
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Demon Next Door: Working on the house.


DAY 5.



TYLER'S CASH: 50,850.

THE VAULT: 152,550.

A mournful sound of a violin woke the sleeping pair and Tyler smiled as he found he'd held Rias' head to his chest and her arms were around HIM this time. He kissed her awake and she smiled.

"Good morning Tyler. I love that violin."

"Good morning Rias. That's YOUR theme. Like the OST OF you."

"I like it. And....I had fun yesterday."

"Wanna go out again?"

"Absolutely. But I don't really LIKE going out every day. I LOVE the romance though."

"I'll take out Xenovia then. Since she has to wait a week."

"This is already better then last time. And it's only been THREE DAYS!"

"Quality Rias."

"Yeah. Quality."

They showered together before heading down to find Kirito and Hestia behind the counter. The goddess smiled as the pair came down.

"Mornign you two. pancakes'll be ready soon."

Kirito smiled as tyler sat across from him.

"we're hitting the dungeon again?"

"Yup. Satuski wants to make a point. I want to make a STATEMENT. Your arms?"

"Sore. Asuna too."

"Hm. That's a VERY good point."

"Oh yeah. How'd it go?"

"dude I am STILL riding that high."

"Big finish?"

"NAh. Just wanted to SHOW HER."

"I hear that. I'll be going out with Asuna today."

"we'll hold the fort."

Asuna came down rubbing her shoulder then.

"Morning Tyler."

"Morning Asuna. Sore?"

"Yeah. VERY. I think we kinda went overboard yesterday."

"Hestia? MInd casting a purify?"


They glowed and Asuna smiled when they got no hits.

"I thought the same thing. But nope. Just first raid stiffness. we'll need a day to recover."

"Depends on how Satuski feels. If she says launch we'll need to talk her out of it"


"She's more of a hardass then YOU are when the idiot recruits are behind level quotas and you KNOW they've doen nothing but fuck around."


"what was that Kirito?"

The black haired boy looked at his mildly irritated wife.

"Oh come on Asuna. Your temper was LEGENDARY outside the Bloodoath."

"Oh. Right."

She sighed as Yoshkia came down and Tyler smiled as he got a hug.

"YOUR turn!"

"YES! I've been looking forward to it ALL WEEK!"

He rubbed her hair fondly as the happily glowing witch got a exasperated at from the girls. Hestia especially.

"She's fine, Tyler. Just loves her play and is NOT shy about it."

"Alright, Hestia."

Belfast came down now and the kindly lady smiled.

"Good morning Dears."

"Morning Belfast."

The silver haired beauty smiled as she saw how the pair were glowing.

"Good morning dears. How are you feeling, Rias?"

The redhead smiled happily.

"No big finish. But? I feel warm."

"I am here for you Dear."

"Thanks Belfast."

Tyler smiled as he kissed his beautiful girlfriend before the friends geared up and headed out the door. The warrior holding her hand when he looked at Yoshkia.

"You get your box, Yoshkia?"

She nodded.

"Yup! This one had another toy and some creams!"


"Yup! One makes boobs bigger!"

He looked at her curiously.

"You using it?"

She smiled.


"You look great NOW Yoshkia."

"I know. But I want a rack too ya know! And don't worry. The tube said it merely accelerates growth. So I'll be busty in a month!"

He patted the adorable witch fondly.

"Alright, Yoshkia."

she smiled and Rias smirked.

"Rias? Come on. You don't NEED stuff like that. Okay? You're already PERFECT."

She sighed with a smile as he hadn't even LOOKED at her.

"I love this."

"I love you."

The group arrived at the grounds and he kissed her deeply.

"See ya later."


Tyler and Asuna headed up to the student council room and found Satuski sitting on her throne.

"So I am still drained from using Junkestu's power as I did yesterday, Tyler."

"Asuna is sore too. we'll say every OTHER school day, Satuski. Or we'll just run ourselves into the ground."

"I see. And agree given the extreme effort we put in that one raid. Very well. Every other day."

"We can do that. Thanks Satuski."

