
The Diamond Uprising

||Book two of the Diamond Series|| I'm sure you all know how my daughter suffered and struggled to end the war against the demons and brought about peace. Just like I did. But it would be too good to be true if it ended there. For there was a greater force behind this...and it has to do with my past... 'sit up straight, no slouching, keep your knees together, don't speak unless spoken to, keep your back straight when you curtsey' that was all I had ever known, being brought up to be the perfect daughter and being the Khamatu, I had a lot of expectations of me. My opinion never mattered. Why would it? I had to be the perfect daughter. But this wasn't the life I wanted for myself. I wanted freedom more than anything and not to be locked up like an exotic bird. But I had to swallow a whole lot. With the war going on, we had to lay low and try our best not to get caught up in it. Being powerful creatures, we had the power to change things but there was also that fear of being rejects. Afterall not many people know about our existence. Since I knew I was a divine being, I had always felt like it was my job to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Who were treated badly because of who or what they were. I never had any friends. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone; not even the servants because they were 'lower' than us. As usual, I swallowed everything. But deep down, I felt like I was drowning and there was no one to hear me. But there was only one person who could. He was my best friend, my first and probably only friend. I could go to him whenever I needed to talk things out. Some days, we would spent it together, talking and laughing. This has been my life for the most part...but I couldn't bare it anymore when a certain news was delivered to me It was at that moment I knew, I needed to break free and rise History remembers but it only remembers a fraction of the truth. This is the untold history of the priestess...

KING_KHAREN · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


It was finally time for the boring long-awaited ball.

There was some feeling about this one.

Not like this will be the last I'll attend but I just wanted to get it over with.

Though there was this uncomfortable feeling that I have about it though.

My instincts are almost never wrong.

Father told us that we should put on our best.

I had too many to choose from but I chose a nice bright green elegant dress that represents my love for nature.

He didn't like it though and requested something darker.

It wasn't exactly 'me' but I didn't have much choice and wore it regardless.

The color looked like something that would fit my sister like a glove.

It was just for one night.

One night I knew I wasn't going to enjoy it if Zack wasn't going to join us.

I found a way to sweet talk my father.

He was having second thoughts about bringing him because he claims there'll be more than enough security there.

I told him they were only there to guard guests and basically everyone but me.

That wasn't much but it was enough to push his buttons.

He had Zack dressed to look like an actual prince.

I almost found myself swooning at the sight of him.

Anaka did the same too. After we had gotten ready, our carriage took us to the castle.

Though I caught a glimpse of mother bringing something along with her.

I couldn't place my finger on it.

But it wasn't something I should be worried about so I let it slide.

The ride to the castle was filled with a nerve wrecking silence. Or at least that's how I felt.

We don't exactly have this bond a normal family should.

My sister somewhat hates me because I got powers I never wanted, mother and father don't exactly seem to talk to each other all the time.

Almost like they had a fight or they were presently fighting.

I don't even feel like father genuinely loves me for me.

He's just acting like he cares because I'm the Khamatu and what not.

To say I was happy when we had gotten to the castle was an understatement.

I figured it would be better than staying in a confined space with my 'family'.

In my own opinion, we didn't act like we were related.

Though I hadn't said anything, it really bugged me.

We were greeted at the front door of the castle and instructed on where the ballroom was.

The guards were just doing their jobs not like they meant any of it.

We also weren't totally oblivious to where the ballroom was as we've been here before.

The ballroom was decorated even better than it usually was. There also seemed to be a high table with chairs.

Guess there was something big planned by the king.

Whatever it was, as long as it had nothing to do with me, I was good.

"anyone could tell you're upset. Come with me, let me cheer you up" I looked up to see Prince Javan.

He looked nice (obviously, he's a prince). He had a confident look on his face.

His cockiness never ceases to amaze.

He had his hand out to me with a smirk on his face. How I wish I could slap it off.

"no thanks, go look for some other girl to fool" I glared at him but he didn't say anything. His smirk only grew even more.

He moved closer and leaned in, whispering in my ear.

"I promise you, at the end of tonight we will be together; whether you believe it or not" was that a threat?

His low tone sent shivers down my spine.

Not exactly excitement but fear. I was probably shivering as well.

After that, Javan didn't say anything, he only gave a slight nod and then left. What was all that about?

I could tell he wasn't bluffing.

Zack approached me with a worried look on his face.

"are you ok?" he stood beside me.

Having him around helped reduce my nerves a little.

His shoulder gently brushed against mine and it sent a gentle warmth through me, replacing the shiver I had.

We spent the rest of the night together, though father said we shouldn't go too far from him.

Anaka was busy drooling over Javan like a lost puppy.


