
The Devil of Yuragi-sou

Just a warning before you read this, if you want an "alpha" MC who solves problems with killings then don't bother with this fanfic, its not for you. I'm already tired about people complaining about my MC being a "beta" because he spared a single enemy, so if you don't want that, please don't bother reading this. You have been Warned! ************* Just something that popped into my head after re-watching Yuragi-sou no Yuuna-san, and re-reading Hataraku Maou-sama. Anyway, the Main Character, Alex, suddenly found himself in the body of the Great Demon King Satan who almost conquered the world; Ente Isla. After that, he suddenly heard a voice speaking to him. And its not a system. **** Also, this is a Slow Paced Slice of Life, so if you don't like it, please leave quietly. And if you like MC who is a badass that will just slaughter his opponents, then this story is not for you. The MC, despite being OP, doesn't like conflicts, and will only show his power once in awhile. He only wanted to raise and take care of....well, just read it, if you're interested.

PridefulRoyalty · Anime et bandes dessinées
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154 Chs

Chapter 1: ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

Lucifer was sitting on the roof of the inn, staring at Genshiro who was unconscious in front of the inn, with Yaya poking him with a stick.

"You appeared to be interested in him..."

Lucifer lazily looked beside him, where Hisui was now sitting next to him, eating a potato chips.

Lucifer yawned, "Yeah...the dude just reminds me of myself quite a bit. During our meetings, when Alex conquered my territory in the demon world, he asks me to join his army after beating me...."

"Hmm~" Hisui took some chips before nodding, "...and?"

"...nothing, I agreed to be his subordinate, and told him the exact words that Genshiro dude said, If I'm not satisfied with the way he leads...I will kill him. I actually feels a bit scared when Alsiel tried to cut off my head."

Hisui looked at him for a few seconds before smiling, "But it looks like you didn't try and kill him. And it looks you two are quite close."

Lucifer just layed down as he lazily watch the clouds, "....Alex is called the Demon King not only because of his strength, but also because he is respected by every demons in the Demon World. If he gave the order, none of them will disobey."

Hisui hummed before stuffing some chips to her mouth, "....hmm~ Hey Hanzo...I wanted to ask, why did you guys inavde Ente Isla?"

Lucifer closed her eyes, ".....why, for world domination of course. As Demons, we are incredibly greedy, and selfish, we can't be satisfied, we just can't have "enough" isn't that obvious?"

Hisui stared at him, before stuffing all the chips into her mouth as she also layed beside him,

"I don't quite believe it."

Lucifer opened his eyes, but remained silent.

"Alexander is lazy and carefree person, I have observed him long enough to know that much. He preferred staying in the Inn and hole up in his workshop....a guy like that, he wouldn't do something as troublesome as world domination."

Lucifer remained silent.



Alex was currently having some cake from his café. He looked around, various youkais and exorcist can be seen.

He is currently on his own café, visiting it. He was pretty satisfied with the way Ashiya handle the café, though he was curious as to why there is an ordinary human who works here.

Alex doesn't care about it though, because that ordinary human is already starting to slowly "evolve" due to being in contact with supernatural almost every night.

Speaking of "evolve" the new addition to his army has been improving quite a lot these days. He doesn't really know how to train someone, so he just suggested some training routines of anime characters he knew.

And as for why Alex decided to train him, it was because he was interesting. Gods are relatively close to a Sephira, holding some aspects in them.

He had observed Genshiro, and he indeed have some sort of connection to a Sephira, though faint, but its still there!

If that was the case, then its possible for him to use it. The Latent Force, the energy used by the Sephira themselves. The combination of both Demonic and Celestial Force.

Its perhaps an Energy just a little bit weaker than Stardust Energy.

Also, when the time come where he connects the Demon World to Earth, Genshiro, as a God, will be a big help. With his connection to the world, Alex can make the Demons of his world to be "accepted" by the world, and will allow them to recover their magic even without the use of fear.

True, if he used Hogyoku to the Demon World, then they'll have endless supply of magic, but that was just limited to Demon World, if they came to Earth, their magic wouldn't recover because they are treated as "foreign" existence and will be rejected.

Even though they won't get thrown out of the world, the world won't be helping them recover their powers because they don't belong to Earth, and the energy they used is completely different from Spirit Energy.

