
The Demons Within

Ten years ago, the demons attacked, tearing a scar into everyone's lives. Now, everything seems normal once again. But, Xavier knew better. The demons were still here, just quietly hiding. Now, he was on his way back to the capital with a group of strangers. Xavier never quite understood why he was with these people. But somehow, they ended up together, traveling to the capital. Each one had their own secrets, their own motivation. But, they were all connected in a way they could never imagine. As chaos rules supreme and all of their demons come out to play, the Fates weave a cruel story. You would have wished you died 10 years ago too when your nightmares become true once more. Loosely based off one of my various adventures in D&D.

Infurno · Fantaisie
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Lesson Time

Solskin Brandrson

"When I asked for you to teach me magic, I wasn't asking to be dragged up at this god awful time." It was like 2 or 3 hours before dawn when Mordred, his breath carrying the odor of fine wine, came pounding on the infirmary door.

The doctors finally saw fit to remove that constricting and scratchy body cast and I was ready to enjoy a comfortable night's sleep, but the gods above decided to say, "Nope, f*ck your sleep."

If I wasn't indebted to Mordred for his care, I would have punched him in the nose to get some shut eye. Cranky was understating my current feelings.

With a sign and a groan, I was dragged away to the library with half of the books pulled off the shelves. Alistair was there, slouched in a corner, mumbling something about regretting everything.

"Mordred, did we have to do this at this time? The sun ain't even up yet."

"Come now, Solskin. You said you desired to become a scholar in the magical arts, there is much to learn and little time to do so.Of course we must use every second efficiently. Am I right, Alistair?"

"Let the poor boy sleep. You already have me to torture. You don't need another victim."

"See, Alistair agrees. Now then, let's get started."

Forced into a desk, I stared at the books that towered over my head. "How much of that are we going to get through."

"Why, all of them."

Kill me please.

Xavier Nightrider

I sat perched in a tree just outside the mansion, looking into the window as Solskin was forced to stay awake from Mordred.

The night was almost pitch black from the new moon. It was the perfect time to strike. I knew it. He knew it. Well, I assume it was a he from the build and all. I couldn't actually catch a good look at him.

He was good. Too good. I didn't even know someone was following me until today when Lucian got a little too obvious. That was probably bait. He wanted me to know I was being followed. As for the intentions behind that, I could only guess.

"Lovely game of cat and mouse we are having, aren't we?" the voice came from above.

A figure sat above me on a branch. His hood was drawn all the way forward to hide his face.

A conservation. That was unusual.

"What do you want?"

"To talk. Call me Hunter. I care not for the people in that mansion, only you."

I remained silent.

"Talkative bunch, huh? So, should I can you Xavier or Kalkarath."

I stood up and drew my swords.

"So, Xavier then. I assume you don't like that part of your past much do you?"

I stared at him, trying to figure out a way to get to him. It would take too long to climb up there.

He smiled. "I see I won't be welcome much longer. I don't wish to lose my head today."

With that, he appeared to melt into the scenery of the darkened tree.

"Damn Shadowwalk."

Tis midterm season again. Please kill me after Solskin, thanks!

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