At some point, the king gently hit his glass with a knife, gaining everyone's attention.

He was standing by the high table and there was a huge smile on his face.

"I'm so glad you all could attend even in these troubled times" I wanted to whisper to Zack how the king should be planning war meetings instead of throwing a ball but someone could hear me and it could cause some serious trouble.

I always hated his speech because.

Why not?

I mean it was really boring and besides it had nothing to do with me so why should I listen?

"and now to more important matters. It has been decided that my son is ready to get married and choose a bride. They shall be prince and princess until I pass on before taking the throne totally" now this caught my attention.

I never really cared what Javan did but I would love to see the unfortunate person he was going to end up with.

When I saw my sister smile sheepishly, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Now that I think about it, father paid extra attention to us today; more than he would at a normal ball.

Maybe because he wanted Anaka to look nice when she got called up to meet her…husband.

At least she could get something she wanted, and probably let go of the whole Khamatu thing.

I felt happy for her; despite how mean she is to me most times.

"and now to call on someone whom I see worthy to crown as our future queen. Someone who I know will do great to serve us. My new daughter-in-law. Elaka" my smile vanished in seconds.

A huge part of me felt like he was joking.

Everyone turned and clapped for me. I was still in shock. When had I agreed to this?

The king noticed how paralyzed I was until father told Zack to walk me up to him.

This was all so sudden. I felt like when I was told I was the Khamatu all over again.

I did my best to hide my shock and smile at my 'father-in-law'.

He looked really happy and gave me a warm hug.

Javan had a grin on his face and kissed my cheek when I was fully beside him. I turned to face the crowd.

I could see my parents looking happy and proud but I could tell my mother was faking it.

Anaka on the other hand, looked totally crushed.

I could see the pain and anger in her eyes.

It took everything in me not to walk up to her and give her a hug. Why was I always the one getting the attention?

She deserves it; not me.

I could see Zack in the crowd.

He looked just as sad and hurt as I was but there was also a small hint of anger in his eyes.

I didn't say anything.

After all, what COULD I say and who would bother to listen?

The king raised his glass and everyone did to toast.

Javan moved closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"I told you I would have you by the end of the night" I was on the verge of crying.

Javan and I walked around greeting people as a couple.

He was enjoying it more than I was.

His hands were firmly planted on my waist. It somewhat made my skin crawl.

When we finally got to my parents, I couldn't even look at them.

"I couldn't think of anyone more fitting to take my daughter's hand," father laughed and shook him firmly.

"well I will say; she's an eye catcher" he grinned and I felt his eyes go all over my body.

Father obviously overlooked his behavior and kept on laughing.

It was almost like he didn't care about the tension in the air.

"we're literally the same, why her?" I heard my sister mumble.

Father probably heard it too and he gave her a warning look.

It did nothing to intimidate her.

She isn't a sheep like me.

"Well there's something about her that I'm drawn to. Excuse us" he held my hand and led us out into the gardens.

There was nothing that could be equivalent to my fear right now.

"why?" the words came out before I could prevent it.

That seemed to have caught his attention.

"Why did you pick me? Why not my sister? We're basically the same"

"because I know you're the Khamatu" I should have known from the beginning.

This title has been a burden since I got it.

If we are to get married, then our marriage would be like mother and father.

I don't think I could live such a life.

Just as he was about moving closer to me, Zack stopped him, irritation was written over his face.

"pardon me your majesty, but her father sent for her. It's time to go home" he really was my knight in shining armor.

I happily followed him without saying another word to the prince.

I wanted to melt into my seat during the ride home. As usual on one said anything.

I made sure I sat beside mother because Anaka wasn't exactly in the best mood.

I don't think she ever will be.

Immediately we got home, I had the servants prepare a warm bath for me. I wanted to go to bed as soon as possible.

At least I could be free in my dreams.

After I had cleaned myself, I got into my night robes and sat on my bed.

My mind was literally in a million places.

Did Javan ask his father for this? He didn't seem to be forced into doing this though.

Before my thoughts could go further, there was a gentle knock.

It was really late and I didn't want to be disturbed.

I let out a small 'come in', not having strength to move from my current position.

Much to my surprise, it was Zack.

He was dressed in his night attire.

"w-what are you doing here?" I asked, letting my eyes follow him as he came closer.

"I came to check up on you" he stood in front of me and helped me up to my feet.

Him being taller than me required me to look up at him in order to meet his gaze.

"why would you? I'm fine" I mustered up the best smile I could but he kept on staring at me expectantly.

"I know you're lying so I'll ask again…are you ok?" At that point, I just broke down and I couldn't hold it in anymore.

The tears began to flow...