

The symphonic music of heart beats racing amongst the majority of the Daemons surfaced in what seemed to be the conduction of an orchestral performance.

The Daemons all stood at attention, their guards raised to the maximum. The creatures' growls resonated through the air as they remained motionless, seemingly awaiting their master's command.

"Did you not hear me?" The Daemon questioned. "Normally, I wouldn't repeat myself, but since I'm feeling so ecstatic right now, I'll grant you all the privileges."

«In the Proprietor's Office»

"Can you believe this, my lord? How many centuries has it been?" Karen exclaimed, rhetorically.


The name of the Daemon was growled out by Owari, who was in disbelief at the moment.

"You prodigal bastard," he cursed, his anger disrupting the balance of the administrative center.

"Aeon-level Daemons have been dispatched to the battlefield to handle the threat and protect the target at this very moment," Karen assured him.