
The Descent of the Evil God

A certain loser on Earth, doing good deeds, stumbled upon a book called 'Master of Slumber's Teachings'. After studying it, he encountered a divine and beautiful woman, who exchanged 'Master of Slumber's Teachings' for a drop of blood, thus becoming the lowest-tier vampire. Just as he was about to flaunt his skills to establish a harem of three thousand, he was interrupted by...

gilbert_gilbert · Fantaisie
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100 Chs

Chapter 1: He is a Legend

The vast desert stretched endlessly, the scorching sun baking the fine sand to a golden hue. Rising heat waves distorted the view, the boundless expanse of golden sand devouring the last remnants of hope.

"Am I going to be the first vampire to perish under the sun? Good Lord! I haven't even tasted a drop of blood!"

Li Xie shielded his face with his palm, stealing a glance through the gaps at the poisonous fire burning in the sky, emitting a mournful cry.

Li Xie was a vampire, his cold, stern face, sharp gaze, and bronze skin should have given it away! Still not sure? Well, those gleaming white fangs he occasionally showed should have made it obvious!

Some might ask, don't vampires perish in sunlight? Who knows the answer to that question? In fact, Li Xie himself doubted whether he was a vampire or not. If it weren't for the woman giving him a book called "Vampire Handbook", he would surely doubt it!

Why was this vampire, Li Xie, wandering in this unknown desert?

"It's all because of that damn 'Master of Slumber's Teachings', I shouldn't have picked up that damn book!"

Li Xie stomped his foot fiercely, only to have his bare feet sink into the sand, requiring effort to pull them out again. Then he lamented, "No! I shouldn't have made a deal with that woman!"

After a moment of thought, Li Xie seemed even more regretful, gritting his teeth, "The real culprit should be that damned machine!"

Listening to Li Xie muttering to himself, one should have a rough idea of why he was in this desert. Let's delve into it further.

Li Xie was a scavenger, as one could tell from his worn-out short-sleeved cloth shirt. A scavenger with such a grand name? Actually, his original name was Li Slippers!

In his glorious life of scavenging, there was one time when he found a book called "Master of Slumber's Teachings". Li Xie, being a book lover, couldn't bear to throw it away, so he read it himself. Shortly after, the most beautiful woman Li Xie had ever seen appeared before him, saying she wanted to trade "Master of Slumber's Teachings" with Li Xie. In fact, Li Xie was completely bewildered and had no idea what the woman was saying. He just nodded blankly. Then, the woman bit her finger, gave Li Xie a drop of blood, and a "Vampire Handbook", and disappeared.

When Li Xie came to his senses, he found that his body had changed. After reading the "Vampire Handbook", he learned that he had become the lowest-tier black-eyed vampire. At this stage, vampires had no skills, but their strength and speed were twice that of ordinary people, and they could advance by sucking blood!

As a scavenger who loved reading novels, Li Xie naturally had read many novels. Accurately describing, Li Xie was very easily accepting of some unusual things, he was even more thrilled by the idea of becoming a vampire himself. Just then, a peculiar machine smashed into him.

Out of curiosity, he pressed the red button on the machine, and then... he traversed!

Why did he know he had traversed instead of being transported to some desert on Earth?

The reason is simple! During the nights on Earth, there wouldn't be four moons in the sky!

In other words, Li Xie had already experienced a night in this desert. In fact, he had experienced ten days and ten nights!

Ten days and nights without a trace of humans or animals, where not a blade of grass grew!

If he wasn't a vampire, if he didn't have strong vitality, he would have starved to death or died of thirst!

Of course, now he was about to hang on the verge of death! Perhaps, the true first vampire to die under the sun in history was about to be born!

"I must hold on! I must get out of this desert!" Li Xie clenched his fists, his gaze firm. "Heaven bestows great tasks upon vampires, but first sends them to the desert to starve and exhaust them! Hmm, I am a vampire with a great task!"

As if responding to Li Xie's firm "ambition", the desert suddenly trembled slightly, the vibration getting faster and faster, the yellow sand constantly shaking, accompanied by the short "thud thud thud" sounds coming from afar.

An earthquake?

Li Xie watched as his feet were buried by the trembling yellow sand, feeling a chill in his heart, it seemed he wouldn't die under the sun this time, but be buried in the yellow sand!

"Run! The sand tide!"


"Quick, escape!"

Several shouts came from behind Li Xie.

Li Xie's heart was pounding with excitement!

What did these shouts mean? It meant there were people! And they were speaking "Mandarin"! They were cultured people!

At the same time, it also meant that this place wasn't a barren world, but a world with "cultured people"!

Li Xie turned sharply, looking in the direction of the voices, five hundred meters away, yellow sand filled the sky, but it was impossible to see what kind of people they were, only vague figures could be seen.

Watching the rolling yellow sand, Li Xie's mouth curled up, revealing two sharp little white teeth.

It was time for the master to show his skills! Hopefully the people in this world weren't too strong, and the master's identity as a vampire would allow him to dominate, embracing three thousand beauties, hahaha!

Li Xie seemed unaware of his current predicament, already starting to daydream.

The yellow sand drew closer and closer. Only then did he realize that there were two waves of flying sand. The one in front, compared to the one behind, was like a tiny wave atop a tsunami!

