
The Demonical System

From the very beginning, he's been fighting for his life to make a decent living. With an unknown background to many, he's been alone and kept to himself during his young life. Once stepping out to the reality that is the World, he finds himself in trouble during the night time life. what could possibly go wrong...?

KentaroXero · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning.


'Another day, another free breakfast.' Is the first thing I thought of when I hear that usual metallic sound. I quickly roll off the worn-out mattress, changing into the cleanest clothes I have before grabbing my bag.

Before climbing the exit ladder, I decided to double check my bag. "Spare jacket? Check. Drinkable water? Check. Money and my will to live? Long gone! Seems like everything's in order!"

I pop open the ceiling door, letting the sunlight hit me, blinding me as well. "Dammit! My eyes!" Taking minutes to adjust, I started my descent down from the water tower I called home.

Living inside an abandoned water tower has its perks. If I'm lucky, I get free food from the dumbass birds that hit my home! Another perk, who doesn't want to live in a water tower?! It's pretty damn cool!

"Now where's that damn bird at-" Something suddenly flew by, almost hitting my face. "No! My free Mcnuggets!" I started chasing after the bird, I couldn't let possibly the only meal get away without trying!

"Get back here! I need you just as much as you want to get away from me!" Jumping from building to building; I kept my eyes locked on the bird. It was good enough that I remembered the local area beforehand. "C'mon! This cat and mouse game is gonna get boring real quick!"

The bird makes a quick left turn, leaving me to slide under a guardrail and roll as I land below. I didn't have much running space either as I noticed the immediate wall ahead of me. I had a couple ways of getting up top but if I were to simply run up and try to reach the ledge; I'll simply fall back. There was a small ledge on the right side of the building that I could try and use but it'll take too long. Out of those two options, I knew the third one was the better choice. There was an HVAC nearby, just close enough to the wall to work…

"Just need three moves…" I prepared myself, jumping up and down before running full sprint for the wall. Just as I got close enough, I jumped up towards the HVAC, letting my left foot hit the top first. As I did, I forced the momentum I had to spin myself around counter-clockwise, allowing me to grab the top ledge easily. After pulling myself up, the bird was across another building; mocking me. "Oh! Giving me a handicap, huh?" I charged at him full speed, ready to grab my chicken tenders until I noticed just how far the two buildings were. I could barely stop myself in time before I ended up as paste below. "Oh you rotisserie chicken bitch-"

There wasn't much I could do. I tried thinking of any way to get by but there's nothing that'll help. There's a ladder nearby, sure, but it'll be either too short or snap while I try using it as a bridge. "Dammit...you win." I huffed out as I turned around. "There's no way I could get over there. I might as well walk back home and-" As I reached the very end from where I pulled myself up, I quickly turned back and bolted across the rooftop! "I'm coming for you! MY TENDIES!"

Now, you might be thinking, did I make it? Well, let me answer this with any old lesson you could learn. For a half-ass plan like I just did, I received a half-ass result from this moment. As I jumped from the ledge, I could feel that my landing...wouldn't be pretty. Hell, I don't think I'm gonna make it! My body slammed against the wall, pushing me away from anything I could grab. I could only watch the buildings get taller until I suddenly stopped.

The first thing I was met with is pain. The second thing? The absolute worst smell ever! I landed in a fucking city garbage bin! "Ah fuck me...this was my best shirt…" I slowly pulled myself up, letting my body hit the asphalt. I'll admit it took me a while to get back up but nevertheless, I was up again. "Ugh...I think I had enough today…" I felt a wetness on my lower back, I pulled my shirt around and saw how much blood it was. "Today just keeps getting better…" And then with that, something fell on my head with a bird's caw…


Well, well, well. Here I am, bleeding profusely, smelling like shit with literal shit on my head. If it isn't the consequences of my actions today. Today fucking sucks; I mean, how could it possibly get any worse today?!

"Stop right there criminal scum!"

I turned around to the sounds of a police siren going off. "I wish I could keep my mouth shut, truly, I do wish it." The officer stopped his siren as he pulled his car in front of me. "Hey Phil...how's the family?" He turns to me with his cuffs already out.

"They're doing okay, had a baby shower recently." As he put the cuffs on me, I turned my head to him, surprised.

"Oh?? Happy to hear that Phil, my best wishes for you guys." He shrugs his shoulders as he takes me to the front of his squad car.

"It's alright I guess. The wife and her girl friends are clearly more happy about it than I am. Do you-" I stopped him as I shook my head.

"Nah, you know I don't carry weapons Phil. Does that mean you'll-" He also shook his head.

"You know I haven't let you go before." And just like that, that was me and Phil's usual talk before throwing me into the back of the cruiser.

"Say, how many times has it been this month?" I lost track of Phil catching me throughout this month alone. "Ah, well, I think this is the 7th time? I'm barely keeping track myself."

And just as the past six times, I took the window seat and watched as the scenery went by.

"Hey, I noticed the blood, is it yours or-" Phil tried to ask.

I rolled my eyes before answering. "Of course Phil, this isn't the first time you saw me bleeding out. Just need some stitching."

The rest of the way goes by smoothly and quietly. I don't know if it's from the blood loss or the lack of sleep but I started feeling very tired. I tried keeping my head up but I could barely even keep my eyes open. The last thing I could see was us driving into the underground city tunnels.