She nodded and the dup left her office. Asuna smiled.

"THAT was easier then I feared it would be."

Tyler chuckled.

"She's tired too. Plus she saw just how hard we go on our raiding. So. we got leeway. see ya later, Asuna."


The warrior headed to Marillia's class and walked in just in time to see Akeno in Issei's face.

"WE broke UP because YOU SUCK! Face it Issei. YOU LOST!"

"I saved your life TWICE! I have nearly DIED for you twice too! I LOVE you Akeno! You know that!"

Tyler leaned on the door jamb now watching the show as the purple haired beauty glared at Issei with a tiredness.

"Issei. You have to GROPE US to get anywhere NEAR useful. YOU are TERRIFIED of even HUGGING US and yet act like you're hot shit. NO you are NOT. You PEEP on us ALL THE TIME over actually JOINING US in the damn bath. We tell you to just join us and you freeze! I am TIRED of the freaking CREEP you ARE! You lost. GET OVER IT. we're in TYLER'S harem now. and my HELL is it better."

Tyler smiled as he walked in now.

"Thanks for the seal of approval, Akeno."

She smiled warmly as the warrior walked over.

"every time."

"Ten bucks for using my line."

"Ohh here."

She kissed him and they got into a hard makeout session that saw her pinned to a wall and Marillai sighed.

"OH COME ON. NOT in class you idiots."

Akeno laughed as she was put back on the floor by her adoring boyfriend.

"THAT is MUCH better! And DAMN dude."

He kissed her again with a smile.

"Damn straight. Oh. Is that vanilla I taste, Akeno?"

"Yup! I like the scented chapstick."


They took their seats as Issei had a new look of hatred at the scene but Tyler merely ignored him and so did Akeno. The failure of a Dragon Emperor sat down with a fury and Koneko smirked.


"Sadly we're outta time for a PROPER session Koneko. for the moment."

"We'll have some fun."

"Damn right we will. Wanna go out tomorrow?"

"FUCK yes."

"Since you gotta wait nearly a week I kinda felt bad."

The white haired girl smiled at this.

"SO much better. and it's fine. Long as you KEEP it up."

"Oh it's UP Koneko."

Akeno smirked.

"Now, now, Tyler. I will not blow you in class."

"Well damn."

The trio chuckled at his disappointment as Kirito perked up.

"What's the word from Satuski?"

"every other day. Seems she overdid it too."

"That's a relief."

The class started and Tyler smiled as he'd tease Akeno with a brush or a touch when Marillia wasn't looking and the purple haired beauty chuckled at the flirting.

"I am enjoying this."

"I am too."

Koneko smirked as she got her own teasing with a tossed eraser.


The friends smiled as the period ended and once it did Tyler grabbed Koneko for her own makeout session that saw the smaller girl lifted right off her feet and her leglocking him as he explored her eager mouth. Akeno chuckled as she watched.

"Oh this is going to be SO good."

Tyler smiled as he let Koneko go.

"DAMN Koneko. You're great."

she smirked.

"I'm a hot cat."

"whaddya expect? Atta girl. You seen Xenovia?"

"She's up on the roof. Likes it up there."

"Thanks Koneko. We'll go out tomorrow."


He tossed te agile girl like they were dancing and she stuck the landing in a low pose that made him chuckle.

"Sexy kittycat."

The warrior left his girls to head for the roof. Which didn't take long and he siled as he spotted Xenovia's bright blue hair by one of the alcoves for quickies and walked over.

"Hey Xeria."

She smiled warmly as he hugged her.

"Hey Tyler. Need me?"

"Wanna go out after school?"

"YES! I'd love to!"

He hugged her tighter.

"Alright. Since your cuddle sesh is a week out an all. makeup!"

"Okay. I love this already."


She looked at him curiously and he kissed her. Making her blink before she got RIGHT into the makeout that left her breathless.

"Okay. DAMN DUDE."

"I want you I am GOING FOR IT."

"THAT is how you be a MAN! and me too."

He smiled as he patted her fondly.

"Love you too, Xeria."

She sighed happily as he kissed her again.

