
Simple Day at The Office

Our assignment was to head out to a base camp bringing supplies. This couldn't be any, better of a day! We lifted a few crates into a Jeep, and head out to the gate. Once we arrived, Jack told security we were dropping off supplies, he let us through and we were off.

We were about almost a mile to the camp, and smoke appeared in the trees. Like some small little whisp, of smoke. Not too much. I alerted Jack, who (was driving) stopped the car. We stepped out, M16 in our hands, and walked towards the smoke. Turns out, a campfire had been put out. "Maybe it was some civi's (civilian) camp. Boy scouts? Maybe lost." Jack said abruptly.

"Radio it in. Tell 'em it's a camp." He walked away, as I motioned to the camp, slowly. A tent or two sitting, almost broken. "Hello!" I yelled out to the human construct in front of me, "This is private property, I urge to leave now, or face a punishment!"


Just Silence.

"Ay, Kevin!" I heard, I had a bit of a jump, but I didn't show it, luckily. It was Jack.

"Hm?" I queried.

"Alpha says we have permission to look


I look towards the camp again, testing anyone

who dares to mess with us.

"Go check that tent, I'll check this one."


When I told him, to check a blueish, yellow

tent, I didn't mean to check the woods. He

wandered off on me. Damn him.

"Jack! The hell you doing?" I called out.

"Hold up!" He replied.

The nerve. I continued rummaging through

the run down tent, only to find nothing,

but a pocket knife that was more than likely

given to a boy for his 13th birthday. Poor

kid... I took the knife and went over to Jack,

who, happened to be crouched down,

looking at the ground.

"A new find?" I asked.

"Nah, just a few tracks. Whoever was here, is

gone now. We can send a group of seekers

after them. Escort them if neccessary." Jack

was quick to his feet, and onto the radio.

I could overhear him saying something

about packaging, and seekers.

Then they said to return home...

So hey guys, sorry it took me some time to make this, been busy. Hope this issue pleases everyone!??

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