
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime et bandes dessinées
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154 Chs

Chapter 14: A Proper Title!

Abirama grinned as he grabbed Alex's hands that was gripping his neck. "That's it....That's the face I wanted to see..."

Alex remained silent, just staring intently at the Arrancar who was struggling to break free.

"...That's it...That's....your battle face...." Abirama tried to break free but Alex was tightly grabbing his neck and it wouldn't even move an inch, "...Ahh...so strong..."

"...Use it." Alex stated, "...Your Ressureccion. I'll enjoy watching your face as I crushed you beneath my feet."

Abirama paused, before his Spirit Power went wild as he grabbed Alex's wrist quite strongly, "Scrape away the summit. Aguila!"

Alex just let go of the Arrancar as he began to transform. Now showing to have an appearance of a red humanoid bird with a pair of wings, flying in the sky.

"Hahaha! Crush me beneath your feet huh? Gremory, I will be the one to do that! Everything is prey when you're faced with the Aguila."

Alex slowly floated as his wings expanded. "You're noisy."

"Guh?!" Using telekinesis, Alex pulled Abirama towards him before pointing a finger on his chest.


Abirama blinks in shock, as a large hole appeared on his chest. Slowly, he saw darkness and felt himself falling down as he began to dissipates.

Alex just watched, as Abirama's fading body began to reform once again, showing that he wasn't dead yet.

"Huh?" Abirama stared at himself in confusion, he was sure that he had died earlier, but how?

However, he shook his head and grinned, as he looked at Alex, "Well looks like I'm sti—Grgh?!"

He couldn't finish his words as Alex severed his body in half as he once again began to dissolve.

But, just like last time his body reformed and he revived again.

"W-What?! What's hap—"

And again, Alex killed him, this time he crushed his head. And just like the previous time, when he was about to dissipate, he revived once more.

"Wha-?!" Abirama stared at Alex in shock.

Only for Alex to kill him again by ripping him in half.

Spirit Magic, with this magic, Death is so cheap she became Alex's slave. He can play around with Life and Death without any worries at all.

Using this, Alex has been reviving Abirama again and again while repeatedly killing him in the most horrific way he can imagine.

"St-Stop! No mo-Arcghk?!"

Alex stared at his corpse coldly as he revived Abirama once again, and grabbed his head and lifted him up.

"Aizen, Hollows, Arrancar, It doesn't matter to me. I don't give a fuck even if you people go on a killing spree. But you dare threaten my daughter. That's enough reason for you to die a thousand more times."

Abirama stared at Alex with eyes full of fear. Alex's ominous dark crimson seem to cause the area to darken as his blazing red eyes feels as if it causes one's soul to burn.

"Pray to whoever god you believe in. Because I'm fresh out of mercy."


At the pillar on the south. Sparks can be seen flying everywhere as two people can be seen clashing with swords.

Emilia was grinning as she keep on swinging her sword at Charlotte who was able to keep up with her. Of course, Emi was far from her full power.

Its just that, its been awhile since she had a fight and she wanted to warm up a bit.

She might be getting rusty after all.

"Break! Break! Break! Break!"

Emi couldn't understand why does this...man...woman?...keeps on yelling "break" every time their sword clash. But she didn't comment on it, everyone has a quirk or two after all.

"Break like your heart!"

A tic mark appeared on Emi's forehead as she suddenly quickened her slashes and increased her strength.


Charlotte was surprised as he felt Emi wounding his cheeks, but he didn't have time to check on it as Emi does not plan on stopping anytime soon.

He also used more strength to keep up, but even then he just keeps on receiving more and more wounds.

Finally deciding he had enough, he fired a "Cero" at Emi.

Emi's brow rose at that strange energy attack but she deflected it quite easily as she stopped attacking and gained some distance.

Charlotte did too as he observed at his wounds, especially at his face. Though he scoffed and flipped his long hair as he made a pose, "My, My, targeting my face like this...are you jealous of my beauty? Don't worry, even though you aren't as beautiful as I, you have your charm. So don't go attacking my face out of jealousy okay?"

Emi's eye twitched as her celestial force bursts out of her body. A bright silver aura leaked out of her body as she glared at Charlotte.

"Ooohh...that does it. I'm gonna kill you in the most horrifying way possible, you ugly motherfucker."

Emi has a sharp tongue, which according to Alex, is something she inherited from her mother.

She actually tried to suppress it, but now she was just pissed off. Being surrounded by many women with large boobs almost everyday already made her doubt her own femininity.

Now, this ugly ass motherfucker just insulted her, and even claiming that he is more beautiful than her. Seriously, haven't you ever heard of mirror?!

Charlotte appeared surprise by Emi's rather "offending" words as he flipped his hair, "My~ not only do you have an ugly appearance, but ugly heart and sharp tongue as well. I was merely offering a heartfelt words but...my~"

Emi's eye twitched, "You know, I really don't want to waste time arguing with you, so how about this...let's just fight."

