
The Devil's Secretary

The world-famous hacker, Dexter, is a woman and she is the daughter of one of the most prominent families of aristocrats, going by the name Daisy Chen. Daisy has stayed away from her family, and juggled from one job to another in disguise or while cross-dressing as her alibi 'Dexter'. It never once got her into trouble, not until she chanced upon him. Ryle Harper, the CEO of Harper Societies, manages a multinational company on the surface but danger lurks beneath every façade he presents to the world. Daisy had decided to tread carefully around the man but trouble always comes uninvited. One night. One mistake. A stranger. An unprepared pregnancy. To keep her façade of being a man and not offend the devil, she did what was feasible… She disappeared without a trace. However, two years later, she finds herself facing him again only to realize that the man was, all along trying to track her down. By a twist of fate, she becomes his secretary again but this time, their deal comes with certain conditions and a time limit. But when destiny rolls its dice and Daisy has to assume the position of the head of her family, how would she escape Ryle's clutches again? Would she want to? Or would he let her? ... “Look at me,’’ his eyes darkened as he stepped towards her. With every step he took towards her, Daisy took a step back until her back hit the wall. The curtains swayed in the night wind, the glow of the pale moonlight illuminating the dark room where she could see the danger lurking in those hazel eyes. She averted her gaze. He pinched her chin and turned her face towards him, ‘’Dexter?” his fingers grazed up to her wig, ‘’Or shall I call you Daisy now? Daisy Chen?” he leaned closer to her, whispering next to her lips. Her lips parted but before she could utter a single word, her wig was tugged off. Her long dark hair came cascading down, answering all his unanswered questions. ''Tell me Daisy, or there are more ways I can make you speak,'' his hand reached inside her shirt, his long fingers grazed on the expanse of her delicate, bare skin, ''You believe me, right?" he whispered. She shivered, partly in pleasure and partly in denial of that pleasure that she felt.

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Chen Lina had all along been aware of the feud between Chens and Lus after Daisy ran away from her wedding with the youngest son of the Lu Family.

When she got this proposal from the Lu Corporations to sell her shares for greater benefits, she did her own investigations and the more she calculated, the more she became certain that the heir of the Lus, Lu Xian must be planning to take over the company and extend the influence of Lus by asserting dominance over Chens.

So, she sold her shares in the end and urged Director Yu to do the same. When Lu Xian succeeded, Daisy, no matter how cunning she was, would be kicked off her chair.

Hence, she had been reluctant to sign the papers, afraid that the process of share transfer would be nullified before Lu Xian could stake his claim on them.

''President Lu…'' Chen Lina called him again.