
The Descent of The Thunder God!

In a world where destructive power reigns supreme, the God of Thunder Thor fought to save Asgard and paid with his life. Centuries have passed and a new God of Thunder emerges, seeking to restore the glory of his predecessor's name. _ _ _ _ _ _ Notes: There is going to be romance, but No Harem. Only one love interest. I was originally publishing this story on a different platform, but I decided to share it here as well, for more exposure. _ _ _ _ _ _ If you want to support my stories and get early access to some advanced chapters, check out my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/Diablo_ONE

FriedChicken2 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Asgard

- Asgard -

"Welcome to Asgard." Odin's voice greeted the Grigori representative as he stepped through the doors to the council chamber.

He was a man of average height looking to be around in his twenties with an average build. He had violet colored eyes that held an amused look in them. His hair was black and so was his beard. His bangs however, were gold.

He was dressed in a V-neck maroon long-coat with a wide, open high-collar that opened up at the hem. The long-coat also featured two black belts around the waist and four black bands on each arm, two of the bands at the wrist and the other two near the elbow. He wore grey slacks and brown shoes.

This wasn't just the Fallen Angel representative, it was the leader and founder of the Grigori.

The Governor-General, Azazel, himself.

"Ah Odin! Long time no see!" Azazel said with a smirk. "I really should thank you for allowing this alliance. I wasn't expecting anyone to forge one with my people."

"Well you are the only one bold enough to suggest such a thing and the other Factions aren't willing to broker alliances since they distrust one another or are too arrogant. Besides, you and I both want the same thing; peace."

"A plan which isn't being agreed upon by the others, unfortunately." Azazel sighed with a shake of his hand, "When I explained this plan to my fellow Cadre to coexist peacefully with another faction, it was met with mixed reactions. Most were unsure or flat out disagreed while only a handful are in favor of the notion. Despite what the others thought, I, being the founder of the Grigori and a champion of peace, said it was happening whether they like it or not. Of course this has caused a split in the organization with some going rogue and causing trouble in the human world."

"And I suppose that is something you want my Aesir to take care of while you research Sacred Gear's?" Odin asked in a knowing tone, his eye narrowing slightly, "I will not join forces with you so that my warriors are used as your errand boys to deal with your problems."

"Used as errand boys!? That rich coming from you, old man! You're own bodyguard is being used as a maid!" Shouted a tall man who just entered the room.

He was clad in a silver breastplate that glistened in the sun's light seeping into the room, black pants with knee guard's and immense black boots.

On his hip was a sword of incredible craftsmanship that saw many battles and slayed many enemies of Asgard.

His hair was long, blue, and tied in a braid reaching to his back and green eyes that stared in annoyance at the Allfather.

"Azazel, this imposing man is Freyr, God of Sacral Kingship, Lord of Alfheim, and the twin brother to Freya."

"The God of Sacral Kingship?" Azazel said, looking the man up and down. "I heard stories about you but never expected you to attend this meeting."

"I attend this meeting for I am not only the ruler of Alfheim, but Odin's right hand man." Freyr said, his gaze still fixed on Odin, "If we are to agree to this alliance then our people WILL assist the Grigori in whatever problems they have. Only if Grigori helps us with our greatest issue, economy. Asgard has fallen into decay after losing so much in the years since Surtr's attack. Idunn's apple trees, the human's belief in us, and...Thor."

Odin nodded solemnly. There once was a time when Asgard was one the greatest factions in the world, right up there next to the Hindu Gods.

Then Christianity came to their land and people's beliefs in Asgard slowly faded.

The people's belief in them, in any God, was an amplifier to them. It was why Thor was among the top ten strongest beings.

He was already immensely powerful, the human's belief in him and Mjolnir quadrupled that strength.

But now, with their belief in Asgard decaying over the years. Its power and economy dropping to one of the lowest and weakest factions. It ranked just above Grigori since the Fallen Angels were on the verge of extinction. That was the other reason why Odin wanted to ally with Grigori; to save not only Asgard but Grigori from falling into ruin.

"Wait. What about Thor?" The Allfather's gaze shifted to Azazel who looked puzzled at the mention of Thor among what they lost.

Odin said the news of Thor's death would be revealed eventually and now was the time.

Releasing a long deep sigh, Odin began the story of Thor's Sacrifice, a tale told by everyone in Asgard. How Surtr attacked and Thor gave his life to protect Asgard and its people.

When he had finished Azazel was left in silence at what he heard.

The research slouched in his chair, unable to come up with a response to what he had just heard.

Thor, Asgard's Strongest Warrior, one of the Top Ten Strongest was dead? How long ago had this happened? How long had it been hidden by Asgard? How would the supernatural world react to this?

"Was this kept a secret?"

"Not at all. The other Factions though Thor was busy protecting the Nine Realms. Why do you think he was only mentioned?"

That… surprisingly was a good point. Thor was said to be among the strongest beings but he never showed himself outside of Asgard.

Nevertheless, the power he wielded was no exaggeration, for there were those, both human and supernatural, who bore witness to the mighty power of Thor.

"We are getting off topic." Freyr said seriously, wanting to get this meeting over with. He needed to get back to Alfheim to ensure all was well. "Before we continue, I'm going to say that no strip bars will be built with this alliance. This an alliance of peace not for erotic ideas you fools can do on Midgard."

Odin rolled his eye at the Lord of Alfheim.

"Come on Freyr, lighten up. Asgard needs a place for those to release their sexual desires. Besides, the female Fallen Angels are known for their seductive ways and luscious bodies."

Freyr growled in disgust at the Allfather's perverted grin spreading across his face. The things he did and say made him wonder how he ever became King of Asgard or got married.

"That's a stupid decision and part of the reason why we are so weak now. Because you waste your time and money going to the strip bars on Midgard. We set those up in Asgard and have them run by the Fallen Angels then what little remains of our money will go to them! We've only managed to survive into the modern era thanks to the Dwarves and Elves owning favors to your father!"

"Now Freyr, there's no need to get angry. If you are that concerned, then those sexually pent up folks from Asgard can come to Grigori to enjoy our stripers for free of charge or, to help with your money issue, fifty percent of what is made at those clubs will go to Asgard's coffers." Azazel reassured, trying to calm the Vanir who grumbled with a nod of approval.

"Great! Future business will also be sent payment to Asgard. I'll even-"

Suddenly the doors burst open and in came a guard, his face filled with shock.

"Lord Odin! Lord Odin! You must come to the Bifrost!"

"What has happened!?" Odin demanded, as he rose from his seat.

"Lord Heimdall has picked up a massive erupt of magical power in Norway! It...It…" Tears began to form in the guards eyes.

"What boy!? Speak!"

"Its magical power was reminiscent of Thor!"

Azazel exchanged looks of shock with Freyr at what they heard. What the Hell was going on!? He was just told Thor had died and now a magical power similar to Thor's was being picked up on Earth?

He shifted his gaze to the Allfather who sat calming within his chair unfazed by what he just heard.

How could he be like that when this could be a chance to see if his son was really alive!? He probably was shocked but was doing his best not to show it.

Then the Allfather stood, his aloof grin replaced by a serious frown. As he marched out of the council room he shouted orders to the guard who gave the news.

"Prepare the Bifrost!"