"I'll get there."

"Next time you an Asia are by a pool, you are to push her in and tell her I sent it."

"Oooh you're a DICK! I will!"

"Atta girl. And we're at every OTHER school day for raids."

"That's a relief. durandal takes a lot."

"Good thing you're so much more."

"My heart's glowing. And Rias was seen in the west wing."

"Good. You know your place."


"Later Xenia."

"Later jackass."

He hopped off the roof and flew on his mismatched wings to the wing in question where he spotted Rias' unmistakable blood red hair by a large window and he smiled as he flew though it.

"wow. Clingy much?"

He chuckled at her amused greeting.


She smiled as he kissed her.

"ME too. And Akeno already warned me the affection is on."

"They're with me for a reason."

"So true. So Koneko huh?"

"She an Xeria have to wait the longest."

"GOOD idea. Make it epic."

He hugged her tightly.

"Love you most, Rias."

She smiled at that.

"I know."

"No club meeting?"

"Not in the daytime. So we got a free period."

He sat down and they did their homework together before Tyler looked out the window.

"So tonight and tomorrow I got Yoshkia. We're putting the fencing in over the weekend, and I got a date with Xenovia today after school. I like this place, Rias."

She smiled as she looked out at the city.

"ME too. Issei's getting desperate."

"Good thing you're too good."

"damn straight."

"Oh there's Asia. hey Sparkles!"

Their happy blonde friend smiled and skipped over to join them.

"Hi guys! Miss me?"

She got pats for her adorableness and she blushed as Tyler hugged her.

"Just enough to miss you."


She sat beside him and rested her head on his shoulder.



She looked at him curiously and he kissed her. Her blue eyes went wide at this attack before smiling and they got into ANOTHER steamy makeout while Rias chuckled.

"Now THAT is how you be a player."

asia pulled back with a small plop and was breathing hard.

"wow, Tyler! I LOVED IT!"

"ME too Asia."

He hugged her and Rias smirked.


"It's ASIA Rias."

"Okay fair enough."

They chuckled at that one as he hugged the adorable blonde tightly, making her smile before he kissed her again and she ran off with a happy glow. Then he kissed Rias and she smirked.

"Wow. I got like four different tastes outta that."

"Makin it known is fun."

"HAve fun."

"Love you too."

He kissed her again and she smiled warmly at the affection. The period ended and it was time for lunch. Which the pair had together and they took their spot at the same out of sight table and Tyler smiled at his girlfriend.

"I got Yoshkia tonight. Who're you cuddlin Rias?"

The redhead smiled.

"I'm snuggling with Hestia. Seems she wants to keep watch."



"Love you too. And the nightclub starts on Monday."

"Yup. so work hard!"

"For you."

She smiled at that with a happy shine in her blue eyes as Koneko and Asia appeared to join them. Tyler smiled as the pair sat down.

"Hey you two. bored?"

Koneko shrugged as she dug into her pizza.

"Eh. Kinda."

Asia was getting a hug from Rias.

"I wanted to bother you."

"Typical Asia."

She smiled at that one and the group ate lunch together before heading to Rasweisa's class. Tyler smiled as he walked and found the sexy valkery sitting at her desk and she smiled as he hugged her.

"I heard. I'd like to go out too."

"I'll say Monday after school?"

"Sure. You've got Xeria today, Koneko tomorrow, and who's sunday?"

"I'll keep it open for a surprise kidnapping."

"I like this already."

He kissed her lovingly.

"Me too, RAsweisa. and We should go flying sometime."

She smiled at that.

"I saw your dance. I'd love to."

He kissed her again and he sat behind Akeno and she smiled as he hugged her.

"I like this so much better."

"I'll keep trying."

"Please do."

He smiled as Asuna and Yoshkia walked in and he got a warm hug off the friendly witch.

"Still excited!"

"ME too Yoshkia. ME too."

she smiled and Asuna smirked.

"We're all armed Tyler."

"I know."

"Good. And are you going raiding today? After school?"

"Hm. PArt a me WANTS TO, other part says take a day."

