes widened. "Mommy...There's something you need to tell daddy" She said as she placed her hand on her mother's stumach.

"What's that dear" She asked.

"You're pregnant" She simply said s she smiled.

"A-Are you sure Darling" She asked as she placed her hand over her stumach.

"I'm sure.....Now you have some kids that will replace us for when we have to go to Inglorium" Sarime said as she smiled.

"Don't say that, you know no one will never replace you and your brother, you're my children and I love you more than anything." Shouted Amalia. She hugged them tightly as tears formed in her eyes.

"Mommy" said Soromalaiki.

"I don't want to lose you." Cried Amalia.

"You won't loose us, Mommy, we will just become gods and that don't mean we will be separated forever" said Sarime.

"Yeah We'll come visit whenever you want us to" Soromalaiki said.

""And I promise I'll take good care of them" Said Hikaoru.

"Thank you, now let's go see your father" said Amalia, drying her eyes.

"Momma Qilby knows that you're Daddy's wife and that we are his kids and tht's not a good thing Now he will search for us and try to kill us" Sarime said.

"Well he'll have to go through me first" Yugo said from behind them.

"Yugo, are you sure that will be fine" Amalia said.

"I will do everything in my power to protect you and our kids even if it costs me my life" Yugo said.

"I'll help too" Said Adamai.

"Father....remember this is our battle not yours" Sarime said.

"But Qilby just threatened you and your mother I can't forgive him for that so he just made it my battle" Yugo said as he glared at her. "And there's nothing you can do to stop me from fighting along side you Sarime"

"Alright, Daddy." Said Sarime.

"By the way, Mommy has to tell you something." Said Soromalaiki, smiling.

"Apparently Sarime says I'm pregnant.....I don't know how she can tell cause even I can't tell but....I'm pregnant" Amalia said.

Yugo was shocked, moving towards Amalia and putting his hand over her stomach. In doing this, he felt two little familiar auras growing in her, these auras looked like Sarime and Soromalai in their dofus . Then, a smile appeared on Yugo's face and hugged Amalia tightly. "Amalia, it's wonderful, we're having new children" Yugo said happily.

"Now you have two little ones to replace us when we go to inglorium but we'll always come visit whenever you want us to Right Soro" Sarime said.

"Right We'll always come visit whenever you want us to" Soromalaiki said.

Hikaoru walked up behind her and whacked her in the back of the head. "OW What was THAT for" She said as she looked at him crossing his arms.

"You aren't being replaced" He said.

"Hikaoru's right, Sarime, you'll never being replaced Your mother and me will love you forever and nothing will ever change that Besides these little ones will want to know their siblings." Said Yugo.

"You sure about that daddy" She said.

"Ever since she found out that mom was pregnant She's been acting this way Who knows why" Soromalaiki said.

"Anyway Let's go gather the other Demigods and fight Uncle Qilby and the remaining members of the Brotherhood of the forgotten" She said as she turned to leave just before Yugo placed is hand on her shoulder.

"Don't forget You're not alone We'll go through this together" Yugo said.

"Daddy this isn't your fight" Sarime said.

"You're right but this is my family and I'll protect it" He said.

"Besides Qilby made it his fight when he captured you Sari" Hikaoru said.

"And even if you can beat the forgotten and their minions you won't be able to beat Qilby" Said Adamai.

"What makes you say that Uncle Ad We ARE Demigods Just the same as you" Said Sarime.

"And we created the Eliaheart Something you could never do" Said Soromalaiki.

"I know your father and I have confronted Qilby when we had your age and none of us have succeded to defeat him" said Adamai.

"Only daddy was able to defeat him but this time we have to kill him so that his Wakfu can go back to his Dofus" Said Sarime.

"I know what you're thinking 'That won't be a good Idea He'll remember everything from his past life' Well that's where the Eliaheart Came in" Said Soromalaiki.

"We used the Eliaheart to get rid of his Curse for good Now we just need to kill him to see if it worked" Said Sarime.

"Alright but be careful" Said Yugo.

"You wann fight along side us daddy after all Qilby did make it your fight" Asked Sarime.

"Of course" Said Yugo as he smiled.

"I'll fight too" Said Amalia.

"NO way Mother Not in your current condition mother so you stay with Uncle Adamai here and stay hidden Qilby is after you now" Said Sarime.

"Sarime's right I don't want anything to happen to you or the babies" Said Yugo.

"But I wanna fight too Awww You guys get to have all the fun" Amalia said.

"It's serious, Amalia you have two important lives to protect. If I would lose both of you, I don't know if I would bear it." Said Yugo, putting his hands on Amalia's shoulders.

