
The Doctor and The CEO

Rachel, CEO of a big conglomerate woke up after being in a coma for 3 months. She ran away from her home and running away didn't do her any good and she ended up getting entangled with a few dangerous people, she thought her life would end but surprisingly she was alive and was being cared by a handsome doctor, Daniel. Unbeknownst to her there are some hidden enemies she needs to deal with and she can only with the support of her gang of friends and the doctor she developed a crush on. ... Once the rapid pounding of their hearts calmed down, Daniel pecked her lips lightly and again confessed, “I love you Rachel” Rachel smiled back at him, “I love you too” “Should we continue our drive or return back home?” Daniel asked. “Let’s continue” “You sure? Are you not tired?” Daniel was still concerned about her. “You think only a kiss can tire me?” Rachel replied boldly, she too was not sure where this boldness came from but she suddenly felt courageous. Daniel was surprised by her words but he was not the one to back down, “Well should we find out what can tire you?” Daniel leaned forward and whispered in her ears, his eyes looked hungry for more. The bold Rachel of earlier disappeared and she became shy and shrank back ... Disclaimer: The cover photo does not belong to me, if the owner has a problem please let me know I'll remove it

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Startled by Jimmy's shout, Rachel's hand trembled and the coffee cup in her hand fell down, she accidentally spilled the hot coffee on herself.

"Fuck" Rachel reflexively shouted.

"Oh no, Rachel you fine?" Daniel quickly went to get some tissues, "Jimmy what happened? Why did you shout?" Daniel scolded him.

"Oh fuck, I am so sorry, I was actually called by an agency to audition for a role and I got excited so I shouted, Rachel I am really sorry."

Rachel smiled at him and said, "Hey chill I was startled, and the coffee was luckily not that hot, so it is alright." she also added, "By the way congratulations for this opportunity, it seems like your lucky day."

"Thank you Rachel" Jimmy thanked her but he was still feeling guilty.

Rachel's light blue shirt was drenched in coffee, "Rachel why don't you change your clothes and also have a bath you will feel better as you directly came here from your office." Daniel suggested.