"I'd say take a day. Not worth the risk."

"Alright. Thanks Asuna."

"I AM a professional ya know."

"Oh right. I forgot."


"You make a rather cute shoolgirl, Asuna."

She had an eyebrow twitch and her hand went to her empty hip as if reaching for a rapier.

"I am going to GET you for that."

"Why? Kirito told me that."

"Oh. I'll hug him hard then."

Akeno snorted at the CLEAR ass covering and he smiled as he kissed her.

"Arrogant PRICK."

"Love you too, Akeno."

She smiled warmly at that as RAsweisa sighed with a smile.

"SO much better."

"I know Rasia."

Yoshkia was pouting and Tyler hugged her.


"I know. I'm just greedy."

"Atta girl."

She smiled and the rest of the class came in and they got started. Rasweisa smiling as she went about the lesson and Tyler flirted with Akeno by patting her when the valkery wasn't looking or poking her in her side when he reached for something.

"You're EVIL."

He smiled at her arroused and quietly laughing voice.

"Now this is a SPECIAL sort of fun for me."

"I hate you."

The period ended without issue and Tyler got a warm hug from the busty Akeno and he hugged RAswesia too with his wings.

"See ya later ladies."

They smiled as they split and he went to Rias' clubroom. There he was pounced on by Xenovia. the blue haired girl had cleaned up and was dressed in a tight fitting tanktop with shorts and heeled sandles.

"Rias says we're good to take off whenever."

He hugged her.

"I'll see her before we go."

"Kay. And what'll we be doing?"

"No clue. Fly for a bit and see what we can find?"

"That works! Oh. I don't fuck on the first date."


"Sorry. I kinda got used to it."

He kissed her lovingly.

"I'll work on it then."

The blue haired fighter smiled as the rest of the club came in. Including a glowering Issei and a smiling Rias. Tyler hugged the redhead hard and kissed her deeply.

"See ya at home, Rias. I love you."

She shivered with a smile.

"Yeah. See you at home."

He took Xenovia's hand and they went out the window. Rias smiled fondly as they went before she turned and glared at Issei.

"Now. YOU have some contracts to go on."

Tyler smiled as he spun Xenovia in a corkscrew as the soared over the city. Her blue eyes were full of joy at this fun before she smiled.

"I'm getting dizzy."

He pulled her in for a kiss and they dropped from the sky.

"See anything?"

"Hm. Not really. I AM hungey though."

"Oh good. i got my cash on me."

They landed at a rooftop place and got a table looking out over the city. Xenovia smiling as she got freaquent hugs and kisses from her adoring boyfriend and was loving it.

"This is nice."

"Yeah. You okay?"

"Yeah. just a little tired from the raid yesterday. Haven't had to go THAT hard in quite some time."

"We're at every other day."

"That's a relief."

He kissed her and she smiled.

"And I'm having fun."

"See anything else you wanna do?"

"I haven't seen your house."

"Sure. Cuddle up on the couch with a movie?"

"Yes! I LOVE snuggledates!"

"Love you too, Xeneria."

"Aww! I love that one!"

Their meal was paid for and they flew off towards the house. Tyler smiling as he took Xenovia's hand and she was also smiling at the affection as tey landed and went inside.

"Shoes off at the door."

Xenovia smiled as they flopped on the couch and a movie was put on. Her long legs tucked under her and her head on his chest with him softly stroking her back.

"This is nice."

He kissed her.

"Yes it is."

She smiled and he kissed her again and they got into a rather intense makeout session that saw her on top and them both breathless. Xenoiva smiled as she kissed him again.

"I don't fuck on the first date."

"But you do want to."

"Yup. And...yeah."

He chuckled at that one as she got comfy on his chest.


"I AM a hot devil!"

"Asia is hotter."

"Oh she so is."

He kissed her with a smile and the blue haired fighter smiled as she rested her head on his chest and he ran a soothing hand along her lower back.

"That feels nice."

"You're great."

She smiled happily at that as he kissed her again. Xenovia smiled happily as he held her tightly before she laid beside him on his bed and the warrior continued the petting.

