

the story of a boy with Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) that gets summoned to another world and becomes known as the demon of rage i got the cover from google all credits go to the artist, if you are the artist and want me to take it down i will do so

mistermoon · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

the new world

if you are wondering why I am so happy it is because I am an orphan and as I was not the best at studying as any time I looked at a book I would either get angry or frustrated cause I could not understand it or just outright sleep when I did not even know when, and with my temper, I barely had any friends so my life was pretty shit, but the one thing I loved was fantasy I would always get lost in my own little world dreaming how powerful I could become or being able to fly or just outright see magic, as I tried to calm my self down I said the one thing I always wanted to say


I said it in a low whisper as I did not want to be seen as a weirdo or fool as I have already done by asking those stupid questions before.

sadly nothing came up but that did not disappoint me one bit as I could try to feel the mana later and stuff like that, but first the boy

[alright kid listen I am going to help you clean your wounds and carry you back to the town in exchange you will tell me about everything you know of about the world, ok]

[I don't need your help, I can clean my wounds easily, and I can go back to town without you needing to carry me]

the boy said while keeping his


[ok fine but it will hurt when you are walking with those wounds and the older kids will probably beat you up again should they find you, but if I am with you they won't be able to lay a finger on you how about it]

the boy hesitated for a second before nodding his head

[great, by the way, the names Erinyes eh-reen-EE-ess what's yours?]

the boy looked down for a second and said

[don't have one]

[WHAT, how come you don't have a name]

I said clearly flabbergasted, I mean who would not have a name

[I live in the slums and I am an orphan so no one named me, people just call me errand as I am an errand boy]

the boy said as he clearly was downcasted by that, I felt pity for him but I had no right to give him a name so I just went to help him clean his wounds after cleaning them I ripped parts off my shirt and used them as bandages by the time we were done the sun was almost going to set.

[come on hop on my back the sun is going to set soon and on the way you can tell me about the world]

the boy nodded and jumped on, as we walked to the town I learned many things like how the world was called ira and the kingdom we are at is called the kingdom of fire for its royal family that specializes in fire magic and the town we are going to is ruled by one of the kings trusted dukes, duke Roger Athens.

by the time the boy finished telling me everything we arrived at the town and, I got to say it was marvelous the walls were 50 meters high with well detailed stone, with caravans and people lining up to go to the town and above all the soldiers all looked powerful and we'll trained, and that was when I remembered something, I don't have something to tell of my identity.

[well fuck, hey errand you don't happen to know a place where we can sneak in thru would ye, I don't have something to tell of my identity and money for the entrance fee]

the boy looked at me, sighed, and just said.

[we can go to the slums you don't have to pay or have an identity to go there]

[great, now just a question but how do you get your food and money because you look very skinny and weak]

the boy only glanced at me before saying

[I either beg or get my money from being an errand boy]

[oh well, umm I found another problem I don't have a place to sleep tonight and I was wondering, could you let me stay at your place for a week at most till I could earn some money]

[fuck off, I have barely enough space to let me sleep comfy in my place let alone someone as big as you]

the boy said with a mocking laugh

[ok ok just watch your language, kids like you should not say that type of stuff]

the boy just scoffed and said

[ok let me down I can go to my place from here]

[sorry but that is a no, let me take you there, wounds are still open and you need rest plus I promised I would protect you from the older kids so I can sleep nearby in case something happens]

[fine just don't complain about everything in the slums pretty boy]

what, pretty boy I know I may be handsome with my great face blazing red hair that looked to be on fire, and blood-red eyes but I ain't a pretty boy, well whatever as soon as I wake up tomorrow I am going straight to the adventure guild and sign up, in the meantime, I am going to see if I can use mana or at least sense it.

hey so I know this has just begun and all but I really want to improve so if you can write down what you have a problem with I will try to solve it thanks again for reading

mistermooncreators' thoughts