Charlotte blinks for a bit before laughing, "Hahaha, you never give up huh? That actually makes me kind of happy. Now then. Let's get serious."

Charlotte's spirit power flared up, it was powerful enough to actually match a transcendental, albeit the weakest one. Around a million.

Emi raised an eyebrow as Charlotte held his sword in one hand, and, taking a deep breath, he jumped.


Emi blinks as Charlotte did several flips in mid-air. "My killing blow! Beautiful Charlotte Chuhlhourne... Miracle! Sweet! Ultra! Fantastic! Funky! Dramatic! Romantic! Sadistic! Erotic! Exotic! Athletic! Guillotine Atack!!!"

Emi ignored those words as her sword released a flame before slashing upwards, "Heavenly Flames!"

Charlotte's eyes widened as he crossed his arms to defend from the flames. However, he still felt his skin burning even with Spirit Power protecting him.

Smoke covered the sky after Emi's flame dissipated. Looking at it, Emi knew that Charlotte is still alive.

And she was right, Charlotte roared as the smoke was blown away. Revealing Charlotte half-naked form, his skin was releasing steam as it turned black from the flame, his hair was now also gone, showing his burnt bald head.

Charlotte opened his eyes, as he stared at his burnt skin in shock, he even touched his head and did not feel his hair. The pain he was feeling was far from the anger he was currently having.

"..My...My silky and long hair...my smooth and glossy skin...what...what have you done..?!"

"YOU UGLY PIECE OF SHIT!" His spirit power flared up, "I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I won't forgive you! I'LL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!"

Emi gripped her sword. She knew that he was finally getting serious. Despite Charlotte being weaker than her, Emi has learned since young to never underestimate an opponent.

"Sparkle!" Charlotte gripped his sword, "REINA DE ROSAS!"

A violet aura covered Charlotte, and when it disappeared, it revealed the Arrancar now with different appearance.

He is now dressed in a white crop top with extended wing-like shoulder pads and a short pink cape attached to the back.

He also wore white underwear with extended wings at the hips, and a pink flowing miniskirt.

He has large, white, disk-like bracelets on his ankles and wrists, and he wears heeled shoes, and he completes the outfit with a tiara with horns.

Emi winced at that sight. It might be something that will take her a long time to forget, and not in a good way.

Charlotte smiled and unconsciously tried to flip his hair, only to suddenly realized that he is now bald.

"Fuck!" He cursed, but took a deep breath to calm himself and observed Emi, who was staring at him in silence.

"My~ what's with the silence? Is it perhaps, yes, you are so awed by this princess magnificent appearance that you are stunned silent. Fumu, its only natural for someone as ugly as yourself to not be able to comprehend this princess beauty."

Emi took a step back, staring at him a look of contempt.

Charlotte merely smiled, "My~ I see how it is, is my beauty really so difficult for you grasp? Truly, that is something that must be pitied. As the most beautiful being in all of creation, it is my solemn duty to end your life."

Emi face palmed, she really wished that she had a different opponent.

"Take my killing blow." Charlotte formed a heart shape with his hands before pointing it at Emi, "Beautiful Charlotte Chuhlhourne, Final! Wonderful! Holy! Pretty Super Magnum! Sexy! Sexy! Glamorous Cero!"

Emi sighed, before taking a deep breath as she easily deflected the Cero. Sending it flying on the air.

Charlotte blinks his eyes in shock, "..W-What?! Impossible!"

Emi wasted no more words and appeared behind him, ready to cut his head off.

"Geh!" Charlotte reacted and blocked the blade with his disk-like bracelets. "A coward who attack from behind!"

"Coward am I?" Emi appeared in front of him and thrusts her sword to his chest.

Charlotte quickly reacted and managed to evade, only for Emi to grab his face and slammed him down on the pillar.

"Argh?!" The pillar was hard enough to not crack from that. Emi frowned, she expected the pillar to crack or something, so she lifted Charlotte's head before slamming him back down again.


Still nothing, so she did it again. And again, and again. Until she finally gave up after a dozen more times as the pillar did not even have a single crack, however, just as she was about take her hand from his face, her hand was grabbed by Charlotte who was lying on the ground with bleeding head.

"Hm?" Emi raised an eyebrow.

"You...ugly...bitch..." Charlotte spat out.

Emi just glared at him coldly before lifting her foot and slammed it on his chest.

"Gah?!" Charlotte released her hand as he coughed up blood.

With an expression as cold as ice, she pulled back her sword before stabbing Charlotte on the heart.

With a last cry, Charlotte body began to dissipate.

Emi pulled it out soon after before flicking it as she stared at the East, West and North.

"Well, I don't have to worry about those guys."