
The Disgraced Mafia Heiress And The Vengeful Mafia King

WARNING: DARK ROMANCE "You're hereby sentenced to death," Marco roared without pity. "Before that, strip this lying whore bare immediately. She is no longer the heiress of the DeLuca Mafia and my fiancée.” ******** On the day of her coronation as the new boss of the DeLuca Mafia, Sophia DeLuca's world falls apart. Betrayed by her cousin and fiancé, she is disgraced and sold to the Mafia. To her shock, Luca Moreno, the most feared Mafia boss in New York, is present on the night she is to meet her new owner. Taken by Luca, who promises to make her suffer, Sophia refuses to break. Luca is both amazed by her defiance and drawn to her beauty, yet he remains determined to crush her spirit. While enduring Luca's torment, Sophia plans her escape. She needs to return home, reclaim her position, and exact revenge on those who betrayed her. But as she struggles with her feelings, she finds herself torn, beginning to fall for the man who swore to make her life miserable.

Francesca_Anthony · Urbain
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55 Chs

Chapter 18.

The soft click of the hotel suite door closing echoed in the silence as Marco and Ariana stepped inside. The room, adorned with elegant furnishings and a panoramic view of the city skyline, did little to lift their spirits. Marco tossed his jacket onto a nearby chair, running a hand through his blond hair with a frustrated sigh. Ariana, her expression etched with annoyance, paced the room like a caged tigress.

"I can't believe that insufferable man!" Ariana's voice cut through the quiet. "Luca is such a snob!"

Marco glanced at her, his eyes dark with irritation. "You think I didn't notice? He looked at us like we were dirt beneath his feet."

"He acts like he's above everyone else. Just because he's a mafia boss and has money doesn't mean he can treat people like that."

Marco moved to the window, staring out at the glittering city lights. "We've dealt with worse, Ariana. But Luca... There's something about him. It's like he knows something we don't."

Ariana joined him by the window, her reflection merging with the cityscape in the glass. "He definitely knows more than he's letting on. The way he kept deflecting our questions, acting all high and mighty. It's infuriating."

Marco turned to face her with a thoughtful expression. "Do you think he might have something to do with Sophia's disappearance?"

"It's possible. The way he avoided answering any questions about her... it's like he was hiding something."

Marco's jaw tightened. "If he knows anything about where she is, we need to find out."

"But how?"

Marco placed a hand on her shoulder. I'll handle it, Ariana. I'll find a way to get the information we need, with or without his cooperation."

She sighed and nodded. "I just hope we succeed. Mr. Salvatore called and told me that Alexander is still out there plotting against me."

Marco's expression darkened. "What the fuck is wrong with that man?"

Ariana shook her head, frustration evident in her eyes. "I don't know, Marco, but I need to fly back to Los Angeles tomorrow."

"Alright, you go first. I'll stay here and continue searching for Sophia. What are you thinking about, Ariana?"

Ariana's jaw clenched."Killing that bastard, Alexander... he's getting under my skin."

"Okay, relax. We have to be careful, unless you get..."

"Unless I get what?" Ariana snapped, her anger flaring.

"Unless you get caught. We can't afford any mistakes right now. Not with everything at stake."

Ariana took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down. "You're right. But it's hard not to let it get to me. Alexander is a thorn in our side, and he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants."

Marco nodded, his expression grim. "I know. But we need to be smart about this. One wrong move and it could all come crashing down."

"I'll be careful, Marco. I promise. But if I get a chance to take him out, I'm going to do it."

Marco's eyes softened slightly. "Just make sure you do it right. We can't afford any loose ends."





    Luca Moreno's Mansion

Sophia's eyes opened slowly, and she saw a little boy with black hair standing over her. "Are you alright?" he asked with a bright smile.

She looked around and saw that she was lying on the sand. Confused, she wondered who the little boy was and how she had gotten there.

"Are you alright?" the little boy repeated, and then she snapped awake. She had been dreaming. She rubbed her eyes and tossed around. She paused, realizing she felt comfortable. Glancing around, she saw that she was lying in a bed—Luca's bed—with a duvet wrapped around her.

Quickly, she got up from the bed, looking at it as if it were poisonous. She looked around and realized Luca was nowhere to be found. It was better this way; she didn't want to see his face. She hurried out of the room, bumping into Carla on the way.

Carla's face squeezed into a frown. "You're awake?"

"Where's that fucking bastard?" Sophia asked, surprising Carla. "Where is he?"

"You should go shower and get ready to work. Come along."

"I'm not fit for that today," Sophia snapped, her annoyance growing.

"You have no say in this," Carla retorted sharply.

"Fuck that shit. I want to speak to Luca right now!"

"I'm right here!" Luca announced from behind her.

Sophia spun around to face him, her anger and frustration bubbling to the surface. 

"Carla, leave us," Luca ordered calmly.

 "Yes, sir." She bowed and walked away.

Sophia stood there, her heart pounding in her chest, memories of last night invading her mind. How could he be so cruel to her? Her anger boiled over, and she couldn't hold back any longer.

"What is it?" Luca asked coldly.

"I want you to let me out of here," Sophia demanded. "I'm tired of your abuse and torture. Let me go, Luca."

Luca's lips slanted into a wry smile. "You want me to let you go? Just like that?"

"Haven't you done enough?" Her voice rose, with her chest heaving with anger. "You disgraced me, brutalized, and beat me up. What more do you want, you fucking bastard?"

Luca stepped closer, his eyes darkening. "What more do I want? I want you to understand that you belong to me, Sophia. You can't just walk away."

"I don't belong to you!" her hands clenched into fists as she shouted. "I'm not your property. I'm a person, and I deserve to be treated with respect."

Luca's expression softened for a moment, a flicker of something almost like regret passing through his eyes. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual cold demeanor. "You think you deserve respect?"

Sophia's voice broke as she spoke, tears threatening to spill over. "I just want to be free, Luca. I just want to live my life without fear."

Luca sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Freedom comes at a price, Sophia. And right now, you're not in a position to pay for it."

"Then what do you want from me?" 

Luca's expression hardened. He grabbed her roughly, shoving her against the wall. "I want you to suffer," he growled, his face inches from hers. "To cry and beg without any help, just like I fucking did back then."

Tears streamed down Sophia's face as she yelled, "I didn't do anything to you!" Her voice was raw with emotion.

Luca's fist slammed into the wall beside her head, making her flinch. "You did something to me," he shouted, his eyes blazing with rage and pain. "Something terrible."

Sophia shook her head frantically, her sobs growing louder. "I don't remember," she cried. "I don't remember doing anything to you. Please, Luca, remember me!"

"You're despicable for ever forgetting such a heinous act," Luca spat. "I'll break your spirit, your body, and your soul until there's nothing left of you."

With one final, hate-filled glare, he turned and stormed into his room, slamming the door behind him. The sound echoed through the hallway, leaving Sophia alone in oppressive silence.

She collapsed to the ground, her body wracked with uncontrollable sobs. She hit her head with her fists, desperate to force herself to remember whatever it was that had caused Luca so much pain. "What did I do?" she cried bitterly. "What did I do to deserve this?"

For what felt like an eternity, she stayed there, crying until there were no tears left. Her body felt numb, and her mind was a chaotic swirl of confusion and pain. She couldn't understand how everything had gone so wrong, how she had ended up in this nightmare. But one thing was clear: Luca's hatred for her was real, and it was destroying her, piece by piece