But with the help of Genshiro, which is literally connected to the world, Alex can influence the world and make the world accept the demons.

"Hey, have you heard that a captain from Gotei 13 defected and run away to hell." A male youkai with rabbit ears said.

"That's old news already," a man with a scale similar to fish scoffed, "according to my brother, a higher form of hollow has started appearing, they call themselves Arrancar or something."

"Really? Perhaps that's the reason why hollows became more aggressive lately."


Suddenly, Tengu walked towards the youkais who are having a talk and sat down, "That's news is good and all, but do you know what is even more surprising?"


"Yeah, the new discovery of hollows is already surprising enough, there's no way something can top that."

The tengu grinned, "Indeed, I was surprise by the hollow but, did you know that Yoinozaka and Tenko provoked someone they shouldn't have and suffered for it."

Everyone in the café suddenly turned their attention to the tengu, who just smiled smugly, "My brother is with the Yoinozaka when they are having a war. When suddenly, this guy appeared, threatened the two families and forced the entire East and West Youkais to kneel, he even dared to attack the Yoinozaka and Tenko's base, completely destroying half of their subspace and even injuring the clan heads, even now, the clan heads still couldn't move due to the attack."


"Please, if you want to brag, do it somewhere else!"

"Yeah, even a three years old won't believe that lie."

The tengu shrugs, "I don't care whether you believe me or not. The two families did their best concealing this matter, but it won't be long before the news spreads. You will know about it in a few days."


Even though the people still finds it hard to believe, they couldn't help but think "what if" what if it's true?

The tengu smiled, "That man actually is the leader of a group. Those who knew about this are speculating whether this new group will replace the Yatahagane."


"I still finds it hard to believe though."

"What was the name of the group?"

The tengu looked around and grinned, "They call themselves as the Demon King Army, with the leader being the one who claimed himself as the Demon King."

Alex choked on his cake as he coughed and stared at the tengu in shock. He didn't remember announcing himself as the Demon King or his Demonic Army, so how?


"That man must be arrogant...but if what you said is true, then he has the right to be."

Alex couldn't help but slowly eat his cake. Damn! That was embarrassing! If he finds out who is the one to spread this news he will surely won't give them mercy!


"Achoo!" Yaya suddenly sneezed. She frowned and scratched her nose. She was currently attending the cat gathering, sneezing here is rather embarrassing.

"Yanya, are you okay nya?" A cat asked in worry.

Yaya nodded and gives a thumbs up.

The other cat gods, 50 in total, sighed in relief seeing that she's fine. Suddenly, one cat god raised his paw.

"Yaya-san! Please continue the story nya!"

The other cat gods nodded in agreement as Yaya also nodded with a serious look.

"...so, Alexander got annoyed because the war almost cause Alice-chan to cry, and he dropped a meteor at them..."

The cat gods gasped in shock. And they imagined an image of a gigantic demonic looking figure pulling a meteor from space and dropping it.

They shivered.

"W-Wha-What was that nya?! He's scary nya!"

"H-He's a demon nya!"

"No! No! He's the King of Demons nya! The Demon King nya!"

Yaya was satisfied with their reaction. She may not look like it, but she enjoyed bragging about her friend's achievements, especially with the other cat gods.

Though, for some reason she doesn't like bragging about herself. After all, no matter how she look, Yaya is the first human to have a contract with many cat gods and call them for help.

But she has never brag about it.

"Hmm, Alexander also has two Generals with him..."

"What?! So he's got an army nya?!"

"A demon army nya!"

"You're wrong nya! Its the Demon King's Army nya!"


"Damn!" Alex couldn't help but curse as he stared at the night sky, "....That was so embarrassing!"

He didn't expect that people talking about you while unknown to them, you are there listening to them talking, can be this embarrassing!

"If I find about who is the one spreading this news I won't go easy on them!"

After awhile, he took a deeep breath and calmed down, "I need to take out my frustration somehow....I guess sending Genshiro to a world of Kaijus will be enough entertainment to relieve me of this embarrassment."

Genshiro, who was eating dinner in the inn suddenly shivered. For some reason, he just had a very bad feeling. He better go back to the clan for awhile....

....on second thought, Alex would probably punish him if he tried to run away. So he better stay here.

Sigh, the sad life of this dragon god.