
The Dimensional Vanguard: Rift Breakers

Dimensional travel. A theory that is said to be impossible to reach and yet, humans were creative enough to even build a tech to break through the universe to travel to the other. What's there to discover? What's there to even do? For Earth's benefits? For a new future? Whatever it is, the government had already made their decision to make history. For the first time in a thousand and a million years, it is possible. For a new world to adventure. As they see what's outside of their universe, sending in their utmost great men to these unfamiliar Worlds.

Hushed_Desire · Action
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6 Chs

Prologue: Embrace the New Future

United Kingdom, Cambridge,

Dimensional Vanguard Corps HQ

December 29, 2078

11:38 PM


[Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Vanguard News Channel...]

A faint voice emits from the radio, resting on the table as it carries a hint of static sound.

[This evening I have come to report that our Captain has been sleeping for the past 4 hours now. Wakey wakey Captain!]

The radio crackled with a booming voice that reverberated through the whole room.

Startled from their slumber, the person jolted in surprise, his eyes snapping open as he quickly sat upright from his seat.

[Captain's asleep again?]

A different person this time responded from the radio, sounding in disbelief.

Stirring from his sleep, he slowly raises his hands to rub his eyes to remove his sleepiness, his lamp reflecting his scarlet red-eyes and black hair. He turned his seat to face the door, his squinting gaze slowly adjusted to the dim lights. His eyes remained narrow before a yawn escaped from his lips.

His attention focused towards a glass-paneled door. He sees a head silhouette moving up and down.

[Yep, heard it right, I can see him through his paneled glass door- Oop- he's awake.]

He turned around to reach for his radio that is covered by a few sheets of paper. Swiftly relocating each paper to an organized stack, he finishes and grabs his radio.

"Brother, if that's you on the glass panel I'm gonna stand up from my seat and sprint towards my door to smack you." His voice shows hints of annoyance.

Seems like he's in a bad mood for a time to mess around. Well, he just woke up.

[Jeez, calm down Cpt. Nato, things were getting boring here ya know. Anyways, I got some important papers and they told me to give'em to you.]

"Haaa... Alright, give me a second." He breathed in and out for a few seconds before getting up from his chair. Unhurriedly walking to the door and twisted the knob.

Opening his door, gave away a young man in his complete black military uniform, black hair, vibrant blue color on his eyes with a smile showing on his face.

He stood there, a file on his hand and the other with his radio, extending his arms to lend the files on hand to Nato.

"Here's the file!" He spoke with energy.

Nato reached for the files, and to return the happy energy towards his Brother, he tilted his head and warmly smiled. "Thanks, Oliver."

"No problemo! I'll get back to the boring guard job." He pulled his hands away and quickly turned around, marching away from Nato's room.

With the files in his hands, he breathed out before closing the door, making his whole room dim.

He walked back to his seat and turned around to face his office table, dropping the files on his table, he opened and lifted one of them to get a glance.

One seems to be a printed letter with someone's name and signature on the bottom while the other is a list of people.

But he chose to read the letter first as it is obvious that it's more important than the other.

[ Dear Captain Nato Ironheart,

I hope that my letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It is a pleasure in being able to send you my official correspondence. I wrote to inform you that you are chosen as the leader to carry out our most significant operation, Operation Astral. ]

'Ah, so it's going to be me huh?' He thought to himself as he continued to read the paper.

[ The reason for you to be our best option in this operation is because of your exceptional leadership skills and outstanding abilities which have earned the trust and confidence of our higher-ups.

Enclosed with this letter, you will find a paper containing important details of the individuals who will participate in this mission. Rest assured, they are chosen by their exceptional combat skills and are invaluable assets for you and the team. ]

As said with the mentioned paper on his other hand, he took a quick glance of the listed soldiers before returning his attention to the letter.

[ The operation is scheduled to commence in 3 days, allowing you to make your preparations and to take the opportunity to talk to your team. Important note, your weapons and armor will be arranged within the day before the Operation.

Lastly Captain Nato, we have put our faith in your skills and unwavering dedication to our cause. This operation will leave a mark on history books, and we are confident that, under your leadership, it will be executed with precision and success.

If you have any queries, don't be afraid to visit my office at Floor 2, Sector B, Room 5.



Captain Nato Ironheart

Professor & Logistics Director,

Veronica ]

Reaching to the end of reading the letter. He gently puts the letter down to the table before crossing his arms, entering deep into his thoughts.

It's noticed that their superiors have high expectations towards the entrusted leader, Cpt. Nato.

He was thankful to the superiors for giving remarks to his skills but it feels rather overwhelming.

A mission to travel to a different world? That's an insane accomplishment that anyone could ever do.

Would there be a possibility for them to meet different creatures? Like the ones seen on tv shows, movies and books? Who knows, it's an intriguing thought but it's terrifying as well.

Human civilization meets the other with unknown knowledge and mystery.

A world that meets another with different laws of nature.

It's here, it's happening in this Headquarters.

It's thrilling, it's terrifying but a once in a lifetime experience. Yet, it will soon become a common experience if this ever becomes a success.

Going farther into his thoughts, Nato feels the adrenaline rushing through his veins. The idea gets more fascinating than it should be.

The room was surrounded with silence, the dim lights casting a grayish hue over the whole room. His thoughts overwhelming his mind with its weight. Leaning back in his chair, his gaze ascended towards the plain white ceiling above him.

'Embrace the New Future... Interesting choice of words.' He thought to himself.

If there are any minor or major mistakes in spelling, and grammar. Please do point it out in the comments! Much appreciated for reading the chapter!

Hushed_Desirecreators' thoughts