
The devil's little angel {...His innocent mate....}

In the mystical realm of Astoria, Princess Ruby, the only child of Queen Elizabeth and King George, possesses the extraordinary power to create and destroy all life and matter. As a supernatural being and an angel of pure heart and beauty, Ruby's existence is a blessing to her people. Meanwhile, Xavier, the son of the devil, finds himself in a precarious situation. Cursed to survive on human blood or pain, he is cast out by his father to Earth, specifically to Astoria, as a last resort. Xavier's fate intertwines with Ruby's when he discovers she is his power source, healer, and medicine. However, their connection comes with a deadly twist: Ruby's touch may be slowly killing him. As Xavier navigates this precarious relationship, Asher, a divine angel sent by God, arrives in Astoria to protect Ruby from harm. Unbeknownst to Asher, his mission leads him to fall deeply in love with the very angel he is sworn to safeguard. A tangled love triangle ensues, threatening the fragile balance between good and evil. This fantastical tale explores the complexities of love, loyalty, and the struggle between light and darkness, as Ruby, Xavier, and Asher grapple with their destinies and the fate of Astoria. What secrets lie behind Princess Ruby's extraordinary powers? Can Xavier overcome his dark curse, or will his love for Ruby prove fatal? How far will Asher go to protect Ruby, and what will be the cost of his devotion? What ancient forces are stirring in Astoria, threatening the balance of good and evil? Will Ruby's heart be torn between her love for Xavier and her duty to her people? Can love redeem Xavier from his dark heritage, or will his past forever define him? What hidden dangers lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike at Ruby and those she loves? Grab your popcorn and dive into this bumpy ride Rated 18+

Gift_Ny · Fantaisie
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9 Chs


Ruby had just gotten it the palace, every where was in havoc, the guards were running up and down and she walked to one of the guards with a confused look on her face.

"What happened why are you guys running up and down?"

"My princess!!, here you are!!, the queen has been looking for you!" The guard said as he lead her to her mother's room, although she was confused she still followed them.

She saw her mum in a mess on the floor, he hair scattered her dress in a mess, her makeup ruined from all the crying.

She squatted to her level and said

"Mum, what happened why are you crying???, where is dad?"

"You dad is dead!" She said in almost a whisper.

"What did you say mum??"

"I said your dad is dead!!" She yelled as she looked at her daughter's face as tears dropped from her face.

"No that can't be true!!....he can't be dead!" She said as she burst into a fresh set of tears.

"He is gone dear.....your father is no more!" She said as she took started crying.

"Dad, Dad, no dad isn't dead!!" She said as she stood up and left the room in a haste.

"Where are you going?" Elizabeth asked as she took stood up and followed her daughter in the direction she went.

Ruby was holding a guard as tears dripped from her eyes.

"Where is my father?, what kind of prank is this?, is some ones life something to joke with!"

The guard said nothing as he looked at her with pity clear in his eyes.

Elizabeth walked to her and held her hand trying to pull her from the guard but her grip was strong, all of a sudden the environment turned dark.

Ruby's brown hair turned white and her eyes turned blue, her hand had left the body but the guard was now finding it hard to breathe.

"Oh no her powers are overreacting right now!" Elizabeth thought as she said

"Let him go Ruby!!, I know you are still in there don't let the anger and pain take over you!"

Ruby looked back at her and raised her hand up, slowly lifting her mum from the ground.

"Ruby!!, stop what you are doing!!, put me down!"

"I want to mum but I can't!!!" She finally spoke, before her voice became muffled as the spirit had overcome her.

She then squeezed her hand slightly and her hands formed the shape of Elizabeth's neck, Elizabeth put her hand on her neck and struggled hard trying to breathe but couldn't.

"Ruby please stop!!" She said.

Ruby had dropped the guard and her attention was now in her mother.

The guard has regained himself and watched the horrific scene before him, he stood up and tried to pull Ruby but Ruby smacked him off without touching him and he hit the wall hard with him losing consciousness immediately.

"You are not my Ruby!!" Elizabeth said with her last breaths.

"Who are you??"

"Death!" She replied and immediately Elizabeth died and Ruby passed out on the floor.

The girl who watched the scene cowered in fear, she ran to her mother's room.

As soon as she entered she shut the door and the lady on the seat whose legs were crossed as she painted her nails looked up at the girl.

"What is it!?" She asked with her gaze not leaving her nails.

"It is Ruby!!, she has killed the queen!"

Olivia stood up immediately she heard that and smiled.

"Mum you were right, Ruby is a demon!" Caroline said as she tried to catch her breath.

"Great news, now we have a way to get the bitch out of our way!" Olivia said with a demonic smirk.



Xavier looked at the delicious meal in front of him and licked his lips.

The lady with the red slutty dress approached him sexily her lips in her mouth as she imagined how big he would be down there.

She then kissed him, and he reciprocated the kiss with the same hunger, he then grabbed her ass slightly and pressed it.

She moaned in his mouth, his hands then found its way to her breast and squeezed it hard, playing with her nipples and she was enjoying every little if bit if his touch.

As he getting lost in the ecstasy his eyes glow red and his chest started pounding, his incisors got longer as he held his chest slightly trying to calm himself but it wasn't working.

He then went to her neck and she shivered as his hot breath kissed her skin.

He then started kissing her neck and she moaned, his tongue was working wonders on her, he then bit her, the pleasure she felt then quickly turned into pain.

"Oh fuck!!" She exclaimed in pain.

"Stop it!!!" She yelled as her skin started turning pale and her blood leaving her body rapidly, killing her fast.

She then started hitting his back trying to make him stop, but he wasn't responding he was like a different person, a demon to be exact.

She then got weak her vision was blurry, she then gave up the ghost, he pulled away from her body and started eating the bloodless flesh.

This was how he was able to survive for this long, his father who was Lucifer was some how scared of him.

Other Demons including the devil fed on human suffering and pain, but he was so different, he was a bloody demon who fed not only on human flesh and blood but on demon and angel blood.

He was banished to earth after he almost killed the devil himself.

When he was done he cleaned up the blood on his bed sheets and went to have a shower to was the blood fog his body.

As the shower poured on him he grabbed a fistful of his hair and said

"What am I?"



The news of the princess killing the queen spread like wide fire, it was what everyone was talking about.

As Asher swept the house he overheard his mom talking with her friend about the issue.

"Can you imagine that the soon to be queen of this nation is a murderer?" The lady said as she placed her hands on her waist.

"I can't believe it as well, some say she was like possessed because she wasn't looking herself when she did it!"


"Like some say her hair was white and like her body had a strange aura around it"

'Strange Aura huh,.....she could be the person I'm looking for!' he thought.

"I need to leave here as soon as possible!" He muttered as he continued sweeping the house.



"You know the crime you committed is treason right?" The man asked and Ruby nodded in agreement.

She was hand cuffed with big chains, as she stood looking down, her hair scattered she looked a mess.

"Get the executioner!" One of Kings men said. His name was Henry.

His smirk cold and dark.

The man came in with the killing machine and Ruby took slow strides to the machine with tears falling from her eyes.

She then finally reached the machine they then put her head a circle with a large blade above her head.

The man held the rope to the blade tightly and as he let go Ruby closed her eyes bracing the grip of death.

She opened her eyes but saw that time had frozen and everything thing stopped moving, she was quite scared wondering what was going on.

The environment all of a sudden turned dark and cold, she tried to move but couldn't since she was tied up.

"Who are you?" She yelled but the figure kept coming closer to her.

The figure smirked at her....


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