

"Anabella where will you run from here" Daryn laughed at the little girl running in the forest. He laughed more as he noticed her little attempt to stop the werewolves who were chasing her. She futilly throwed stones at the werewolves ......

CIVILLIAN · Histoire
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 She's so small

 Daryn watched as the little girl ran away from the wolves chasing her in the Black forest 

"Anabella where will you run from here" Daryn chuckled at the little girl running in the Dark Forest .He laughed more as he noticed her little attempt of scaring the wereloves chasing her , she was throwing little stones at the huge werewolves , Did she think that was going to stop those wild dogs.

"Sire what are you looking at ? " a man in dark robes stood before Daryn and asked 

"just a frantic little Dog "

"But sire does this little dog catches your interest ?" Dimitri looked up at Daryn 

Daryn shot a deadly glare at Dimitri and the young lad put his head back down 

"Sorry about that sire" 

"Hmmm she's been running for hours isn't she tired now "

 "Maybe she has a strong will to live sire"


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