"This is nice."

He smiled as she snuggled closer.

"It is."

She closed her blue eyes and he wrapped her in his wings, making her smile before she fell asleep right there and he held her close as the couple dozed for a few hours. Rias came in then and she smiled at the cute scene of the cuddling pair on their bed and she left the room without a sound. Xenovia opened her blue eye with a smirk.

"GUess times up."

TYler chuckled at that as he kissed her.


"We'll go out again, right?"


"Yay. You got Koneko tomorrow, right?"

"Yup. Sunday's an open kidnap day. Monday's Asia."

"Lucky. I had a wonderful time."

He kissed her again.

"Always fun, Xenovia. I'll fly ya home."

"Irinia wanted to."

"Ah. Ha. Tell her she's got nothin on Asia's Angel."

"I so will! Bye, Tyler."

"Later Xenovia. Love you."

She smiled and teleported out. Soon as she was gone Rias walked back in and smiled as he kissed her.

"Welcome home, Rias."

She shivered at the welcome home dear vibes before smiling.

"How was your date?"

"Xenovia's awesome. And really nice to be around. You?"

"Eh. Issei was combative on his contracts. I had to use THAT on him."


She smiled as they stripped out of their school uniforms into their home gear.

"Yeah. It's kinda getting bad. BUt for the time being I'll leave em be."

"No use setting off an unnessecary bomb."

"So true."

He kissed her and she smiled as he held the half naked beauty tightly.

"I love you, Rias."

She shivered at that and smiled.

"I know."

He smiled and kissed her again.

"I got Yoshkia tonight and tomorrow."

She smiled.

"Let her have it. She's been waiting."

"I know. I want YOU too."

She chuckled at that one.

"NO sabotage!"

He chuckled at her teasing voice and kissed her deeply.

"Alright. FINE. I'll wait to sleep with my girlfriend till we're both free."

"Gee. way to make it sound like a hassel."

"Being away from you is ALWAYS a hassel, Rias. I love you."

She shivered at the setup and smiled.

"Greedy bastard."

"Good thing you're so much more!"

"Stop attacking my heart like that damn you! It's warm and I like it!"

He smiled and his wings came out to wrap her up in the soft embrace and she shivered at the feeling before smiling.

"Okay. NO becoming clingy."


"I kinda hate that."

He smiled sheepishly.

"I guess having you as my girlfriend kinda went to my head a little."

"It's oddly cute and flattering. But we DO have seperate lives ya know."

"I guess. we only live together after all."

"Try an remember that, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

He smiled at that.

"That's actually an old fear of mine, believe it or not."

She blinked at that as they sat on the bed.

"Being left behind for not being in the picture?"

"In not as many words. Most people in my life has either left me, turned on me, or some other third thing. And the ones that hurt most were the ones that happened when I wasn't there. Say a good friend that moved on cause I got sent to wherever and they moved on."

Rias smiled understandingly.

"I'll work on that. And if that's your idea of a flaw? We'll be just fine."

He smiled.

"I'll try not to become a clingy, possessive prick."

"I'll try not to become a jealous and possessive bitch."

"I love you too."

She smiled and he patted her back before he looked at his weapon collection and took his Kar98K down.

"I'll go have some fun in the dungeon."

"I thought you weren't going for a raid today?"

"I'm not. This is my kinda fun."

She sighed with a smile.

"Real life videogame?"

"Pretty much. And some minor target practice."

She miled as he loaded a pouch of clips.

"Be careful."

"Yes, Rias."

He slung the rifle on his back....


He pulled the bolt back and smiled.

"It IS the real thing."

The redhead slumped at that.

"You have an airsoft version don't you?"

"If you'll direct your attention to THAT wall there."

She looked with an exasperated expression to a sticker decorated rifle and chuckled as a familar redheaded devilgirl was seen on the stock.

"Of course."

"Always wanted to go into battle with you, Rias."

She smiled as he walked out. Then looked at the spot in the bed he'd lay in with a fond smile.

"So his biggest irritation is his clingyness due to abandonment issues. I can live with that."

