
The diary of a girl's fantastic heart

Once upon a time there was a cute kitten who became a hero when he decided to offer his belly as heaven to the abused and despised souls of millions of mice in the world. But since there is a great hero, there must be an illustrious villain who stands up to him: Lucifer. I am the cute kitten and I am doomed to be the babysitter of a demon in love ... Lucifer's inescapable orders. I also have to channel confused souls, in the midst of their stagnant rebellion, towards the vile temptation to be the protagonists of a romance sponsored by Satan. Reading and connecting with a character with personality can lead you to live his life between the pages ...Would you dare to feel the fire of the demon as if it were magic? Of course, in order to attract you to this game of seduction I must put the cards on the table: A girl with hellishly adolescent whips. Beats that led her to a promise that would condemn her to cross her path with that of a demon too handsome to see past her blue eyes. Now that same demon does not know if heaven was worth his betrayal of Lucifer ... now he is without heaven and without the melodies of the heart of his sweet girl. "Sweet girl of mine ... mine ... only mine" And it must continue like this, because otherwise, the diary of a girl's fantastic heart will be incomplete. ... or not? Maybe the sexy side of magic speaks for all of our demons.

giz · Fantastique
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81 Chs

Chapter twelve

When Luz doesn't want to think about reality and only about what she likes, my job becomes easier as it is now.

Luz has decided to teleport to the only place where she has only happy memories. Simultaneously, Luz listens to the sounds of different places (remember that this is a special function of the teleporter) to try to combine them in her mind. She needed to relax to know what she would do about her father.

Her place to think is the forest where no one steps. Yes, here instead of grass there is supposed to be quicksand. The strange thing is that, despite this condition, trees grow there. The most insidious say that it was because of a failed experiment with the new teleporter model. Luz dorsn't know that because he doesn't care about it either. The only one who is interested in science in her family is her brother Esteban. Maybe later she would bring him over to play hanging from the branches to pass the time.

This forest is not the only one, there is another one in the only tourist center of this town. That forest is strange, but still beautiful and livable, unlike this one.

It's not Luz's fault that the only thing within reach is all that's left over from the most beautiful. Don't deny me demon, you wanted me to be honest with your girl and that's what I'm trying, without losing cordiality always.

Luz is very good at climbing trees because as a child this forest has been the only place where she has felt out of the spotlight of her family and the world. Everyone is afraid of this place, It's dangerous and that gives her authority.

Luz feels that this forest gives her the control she longs for over her own life. She wants authority to manage her destiny as she wants, the problem is that everything she likes is always wrong in the eyes of her parents. The truth is that she does not want to suffer like her mother. Luz doesn't want a boyfriend like her father, she doesn't want to be a mother like her mother.

Observing, sitting on the branch that is halfway up the big tree that shelters her, she thinks about what she is supposed to wish for in order not to suffer so much. It's easy for her to force herself to like the boys her mother likes, but that's just a game.

Here, in the middle of the darkness only iluminated by the light of the moon, Luz senses that there is a great is a great force that she does not know where it should lead. As a child she came here to cry; she no longer remembers the reason, although she does not think it is very different from the others. Then Luz hears a murmur and there it was. Sitting on the branch of a tree, squinting as if he saw something she didn't, or maybe he was trying to remember sometnig. Wathever the reason, any excuse doesn't matter, anything goes if It's to try to keep the love.

Little Luz saw in his eyes, the same heaviness and sadness that inhabited her. Although Luz did not play any instrument unlike him. The child Alexis played the flute in a sublime way. The corners of his eyes had an outline of wrinkles, his lips pressed tightly together and his chest deflated and inflated as if the flute was a person he would not allow to die. She imagined that was called passion for art and thought it was beautiful.

The moonlight is especially bright and warm in this forest; therefore, she considers this place as the only place where everything is true and beautiful at the same time.

Luz did not understand what could be so terrifying in that forest. She was afraid of almost everything but this is where she feels brave. The darkness, children like Alexis or some girl like Margot don't make her nervous, because Luz feels that this forest protects her. It is not an exaggerated protection like her mother's; it is a protection that makes her feel free as she hangs on the branches of one tree or another.

Suddenly, in an instant, the clouds disappear and the stars illuminate even more the flora and fauna around them. A rabbit hopping happily, a multicolored butterfly and a skunk walking as if it were modeling.

How can they walk on the shifting ground or quicksand?

The truth is that the protagonist has not made up her mind whether it was sand or just quicksand. I guess, wherever she is at the moment, she is not thinking about the demon at all. And is that, the story begins to have flaws or the famous "plot holes"; we have not reached that extreme but with a fantastic heart nothing is know, when the one who moves the story has given up and the mind does her the favor of forgetting first small details and then that she fell in love with a demon.

This is earned by being sincere, but I'm not going to "pass the flannel" demon so continue to ruin my communication with the dolphin's scent. At some point he'll get karma for taking advantage of other people's bad situation...

For the souls of my littles mouses, I swear!

I feel like I'm drowning because of the noise interfering with the synapse between me and the dolphin's scent.

Even on the verge of suffocation I can't stop narrating, though now only mentally, because the demon has cast or has cast on me a damned spell so that I will never stop talking to you. I like you but I also have a life for... for Lucifer of course (what have I got left?).

Believe me, even though I know I'm not going to drown, the feeling of suffocation is excruciating. You feel your lungs fill up with water and instead of breathing in oxygen, you feel that it smells like lead and in my field of vision appears a somewhat murky scene:

"It's too foggy for me to know what's behind it. The only thing that stands out are some thick red lines that move slowly as if they were forced. They are bright red and seem to want to show something... they seem to want to find their own meaning.

The red lines are divided into tiny parst like dots resembling sparks of sparkling red in the middle of the fog.

"Something in the middle of nowhere is everything to a dreamer"

Am I truly clairvoyant enough to know that an unorthodox scene is coming?

Eyes with a very special glow appear. They stand out in the dark fog. His gaze is too provocative, almost irresistible as if it were Eros himself.

I know they are the eyes of he; because I can also visualize the shadow of a prominent Adam's apple on his neck. If I were not trying to give you a more human perspective of the gloomy image I would tell you that instead of Adam's apple it looks like the horn of a unicorn, because of the small light that is lit. Right now I can't see anything but blood and I hear screams... the origin of unicorns is in the screams, or so according to Luz.

The truth is that I know nothing about the origin of anything; but I do know that humans are more curious than cats and that is why they have dug their own graves. As much as it pains them, they should limit themselves to what their senses and intellects allow them to analyze. Anyway, that's advice from a cat who is projected to become a legend.

As far as I understand it, all those ideas that live in their heads are pure lies. I know of no human being who knows even a little bit of the secrets of the universe. Maybe Luz is the exception and that is why Lucifer is so interested in her. Otherwise I can't explain it; there are many beautiful girls with enough brains to store what they are told to store. It won't be because he wants the demon to get rid of her; demons have many intense love affairs, they even profess love to their victims and, even so, they are still the same demons as before.

What! what!

Am I bleeding?

No... thank goodness, already... no!

Yes, I am bleeding, but my blood is now the long fingers of Luz.

What have you done to me, vile demon?