
The Desired Effect (A Multiverse Fanfic)

This is a story about a boy picked up by a god as his champion. Traveling through the multiverse the god will seek to ascend once more and reclaim his rightful place, while the boy will rise to prominence as his herald. There will be blood and many fights along the way, but there will also be friendships and romance. Truthfully I'm a bit tired of the current fanfics on Webnovel, so I thought I'd take a try at them myself. The MC will be not op at the beginning and he will have to work hard for things. I will also try to flesh out the relationship and the dynamics between the characters but I'm only a beginner so have mercy on me.

TimeWalker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

The Start of an Adventure


Immediately after saying those words within his mind, another blue panel appears within Fey's... perception? However, unlike the previous displays, this one is empty.


[Titles acquired: 0]

Just as Fey had expected the number of titles he owned was zero, however this did not discourage Fey. If anything, Fey grew even more excited at the thought of being able to fill this page entirely with great achievements like 'Dragon Hunter,' or 'Spear Hero'.

[Well how is it? Are you satisfied?]

Sirius gave out a devilish grin as he spoke each word very slowly. Even without Fey saying anything, he could feel it.

Fey's soul was bursting with excitement. The light that was radiating was almost blinding in comparison to his dark and chaotic environment. However, even if he knew that he was simply fooling around Fey was simply too excited to care.

'Yes! I'm really satisfied. This is just like a novel or a manga where the main character would get a system and then use that system to become a powerhouse'.

Although there are very few things that Fey remembers from his past life, the stories he had read had left too deep of an impression on him. Even if he died and was reborn, he could never forget how amazing it felt reading about the adventures of his favorite heroes.

His desire to become a hero was so great, that Sirius was able to tempt him into a shady deal based on this merit alone.

[*Fufufufufu* I'm oh so happy to hear that. Although I hate to burst your bubble little Fey, you should remember that I am not all-powerful, and stories are ultimately stories for a reason. Unlike those stories, I'm afraid I can't open up a shop for you to buy whatever whimsy you desire.]

Even now, that laugh was still unsettling.

Sirius took a short pause for Fey to process this new information before carrying on with his explanation.

[And while I may be able to give you missions, there are no real rewards attached to any of them]

Once again Sirius took a short pause before his eyes widened slightly and his grin grew more mischievous.

[If you want power, you are going to have to take it.]

At the not-at-all grim declaration from Sirius, Fey could almost feel his heart beating. The surroundings seemed even darker now than they were before, however he wasn't afraid.

He was excited!

Life without any hardship can hardly be called life, and this is what Fey felt at this very moment. The added difficulty didn't matter, if anything it only made things even more interesting.

It seemed that even Sirius thought the same for you could also see the excitement on his face, as his eyes seemed to radiate a crazed madness. But in this euphoric state, Sirius could hardly hold himself back.

However, there is no free lunch in this world, or void for that matter. Fey knew that if received something, it was only so that he would give something else back in return, and so he decided to be direct about it.

'What do you want?'

[*Fufufufufu* That's my little champion. In return for all of my powers and services, I only ask that you help me with one teensy tiny little favor]

Acting cute did not suit him, and even Fey felt that way for he frowned at those words.

'What favor?'

[Well all I ask for is that you help me gather the aura of misfortune that lingers around unfortunate people]

'That's it?'

As if he were expecting those words, Sirius gives out a lengthy sight.

[Unfortunately, it's not that easy I'm afraid. One cannot simply take away someone's fortune whether it is good or bad. You must find a way to resolve their misfortune so that it leaves their body naturally, and only then can I take it and abso... I mean dispose of it for good.]

If Sirius had a body, he would've surely broken out into a cold sweat, as he almost said something he shouldn't have there. Taking a second to calm himself down and making sure he won't have any more slips, Sirius continued with his righteous speech.

[As the champion of fortune and light, as well as a hero in training, it is your solemn duty to vanquish the people's woes, as well as its source. This my little Fey is why I need you, for I cannot do it alone.]

Although there are several suspicious points about this situation, Fey can do nothing but play along. Too much suspicion will result in his mistrust, and there is hardly anything that he can keep hidden as they share the same soul and thought-space.

Unless he can find some way to keep his thoughts hidden from the other, thinking about the situation too much would only result in a negative outcome.

As such Fey is forced to play the fool.

[Now that introductions are out of the way, don't you think it's time?]

'Time for what?'

Sirius shivered ecstatically before presenting the grand reveal.

[Time to find you a new body of course. Our story can only begin once we are out of this hellhole, and we've found ourselves a cozy, preferably fresh, body. Not too fresh though, I'm afraid I can't wait that long for you to grow up before embarking on our grand adventure]

Disregarding the questionable time table, Fey didn't make Sirius wait long before replying.

'Let's do this'.

[*Fufufufufu* Just perfect. In that case, leave everything to me. Close your eyes little Fey for the next time you open then, you are going to be very surprised]

Sirius uttered a strange chant before Fey's soul flashed with light.

All of a sudden, Fey could feel his consciousness fading as his mind grew tired. Every passing second his thoughts were collapsing into disorder, and not too long after a quiet serenity took over.

Fey had fallen asleep, and now Sirius was in control.

[Well I'd say it's time to get a move on. I hate the look of my own god domain]

The scepter that was hidden within Fey's soul burst out with a violent gold light, that threatened to overwhelm every inch of the space they were in. Soon after, it broke free from within his soul before tearing a deep gash into the void.

Sirius gently guided their soul towards this gash before disappearing from the space.

[*Fufufufufufu* I wonder where this will take us my little champion. Hopefully you don't die too early, otherwise I'd feel sad about the divine power I wasted snatching up your soul from those damed reapers.]

Not long after leaving these words, the tear in space mended itself and space returned to normal, with only the fate of our hero unknown.

And so the story finally picks up. The lengthy explanation is done and our two heroes will go on to another world. Where shall they go? Well, honestly I still haven't decided. Personally, I'm leaning towards SAO or Kimetsu no Yabai, but feel free to drop a suggestion in the comments and I'll consider it, and who knows, maybe he will go there in the future.

I don't think ill update tomorrow just because I'm gonna take a day to figure out what world I want them to go to. I also want to give you guys a chance to voice out your opinion and be a part of our story.

TimeWalkercreators' thoughts