Tyler walked downstairs to find Asuna and Kirito watching TV on the couch with Yoshkia in the kitchen. Belfast was still out and so was Hestia from the empty spots on the tray and Asuna looked at the geared up warrior.

"Sooo no rest for you, eh?"

"NAh. More target practice."

Kirito chuckled as he looked over.

"watch yourself."

"YOU as well. Asuna seems a strangler."

The black haired guy chuckled knowingly and hugged his wife rather then answer. Yoshkia was in her usual outfit of a white sailor suit and one piece underwear as he walked by and she smiled.

"See ya later, Tyler."

"Same to you, Yoshkia. I'm looking forward to tonight!"

She smiled with a blush.

"Me too. And probably not a good idea to fluster me when I'm handling knives."

"YOU? flustered? NEVER!"

"Aww thanks!"

He chuckled and headed out as Rias came down in her blue robe. Asuna looked over with a knowing smile.

"Seems YOU two had a chat. Should we schedule a meeting?"

The redhead chuckled as she sat in the recliner.

"Nah. I can handle this one on my own."

Yoshkia poked her head out.

"What's the problem this time?"

Rias smiled.

"Oh just some more residue from his world. Makes him clingy."

Kirito chuckled.

"Sound familar Asuna?"

The redheaded wife nodded sagely.

"YOU two are TERRIFYINGLY similar. First few days we were together, Rias? I had a shadow. Kirito's been through a lot and SAO was mean at times. Then he settled in."

The devilgirl smiled at that as she ran a comb through her blood red lockes.

"Tyler'll be fine. Since he was a self-confessed superfan, it only added to the problem. And oddly enough it's kinda cute."

The friends laughed at that one as their friend went to war.

TYler smiled as he saw Belfast walking up the driveway to their house.

"Oh hey there, Belfast. Easy day?"

The silver haired beauty smiled as he approached.

"Nothing too trying, Tyler. I see you're off to war."

"Just a bit o target practice. Since I get to LIVE a videogame, might as well enjoy it!"

"Do be careful."

"will do. Oh! Yoshkia's in the kitchen. Soooooo FAIR WARNING!"

She chuckled and the warrior headed off to the dungeon. Tyler smiled as he looked his prized rifle over on the way to the dungeon. The weapon was 3 and a half feet long with deep red wood furniture and a bright silver bolt he'd had custom made for easy rechambers and looks. The sights were neon blue and the trigger guard was bright blue for easy indexing. He flipped the safety off as he walked up to the dungeon elevator and waved at Hestia as she sat in her booth with her feet on the counter. The bubbly goddess smiled as she waved back and the warrior dropped to the first floor. The elevator was empty save for him and he racked the bolt back on his gun and readied up as the thing stopped moving and he was faced with a surprising sight. Instead of the usual stone and dirt dungeon he was used to, he was faced with a dimly lit hospital hallway covered in blood and bullet holes. The florescent lights were dangling from their cables and were flickering from damage. Tyler blinked as he saw this and smiled widely as he saw the resemblence.

"Nazi Zombies as a dungeon mode? Ganisha mah man you are a FUCKING genius. Anything I oughta know bout this mode?"

The theater god's deep chuckle was heard.

"You CANNOT die in his mode! But you CAN die! If you do die you respawn at the elevator and ALL progress is reset! The GOAL is to SURVIVE! You get paid based on kills, completed tasks, and missions completed! As well as loot but you know that!"

"There a way to save progress?"

"AbSOLutely! It is a mad dash to the elevator you may undertake at will! All progress is saved until the next dive! And to access this section you have to STATE it before you drop! GUNS ONLY! NO powers, NO magic! NO SWORDS!"

"You sure about the swords thing? Be kinda cool."

"It would. And very well."

"Loadouts in game?"

"You may purchase ammo and it from outlines on the walls. But you'll need to find them. As a starting payment you get 500 dollars to start. BUT you can't walk in, get the payment, and walk out with the cash. You'll lose the amount entirely. Every kill awards you cash. How much depends on the type of kill. And I see your point on melee. A melee kill will yield 25 dollars. A regular kill 10, a headshot kill 50. Are you with me so far?"

