
Chapter Eight Wife , Homecoming

Belle was laying on the bed as she just got done cooking and it was dark as Damien was washing as he came out as he had on her brothers Shorts and only that. She checked him out as she look at how muscular he was to the abs on his stomach and she blushes and looks away as he goes and kneels in front of her and grabbed her arm.

"Belle?" he says as she looks at him and he kisses her cheek as he had black mist go around her arm and when he moved away a mark was around her arm, A sliver mark, Chains it looked like as a heart in the middle as he nods.

"Wife" He says as he grins but not that scary one, a cute one as she blushes and nods.

"Oh thank God, I was worried your'll eat me in my sleep" She says as he shrugs and she smiles.

"Good Night Damien" She says softly as she yawns and goes to a deep sleep.

"Night wifey" He says as he lays with her as she was asleep and he nudges his head into her neck and takes her scent in.

"Stronger than ever because your mine" He mutters as he wraps his arms around her waist. He fell asleep holding her but before that he whispered to her.

"I'll always protect you".

~The next day~

Belle woke up to warmth as she snugs into it and she looked to realize it was Damien and she gasped and fell out of bed. Damien woke up and looked at her.

" Good morning wifey" He says as she points to the door.

" Damien, just because I'm your wife doesn't mean you sleep with me" She says softly as she was blushing. He got up and sat beside her and pulls her close.

"It does, Movie say so" He says as he gets up and goes changes into School uniform when the door bell rings and she goes answer it.

"Holã Príncesã" she heard and she recognized the voice as she looks up as her eyes Widen and she hugged her brother.

"Hola Hérmosã" She says as she giggles as her brother gasped.

"Lil bell has learned Spanish, I'm so proud, Té Amo príncesã" He says as he kisses her head and she closes her eyes and smiles.

"Té Amo " She says softly as they go in and Damien comes out and Ralph looks at him in the eye.

"Who's this?" Ralph says as Belle's mouth dropped everyone else knew who he was, They all knew Damien was her fiancée but her brother doesn't , how?

"Ralph, you don't know him?" She says quietly as Ralph looks at her.

"Am I suppose to?" He says as Damien got closer to Belle.

"Ralph this is my Fiancée" She says than Ralph pulled her by her arm towards him.

"No!" He says as Damien growled alittle loud as his Ruby eyes glowed.

"Let wife go" He hissed as Belle knew it's the protective strike in them both as she tried to pull out of Ralph's Hold but since he went to the Military , he became stronger.

"What the hell, what is he?" Her brother says as Belle finally get out his hold.

"Let me explain , come in" She says as she goes towards Damien as he wraps a arm around her waist and they walk in with a confused Ralph behind them and he sat on the couch as they both looked at him. Belle beings to explain.

~ After Explaining ~

" Now I'm his wife, rather that than eaten right" Belle says as Ralph nods.

"Reasonable, Now Damien , I see your as Possessive over her as I am, So I trust you, I got a call at the base about Belle, He asked to protect her but I said no cause I didn't know them as then they hung up, so I came home early, But I'll be leaving in four days starting tomorrow" He says as he leans on his arms that's up on his knees.

"Um, I'll protect wife" Damien says as Belle nods.

"Dorks, I can protect myself" She mutters as she goes change into her school uniform and waves bye to Ralph when he pouted.

"No goodbye kisses" He pouts as she sighs and goes gives Ralph a kiss on his forehead to his nose and his cheek.

"Adíos" She says as she goes and grabs Damien's hand as he watched her and they start walking to school when Damien stopped and looked at Belle.

"What?" She says when he points to his forehead than his nose to his cheeks and she smirked and kisses his head to his nose to his two cheeks as she blushed lightly and they begin walking when a arm went around her shoulder and she looks at Drake and waves.

"Top of the morning to ya" he says as she shrugs.

"It's good" She says as she smirks as Damien growls lowly when Drake leans closer to Bell that's when Damien had enough and went to...