
the diamonte

in a school where there the first five people on the position list get a scholarship to the same college and the other five,another college,a group of teens came together to create a hidden reading group. reading day and night to be the best. will they be able to win even with the challenges they face?

florenceeyi · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs


Daisy and Fiona chased after Glenda. After a short long search,they finally found her squatting near a concrete chair.

"Hi Glenda, are you okay?"Daisy asked

"Daisy, I think I… like him"

"Wait, what?"

" I said I like him, he's cute and friendly. I might have fallen in love." She cover her face as she blushes heavily.

"Woah, how do we deal with this now?"fiona asked. She could not help but ask. She was at wits end. She knew Glenda was preparing for heartbreak. Dirk knows nothing about love, will he be able to reciprocate her feelings or noticed Glenda liked him. " I think you need to stopping having that emotion right now. He's going to break your heart. Dirk is not a playboy, he just doesn't have time for love and even if he likes you, he might not make a move. You are going to cryyyyy"

At this point, Glenda started weep. Not knowing whether it's Fiona's words that made her cry or the fact that she was in love with a statue.

"Fiona, stop it. Now she's crying" Daisy turns to

Glenda " Don't cry, we'll all help you" She then turns to Fiona"won't we?"

If looks could kill, Fiona would be dead.

"Yes yes, now stand up and clean your face before they say I bullied you. I'm sure you don't want dirk to see like this"

"Dirk" was a magic word in Glenda's ears. She hurriedly stood up and cleaned her face


The devil we were talking about.

" There she is…." Geoffrey said

" where" Dirk cuts him off

" over there, squatting. Seems like she's crying"

Dirks starts to run to meet her, he was so worried. "Has he done anything wrong? Did he say something bad" who hurt her. My heart aches" different thoughts ran through his head.

"Calm down dirk" Geoffrey shouted. " where is he running to" he voices out. "I'll just keep walking"

As Glenda stands up, she misses her footing and dirk was quick to catch her. Glenda was face to face to dirk, her heart could explode. "Why is nature against her? I thought we just made a deal to try to him. Why are you playing with my fragile heart" she cursed. Dirk on the other hand was worried. " Are you okay? What happened? Why were you crying? Was it my fault?" Dirk kept bombarding her with questions.

Few meters away. There was Daisy, Fiona and Geoffrey " why does it seem something is not right about these two." Geoffrey asked

"Acting like lovers." Daisy added

"Feeding us dog food." It was like Fiona had had enough. This was just the beginning. While Dirk keep being worried and Glenda was blushing, the spectators were watching.

" I'm fine, I just remembered something. Thanks"Glenda said

"Was I the cause?"

"No, you are not, I just realized something"

"Do you want to tell me about it?"

"I said it's nothing. I'm fine"

"Let's go to class, one minute more before class starts" and of course Fiona was sure to spoil the mood.

"What?" They shouted in unison.

"Come on, let's go"

They hurried off to class.