
The Destiny of the Blind Swordman: A Tale of Magic

The Destiny of the Blind Swordsman: A Tale of Magic and Blades follows the story of a boy born blind, rejected by his family, and sold into slavery. He must navigate a world of clandestine combat, wielding both magic and swords, as he fights for survival and searches for his true destiny. Will his blindness be a hindrance or a hidden strength in his journey?

ErickVazquez17 · Fantaisie
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53 Chs

Into the Dark

The narrow path squeezes the children together, forcing them to crawl on their hands and knees. The tunnel is suffocating, the darkness so complete that even Kenshin's heightened senses struggle to pierce it. Small, harmless insects scuttle around them, their legs skittering over the stone walls and occasionally brushing against their skin. The air is damp and musty, filled with the sound of clicking mandibles and rustling wings.

Evelyn suppresses a shudder as a beetle crawls across her hand. Her breath catches, and she stiffens, trying not to panic. "This is disgusting," she mutters, her voice trembling slightly. "I hate insects."

Khalid, crawling just behind her, chuckles softly. "Really? I never thought you'd be scared of a few bugs, Evelyn. You face down monsters without batting an eye, but insects are what get you?"

Evelyn shoots him a glare over her shoulder, her eyes narrowed. "It's different, okay? Monsters I can fight, but this… this is just gross."

Before Khalid can tease her further, Darius speaks up from the back of the line. "Leave her alone, Khalid. Not everyone has to be fearless all the time." His voice carries a protective edge, and though he tries to keep his tone steady, a hint of a blush creeps up his cheeks. The other two notice but say nothing, choosing instead to keep moving forward.

The crawl continues, with only the faint sound of Kenshin's breathing guiding them. The tunnel twists and turns, forcing them to maneuver around sharp rocks and low-hanging stalactites. At one point, a thick web brushes against Evelyn's face, and she nearly yelps, but she bites her lip and keeps crawling, determined not to show her fear.

After what feels like an eternity, Kenshin holds up a hand, signaling for them to stop. He tilts his head, listening intently. His face is a mask of concentration. "Quiet," he whispers. "I can hear something."

They all fall silent, straining their ears. Faint voices echo through the tunnel, distorted by the twists and turns but unmistakably the voices of other children. Kenshin narrows his eyes, focusing on the sound, trying to make out the words.

"They're talking about us," he says softly. "They're saying Moonshade planned something. They think we're probably dead by now." His expression darkens. "Moonshade did something to put us at a disadvantage."

The others exchange uneasy glances. They knew Moonshade wasn't above using dirty tactics, but hearing it confirmed leaves a bitter taste in their mouths.

"He's a coward," Khalid mutters, clenching his fists. "Setting traps and using tricks instead of fighting fair."

Evelyn nods, her fear of insects momentarily forgotten in the face of this new revelation. "We'll just have to be smarter and stronger. If he thinks we're dead, we'll prove him wrong."

Meanwhile, outside the cave, the nobles watch the entrance with varying degrees of interest. Moonshade stands with his arms crossed, a smug smile on his face. He turns to Frozenfang, feigning concern. "What do you think happened in there, Frozenfang? Aren't you worried that your kids might not make it out alive?"

Frozenfang, leaning against a rock with his eyes half-closed, glances at Moonshade. His expression is calm, almost indifferent. "They've surprised me more than once," he says. "If they can't handle a challenge like this, they don't deserve to be in my army. But I wouldn't count them out just yet."

Moonshade's smile falters for a brief moment. He had expected Frozenfang to be more worried, perhaps even panicking. Instead, Frozenfang's confidence in his team is unshaken, which only fuels Moonshade's frustration. Moonshade's mind wanders to the surprise he'd left in the cave—the monstrous bat that had been more powerful than anything the children had faced before. A sly smile tugs at his lips. Even if the bat was defeated, there were other dangers. He looks back at the cave entrance, his eyes glinting with a sinister light.

"Well," Moonshade says smoothly, "let's see how this all plays out. The cave holds many surprises."

Frozenfang simply nods, his face betraying no emotion. His eyes remain fixed on the cave entrance, knowing that whether his team survives or falls will be a testament to their true strength. As the silence stretches between the two nobles, the tension builds, a silent battle of wills playing out in the darkening evening.

Back in the cave, Kenshin's team presses forward. They crawl through the narrow path, the voices of their opponents fading behind them. The realization that Moonshade had set traps does not deter them; instead, it fuels their determination. They would survive, no matter what dangers lay ahead.

The unknown beckons, and with each step, they prepare for whatever may come.