
The Diamond Uprising

||Book two of the Diamond Series|| I'm sure you all know how my daughter suffered and struggled to end the war against the demons and brought about peace. Just like I did. But it would be too good to be true if it ended there. For there was a greater force behind this...and it has to do with my past... 'sit up straight, no slouching, keep your knees together, don't speak unless spoken to, keep your back straight when you curtsey' that was all I had ever known, being brought up to be the perfect daughter and being the Khamatu, I had a lot of expectations of me. My opinion never mattered. Why would it? I had to be the perfect daughter. But this wasn't the life I wanted for myself. I wanted freedom more than anything and not to be locked up like an exotic bird. But I had to swallow a whole lot. With the war going on, we had to lay low and try our best not to get caught up in it. Being powerful creatures, we had the power to change things but there was also that fear of being rejects. Afterall not many people know about our existence. Since I knew I was a divine being, I had always felt like it was my job to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Who were treated badly because of who or what they were. I never had any friends. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone; not even the servants because they were 'lower' than us. As usual, I swallowed everything. But deep down, I felt like I was drowning and there was no one to hear me. But there was only one person who could. He was my best friend, my first and probably only friend. I could go to him whenever I needed to talk things out. Some days, we would spent it together, talking and laughing. This has been my life for the most part...but I couldn't bare it anymore when a certain news was delivered to me It was at that moment I knew, I needed to break free and rise History remembers but it only remembers a fraction of the truth. This is the untold history of the priestess...

KING_KHAREN · Fantaisie
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8 Chs


I let mother take be back to the white void again.

It feels like it has been a while since I've been here.

The last time I came here was before I knew who I was.

"what's on your mind young one?" she sat next to me and stroked my hair.

I had explained everything to her.

From the terrible feeling I had at Bloodlake down to the mirror we found at the basement.

I also told her about flashes of memories that weren't even mine.

Mother stayed silent and listened to everything I had to say.

When I had finished, she let out a small sigh and remained silent for a couple seconds.

"I guess everything you're experiencing has to do with my past and my childhood"

"what do you mean? I'm sure you had a fantastic childhood. Filled with adventure" she probably didn't have it as hard as me or maybe she did.

After all I never got to meet her…physically.

"it wasn't how you think it is. Where do I even begin…" she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. I just stared at her.

Not having anything to say.

"there are a few things about your heritage that you don't know about. History only remembers a fraction of who I am and how I came about. I will tell you my story and everything I went through. That should give you some insight on what's happening presently…"


Elaka's POV:

I grew up in Blacklake, partially living as an outcast.

We Khamatu's had been so scared of our existence and never really came out of hiding as we would be seen as freaks of nature.

We lived a somewhat luxurious life as my mother, the Khamatu before me had married a wealthy werewolf.

He was among the council from what I remember so we were far from poverty. We were noblemen.

From what people know about us today, our breed is humble and kind but that doesn't apply to everyone.

My father made sure we didn't associate with anyone lower than us.

I didn't like it but there was nothing I could do about it.

My sister never said anything about it as well so I never really knew if she enjoyed it or not.

"Wait! You had a sister?" Lyra interrupted me.

There was a look of utter shock written over her face upon discovering she had an aunt.

"yes; yes, I did-"

"then why does history show no account of her?" she interrupted me before I could add anything else.

"do you want me to finish my story or not?" I grumbled and she kept quiet, looking up at me with big expectant eyes.

My sister and I were raised to be the perfect daughters.

We sat up straight, didn't speak unless spoken to.

We had to be prim and proper.

Our father had high expectations of both of us.

My mother couldn't say much about it.

She was a really quiet woman and kept to herself most of the time.

You could say she was distant from me and my sister.

We did talk to her though but not as often.

My father on the other hand, he was a polar opposite.

He was a narcissist and loved to brag about things.

I feel like he only married my mother because he saw her as such a huge trophy.

In my own opinion, they never acted like they were an actual couple.

They always acted like the were obligated to each other.

Maybe they were actually in love but had a funny way of showing it.

Anyways, when my father found out my mom had a set of twin girls; he was ecstatic.

Since the powers of the Khamatu can only be passed down to one female child, and he had two.

He didn't know who would get it.

Thus, he treated us both equally.

He trained us the same way, learning the exact same thing.

As at then, my sister and I were totally indifferent.

Though she was more confident than me and was obviously my dads favorite, we still had a bond.

To me I felt we were inseparable.

That was until something happened that changed….

I'm sorry for the insanely short chapter. This is meant to be like a prologue before the main thing