"Okay but I want you all to be careful" Amalia said as she placed her hand on her stomach. "And don't you dare die on us"

"We won't we promise" They all said at the same time.

"I promise too, once this battle is over, we'll marry" said Yugo, kissing Amalia on the lips.

"Alright guys Let's round up the Demigods........That includes Hope Soro" Said Sarime.

"But if they see that she betrayed them then they'll kill her" Soromalaiki said.

"Then You're just gonna have to protect her now won't you" Sarime Teased. He looked at her in annoyance.

"Shut up sister" Said Soromalaiki.

She giggles. "Alright is everyone rounded up" She asks.

"Yes Ma'am" Everyone said.

"Alright then Let's go kill Qilby" She said.

"Remember your training everyone...the whole world of twelve is counting on us" Hikaoru said as he looked around at all the Demigods.

"Right" Everyone called out.

All of the Demigods and Yugo lined up at the edge of the Sadida Kingdom mere hours later with Hope hiding behind Soromalaiki, facing against Toxine, Poo, Jenin, Fogario, and Qilby. "Hope you traiter you're supposed to be on our side" Said Fogario.

She continues to hide behind Soromalaiki. "I-I'm sorry I-I didn't want to betray anyone" She said with fear in her voice.

"We'll kill you for this Hope" Jenin said angerly.

"Don't you DARE lay ONE finger on her head" Said Soromalaiki with anger in his voice.

"Oh Sounds like you're little Boyfriend is trying to protect you But it's futile You'll still die" Said Fogario.

"We'll see" Said Hikaoru as he glared at them.

"Are we just gonna stand here and talk all day or are we gonna fight" Sarime said as about a hundred portals formed around them and blasted wakfu beams through them.

"As you wish" Said Qilby with a sly grin on his face. 'Impossible she didn't even use her hands to summon on these portals Is she somehow stronger than even me' He thought to himself. The fight went on for what seemed like forever It was now nightfall and only Qilby remained. He panted as he looked around at his now knocked out companions. He looked at a knocked out Sarime as Yugo held her in his arms. "Your daughter has some power She could very well be more powerful than even I She doesn't even need to use her hands to open more than two portals and use the wakfu beams through them" Qilby said as he panted.

"I know I'm really proud of her" Said Yugi as he smiled down at his daughter.

"S-So am I" Said Hikaoru as he struggled to get up. "S-She has learned a lot from me"

"From you Don't tell me YOU were the one that taught her to use her powers Impossible You're a Cra" Qilby said with his eyes wide.

"Believe hat you must Qilby........But I know everything about the Eliatropes Not Just by Yugo's stories but also from something my mother left me when I was a baby" Hikoru said as he stood in front of Yugo and Sarime Pointing an arrow at Qilby.

"And what is it" Qilby asked.

"As if I'm about to tell you" Hikaoru said as he continued to point an arrow at Qilby.

"Then you will bring this to your grave" Said Qilby as he shot a large wakfu beam at him.

Just then a portal appears in front of Hikaoru and another on top of Qilby. "No one hurts my Kaoru" Said Sarime as she struggled to get up and out of Yugo's arms.

"Calm down Sarime you're still a little weak" Said Yugo.

"I'm fine daddy" She said as she glared at Qilby.

"Sarime.....Stay out of this fight you're far too weak to fight Qilby" Hikaoru said.

"But you are weak as well Hikaoru" Said Yugo.

"I know But I won't let ANYONE hurt my Sarime" Hikaoru said.

Yugo looks at him and smiles. "You are perfect for her.......and Hikaoru........She isn't yours just yet" He said.

Hikaoru Laughed. "Understood your majesty" He said.

"ENOUGH" Shouted Qilby. "Come fight me Yugo ALONE Only one of us will come back alive"

Yugo looked at him meanly. "Hikaoru Watch over Sarime and the others I have some unfinished business to attend to" Yugo said without setting his eyes off of Qilby.

"Right Good luck and Remember what Sarime said The Eliaheart has already done it's job so even if you are the one that kills him When he comes back He won't remember a thing about his past lives" Hikaoru explained.

"So that's what that thing did to me" Said Qilby.

"Exactly and once you're dead you'll return to your dofus and you and your sister can start a new life without your curse" Yugo said.

"Sorry to say this dear little brother but you will be the one to die" Said Qilby as he attacked Yugo.

Yugo easily blocked the attack then uses his portals to charge towards Qilby. "Not this time Qilby" He said as he attacked him.

Qilby blocked the attack and punched him in the face. They both Prepared for an attack at the same time as sand formed around them.