"I am. enemy types?"

"THOSE you will need to discover on your own. And yes they payout differently."

A book fell from the ceiling and Tyler smiled as he took it.

"A bestairy. Thanks Ganisha. PArties?"

"FOUR operatives at a MAX. If the mode sticks, I will consider increasing the members. Revives are enabled. And yes there is NO PAIN ABSORBER. So try not to get bit."

"will do. If we die?"

"You're current funds will take a hit. How much is random. And it only affects cash earned ingame."

"Alright. Different areas?"

"Yes. But you'll need to open them yourself."

"I think I got it from here. Any questions I'll just bother you again."

"Have fun! and let the game begin!"

"YEESH. Those are FAMOUS archenemy words there, Ganisha."

The god chuckled as Tyler lifted the bolt action rifle to his eye and started moving through the postapocolyptic hospital. Kirito and Asuna are going to LOVE this mode! That's it. I am TAKING them raiding down here. A shuffle was heard to his right and he looked to see a battered zombie man walking towards him with glowing yellow eyes and a shambling gait. Tyler smirked as he took aim and put the head of the zombie in the center of the hooded sight. The trigger was pulled and the round left the barrel with a bang. The zombie dropped to the floor with a hole in it's head as the 7.92 mauser round was the last thing to blow it's mind. Tyler saw a +50 icon appear over a section of his vision and he smiled as he saw he now had 550 to play with ingame. The hallway he was currently walking along was on the ground floor with several doors and rooms along it's length. He went to the first one and slid it open with the barrel of the rifle at the ready in case of surprise. The room was a ground floor office with several cubicals covered in drying pools of blood and viscera from a slaughter. Tyler looked in each cubical rifle first until he came to the last and smiled as he spotted an out of place wooden crate sitting on the desk of one. He tore the thing open and found some loot. An extra 500 dollars, some parts for guns and weapons, a knife, and a small ball of unlit fireworks were found. The parts were loaded into the book and the knife was slotted in Tyler's belt as he hung the firework grenade on his belt in easy reach and got moving. The next few rooms were empty save for a few zombies that were dropped with on round per head. The lone warrior was smiling as he came to a larger atrium style room when his phone went off and he took the thing out to find Rias on the line.

"Ummm, not a good time, Rias."

She had amusement in her voice.

"Her name?"

"I'm playing nazi zombies IRL."

"OOOH. Damn. Um."

"what's up?"

She chuckled.




"And here I thought ASIA was the adorable one. Love you too, Ruby."

"Hey! I like that one!"

He chuckled as a zombie approached and he shot the thing pointblank.

"Sit the fuck down. So what'd ya need?"

"Let you know we're getting pizza tonight. Belfast wanted your nod before I raided your money."

"Smart lady. Sure."

"Alright. We'll see ya later."

"Love you too, Rias."

She hung up and he smiled as he put the thing on silent.

"I have seen that get so many people killed it's not even FUNNY! God I love her."

He chuckled and returned to the current task. A large ar style counter was found with a fridge sized wooden crate behind it and he walked over.

"Oh yeah. Hey Ganisha, are we allowed to keep the weapons found in here?"

The god chuckled.

"ABSOLUTELY! Have fun! And yes there are tiers."

"Thanks Ganisha."

The wooden crate was opened and this time Tyler was given 1,500 dollars. bringing his total funds to 2,200. There was a new gun inside and Tyler lifted the thing out curiously.

"Huh. There's a an odd duck. MG34 with 100 round drum magazine and pearl stock. 7.92 mauser and is the predecessor to the MG42. not bad for a world war 2 light machine gun."

He hung the massive weapon on his back before he looked inside and saw four more drums for the beefy machinegun. The crate shattered and Tyler smiled as he got moving.

"Do crates respawn and shift per trip?"

Ganisha chuckled.

"They respawn once per visit and they DO move around once found. If they are NOT found they remain in the same place until they are found."

