
The Doctor and The Princess

Princess Fina falls in love with a commoner and seek to flee her father's kingdom with her one true love Almond. Story written by Goodness Chiamaka.

GoodnessChiamaka · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

Almond watch her with irritation written all over his eyes, then she slowly ask him again, "Can I come in?."

"No! tell me want you want here?," Almond said, crossing his two hands above on his chest while he stared at her.

Clara smiled sweetly to him. "Almond, you ain't friendly and you know it, I cane here to see you and is very important."

"Hmph.. Fine tell me whatever it is that you want us to discuss about, or can't we discuss about it here?" Almond said not looking away from her, and she kept on blushing.

"Ain't you going to speak now?" Almond question, raising a brow while he stared at her.

"Obviously, you don't have any thing you want to say." Almond was about shutting back the door on her, when she finally said "Wait!", he turned back to look at her.

"What?" he asked.

"Mr father.. " Clara hesitated a little if to actually tell him why she was here.

"What's my business with your father?" Almond asked raising a brow, while he stared intently at her.

"Almond, what's wrong with you, I actually cane here to tell you something important and you are treating me rudely" Clara frowned like a child wanting to cry, and Almond sighed, "Fine come in," he said as he make way for her to enter his room.

Almond sat far away from her on the bed, and she kept on smiling.

"Go on tell me why you are here?" He asked her again almost getting impatient.

She seems like a 14yrs old, what does she want from me, Almond sighed. And then she started talking

"I heard my father saying to my older brother now he had just returned that he will report you to the king," Clara said.

"Why?" He asked her, pretending not to know.

"Ain't you aware that you should be in the palace to serve as a palace guard or join the king's army".

He scoffed..

"Why should I join them, even though am the first son of my father, I still have my own live to live" Almond said.

"Almond you are getting it all wrong, you have to be in the palace, else the king will force his guards to come seize you and arrest you" She tried explaining.

"Why do you seem to care? Anyways I will soon leave and go back to the city, these town sucks" Almond said as he stood up and walk to the door, opening it he turned to look back at her.

"You time is up Clara, come leave my room" Almond said, opening the door wide for her to go out

"..." Clara frowned, "So you are sending me away no Almond," Clara asked him.

"No, am not, but I have some things to do first, and I can't seat comfortably doing it with you around, hope you understand what I mean?"

"No!" Clara said as she stood up and folded her arms around her chest.

"What as come over you, are you leaving or you want me to leave the room for you, pick one?"

"Fine I will leave, but you must promise me you go to the king?" Clara requested.

"Promise you as what?, Mr Sister or my girlfriend?" Almond ask raising a brow while he stared at her.

"Both!" She answered him and ran out of his room, he shook his head while he sat down back to continue with what he was doing.

Arranging his back to prepare his leave back to the city, Almond decided to go out and buy something he might be in need off for his travelling back.

"Mr Jude, where is your son?" Mr Wilfred asked as soon as he entered Mr Jude parlour.

"How can you badge into my home like that demanding to see my son, what has he done?" Mr Jude ask as he stood up.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what he has done, your son is off age and an adult, so he had to report himself to the palace" Mr Wilfred said.

"Is that so, when ad it become compulsory that my son must work in the palace as a guard?"

"Are you trying to change orders in favour to you son now Mr Jude?, I can vividly remember that you were among those whom demanded for the same order to be bestowed on my son, now that you have yours , you think you can dodge it, you must be joking!" Mr Wilfred reply laughing and Mr Jude calmed.

Listening to their conversation, Almond rushed out thru the back door and escape from the house and he saw some guards enter their parlour, he knew his time was up, if he didn't escape now, he will be caught and dragged to the palace.

"Mr Wilfred we can discuss this tings out as adult"

"Non, No, hold it there, we have nothing to discuss about, bring your son out, or else, I will ask the guards to go in there and bundle him out" Mr Wilfred commanded.

"As it gotten to that," Mr Jude panicked.

"Off course, it as gotten to more than that, you either follow the king's rule and obey simple instructions or you will be forced too, Guard!!" Mr Wilfred called the guards

"Oh, you are already standing here, go in and bring his son out, his going to the palace with us"

The Guards went in searching the whole house but couldn't find Almond in his room or anywhere in the house, they search all the four corners of the house, including beneath the bed, like sieve Almond could have hidden himself underneath his bed.

Coming out they shook their head, "Sir we didn't see him in the house"

"Did you search all the house, including the backyard, he must have hidden somewhere there, let it not be that you son has travel back, else you will be the one to be punished' Mr Wilfred said, threatening Mr Jude whom ust sighed.

"Let go, we will be back to fish him out" They turned and left Mr Jude compound.

Almond already flee out on hearing the discussion, he knew he was up for, the moment he sighted the guards, quickly he ran out thru the backdoor and flee, running outside the compound, he saw a bike and quickly stopped it, while he ask the bikeman to take him to the park.

"Drive faster!" Almond yelled and the bikeman speed up the gear, while he drove almond away, to the park.

Luckily for Almond he had his money with him, but he didn't have time parking his remaining load, only his small box that was easy for him to carry, having few of his clothes, phones and books in it.

If it wasn't for Clara whom had told him about her father discussion he wouldn't have planned on leaving the village yet, but he knew he was up for, and if he did not leave the village he will be caught and sent to the king to become a servant as the custom and tradition demand for every male first son in their lands.