The small wave approached Li Xie a hundred meters away, and finally, it became clear that amidst the swirling yellow sand were dozens of people running swiftly. They varied in age, from old to young, but their hair colors differed, and their eyes were a vivid blue.


"Run! What are you standing there for? The rat tide is coming!"

A person shouted at Li Xie.

Li Xie remained unmoved. "It's just rats, right? What's there to be afraid of? Humans might fear, but can vampires fear too?" This thought lasted only half a second before it was immediately replaced by fear.

Because he saw it. Five hundred meters behind the crowd, amidst the swirling yellow sand extending for about a mile, were crimson eyes glowing in the sand, twinkling. Vague figures of countless elephant-sized shadows could be seen!

Was it confirmed that they were rats?

Li Xie's eyes were in chaos. Without a second thought, he dashed away barefoot!

One figure after another dashed past Li Xie, including even thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenagers!

Li Xie miserably realized that he, as a vampire, was not as good as these little youngsters with their hair not yet grown out! What was even more miserable was that he found himself lagging behind the crowd, with the so-called rats from behind continuously approaching him!

"Ding... Ding... Ding..."

The alarm bells rang out. Finally, after these days, Li Xie saw civilization represented by the first sight of a village! He also saw the people in front of him running into the village. Outside the village, two-meter-high iron sheets had been erected, indicating that there was already a historical basis for resisting the "rat tide."

Feeling the chilling sensation on his buttocks, Li Xie suddenly felt a sharp pain. He was prodded by a rather hardcore "rat" nose. With a strange cry of "ahh," Li Xie soared into the air, drawing a beautiful arc like a rainbow. He landed accurately in front of the village, with his face smashing squarely onto the iron sheet. The force of the impact caused Li Xie to flip 180 degrees, flying backwards with his face upturned towards the sky. His nasal bridge collapsed, and two streams of blood spurted from his flattened nostrils, forming two bright red streaks.

It had to be said, Li Xie's vitality was extremely robust. An ordinary person would have had their skeleton shattered by such a heavy blow, and their face smashed against the iron sheet would have led to either death or serious injury. However, Li Xie was now just in pain all over, but his consciousness remained clear!

"I'm finished! Oh god! Has anyone ever died just a few days after crossing over? Come on, give me a hand!"

As he flew backward, feeling the surge behind him, and realizing he was about to be trampled by countless elephant-sized "rats," Li Xie knew it was all over for him! Even if he was a vampire, being crushed into pulp would be irreversible!

However, Li Xie didn't need to worry about these things it seemed because the sight of blood spraying from his nose had triggered something in his brain. The red color instantly filled Li Xie's mind, and then his eyes rolled back, and he fainted!

Li Xie had a problem - he fainted at the sight of blood, not someone else's blood, but his own! The elephant-sized rats didn't knock him out, nor did the intimate contact between his face and the iron sheet make him faint. Unexpectedly, it was his own nosebleed that caused him to pass out!


Li Xie's body slammed heavily onto the yellow sand, sending up a meter-high cloud of dust underneath him. Compared to the vast expanse of yellow sand less than fifty meters away, this little cloud of dust could be easily overlooked, and nobody would care about this unlucky person and the tiny bit of dust he kicked up.

However, Li Xie was destined to be someone with a "great destiny," and fate could not tolerate his unique fainting spell going unnoticed!

And thus, a wisp of black smoke rose from Li Xie's forehead. The smoke was very thin at the point where it connected to Li Xie's forehead, but it grew thicker as it rose, reaching a diameter of about one meter when it reached a height of three meters.

In this mass of black smoke, two eyes the size of dragon eyes flashed and twinkled, emitting a cold and lingering sensation that seemed capable of freezing everything around it!

An aura! A terrifying aura that was difficult to describe!

It was like a helpless traveler in the wilderness encountering a pack of hungry wolves!

This aura instantly permeated the surroundings, as if, in an instant, it brought the desert its first cold winter in its long history!

The villagers, who were panicking about the rat tide and peeking around to see where it was coming from, all of a sudden, had twisted expressions on their faces! In the depths of their souls, there was an instinctive fear! And in their hearts, under this aura, there was only one emotion left - fear!

And it wasn't just them!

The crazily charging "rats," as if hearing some command, suddenly stopped in perfect formation! Their expressions were hard to discern, but the fear in their red eyes was as similar to that of the villagers!

Nearby creatures were all terrified by what Li Xie had "released"! But it wasn't just living creatures! Look at the yellow sand that was originally flying in the sky - it suddenly fell in an instant, and even the sand didn't dare to fly anymore!

In just an instant, the rolling desert fell into such a deathly silence! It was as if destruction had descended!

What exactly was in that black smoke? Before anyone could examine it closely, the smoke had already retreated, shrinking into Li Xie's forehead. With its disappearance, the aura emitted by the contents of the black smoke also vanished.

The desert resumed its rolling and clamor as if nothing had happened!

The group of "rats" turned and fled in panic, stirring up a sky full of sand and dust! The villagers lay limp on the ground, each one experiencing a second lease on life after the ordeal!

A venerable old man, drawing upon his rich life experience, forced himself to remain calm. In his hoarse yet resolute voice, he shouted, "He's a legend! A legendary summoner! He repelled the rat tide for us! He's our hero! Quickly! Bring our hero back!"