
The Doctor and The CEO

Rachel, CEO of a big conglomerate woke up after being in a coma for 3 months. She ran away from her home and running away didn't do her any good and she ended up getting entangled with a few dangerous people, she thought her life would end but surprisingly she was alive and was being cared by a handsome doctor, Daniel. Unbeknownst to her there are some hidden enemies she needs to deal with and she can only with the support of her gang of friends and the doctor she developed a crush on. ... Once the rapid pounding of their hearts calmed down, Daniel pecked her lips lightly and again confessed, “I love you Rachel” Rachel smiled back at him, “I love you too” “Should we continue our drive or return back home?” Daniel asked. “Let’s continue” “You sure? Are you not tired?” Daniel was still concerned about her. “You think only a kiss can tire me?” Rachel replied boldly, she too was not sure where this boldness came from but she suddenly felt courageous. Daniel was surprised by her words but he was not the one to back down, “Well should we find out what can tire you?” Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ears, his eyes looked hungry for more. The bold Rachel of earlier disappeared and she became shy and shrank back ... Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me, if the owner has a problem please let me know I'll remove it

Reyram · Urbain
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Funny Guy

There was a big conference hall where everyone occupied their seats and sat in their designated places. Rachel's attention was grabbed by a weirdly dressed up man and she couldn't help but ask Sam by slowly whispering into his ears to avoid others listening to her "Who is this joker"?

Sam replied, "His name is Jimmy Morris, he is the grandson of your grandpa's best friend, Anthony Morris. You have met him two years back when he visited the party where Grandpa announced you as the CEO. Do you remember now?" he asked

Rachel replied, "No I don't remember because he was not dressed this way at that party" she was controlling her laughter.

Jimmy was grandson of Anthony Morris, who was the childhood best friend of Rachel's grandfather. Jimmy came to attend the meeting on the behalf of his grandfather. Jimmy wants to become an actor and was not interested in business so he tries to sabotage such business projects so that his grandfather and father would stop bothering him and let him live his dream.

He was not interested in attending this meeting but as his grandfather insisted he agreed to attend only on one condition that he has to be allowed to dress according to his will.

He doesn't like wearing formal suits, so he had designed his own costumes. He was wearing yellow pants with a red shirt looking like a joker and he did not even wear proper shoes. Although he looked handsome even in weird clothes, it was not suitable for the event. He was so clumsy that, when he got up to present his work his laptop wire got struck into his left leg, he stumbled but balanced himself.

Unknown to everyone present here, he was intentionally behaving like that to piss of his family.

Everyone in the room was eagerly waiting for his presentation as they were hoping his presentation too would be as funny as him.

When he opened his presentation, all of sudden his audition video started playing on the projector. Everyone started laughing at him.

Rachel felt bad for him and interrupted all the laughs and requested everyone to keep quiet and listen to his presentation and to respect the presenter.

Although she too found him funny there was a limit and there are some boundaries which people shouldn't cross, therefore she decided to shut others up and also he is Anthony's grandson, she knew Anthony well and therefore decided to support Jimmy.

After the meeting there was a break after which the results would be announced. So everyone left the meeting room to have lunch.

Jimmy approached Rachel and Sam, he thanked her for supporting him earlier.

Rachel replied "It's okay no problem, I can understand".

Jimmy then told her, "this is my first meeting, as I have never attended these types of meetings and not interested in this profession, I thought my grandpa would not send me here, but he had forced me, whatever tricks I have played went in vain."

"Wait you did all of that intentionally?" She asked him in surprise.

Jimmy awkwardly smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

Rachel was surprised with this guy and really found him interesting.

Just then someone announced that it is the time to announce the winner, so they all went back to the conference room.

Rachel's name was declared as the winner and everyone came to congratulate her.

Jimmy too congratulated her, she thanked him

Both wished each other luck and left for their respective destinations.