"Thanks Ganisha."

The warrior moved along the main entryway hallway whistling as he went until he came upon a large mob of zombies milling around in the atrium. Tyler gritted his teeth and swapped his bolt action Kar for the MG34. The nearly 5 foot long weapon was far heavier then his custom Kar but the 100 round magazine and insane fire rate made up for that as he took aim and started firing. The hundred plus strong mob of zombies rushed en mass and Tyler backed away with the machinegun dropping them in piles. The warrior was smiling with a boner as he worked until the drum was empty and he reloaded the beefy MG with a few deft movements and had the next line of lead bellowing and more zombies dropping. The zombies were clambering over each other to get at the shooter but in the end merely served to send his funds to a whopping 11,000. He smiled as the last one dropped and turned to ash before he moved down the now clear hallway.

"Not bad for a first floor zombie round."

The empty atrium had a massive 6 foot wide wooden crate sitting in the dead center of the room and Tyler walked over to the thing curiously. He tore the lid off.....and blinked.

"OOOOOOOH MAAAAH GOD. Ganisha? I fucking love how you did this."

Inside the box was a black steel motorcycle. A BIG one. The thing had an elongated nose in the style of the chopper with back swept handlebars of deep black chrome while the headlight was a flaming demonskull and the front fire cover was more flames. The rear tire was a foot wide and the cover was more flaming demons while the tailpipes seemed to be made from skulls. The seat was leather with enough room for two people to sit comfortably and Tyler smiled widely as he took the keys.

"I have GOT to take Rias riding."

He set the keys in the ignition and Ganisha's voice was heard.

"THAT is a PLAYER VEHICLE! Yes you can keep it. If you drive out of the front door, it'll count as a successful evacuation."

Tyler kicked the bike to life with a near deafening roar. flames spit out of the four tail pipes and the engine purred between his thighs while the black gas tank felt warm. He had a full tank and smirked as he revved the powerful engine before he popped a wheelie with flames flying from the pipes to crash through the glass door of the hospital to be flung out onto the street by the dungeon and he smirked at the shocked looks on the people going into the dungeon. Hestia wasn't in her booth but that was fine as Tyler cranked the engine and tore off down the road at close to 90. It was approaching twilight now with the sun about to sink below the horizon and Tyler smiled as his blood red headlight cast an eerie shape ahead of him as he roared down the road to their house. He rode up to the empty garage with a low rumble and the door opened to expose the surprised roommates and Tyler chuckled as he killed the engine.

"Look what I found!"

Kirito whistled as he saw the beefy chopper.

"Okay. YOU are a badass."

"Ha. Thing's packing a V16 dude. snd my GOD to you feel it."

"I miss my bike right now."

Rias smirked as she saw the demon headlight and the extra seat.


"Think fast."

She caught the extra set of keys and smiled knowingly.

"Looks like we have something ELSE to do with our time."

"Ya damn right we do. I got news."

He closed the garage door and went inside where Hestia chuckled from her spot on the couch.

"You don't need a license in Ganisha's world. So long as you don't get into an accident that is."

Tyler chuckled as he left his boots in the tray.

"I'll be sure to keep an eye out then. Now."

He set the MG34 on the counter and Kirito blinked.


"I found a new area in the dungeon."

Asuna blinked and produced a notepad that instant.

"Tell me everything."

"Nonmagical, nonpowered section entirely based off looting and PoE style hordes. revives enabled with cash payouts based on kills and skills. I was down there what? an hour?"

Rias smiled.

"About 3."

"Wow. Noted."

He set the rest of the kit out.

"11,000 made from looting boxes and kills alone. I didn't get very far before I found the bike. and progress saves until the next dive. BUT. You CAN die down there. If you do, all your progress is reset and you're dumped back at the starting line."

Kirito whistled at that.


"yes. But NO SKILLS. Nothing beyond your own two hands and physical abilities. Zombies too."

Asuna nodded as she wrote the details down.

"Is it a random show up?"

"Not at all. You have to ask the elevator to drop you at the zombie floor."

"Hm. We'll check it out tomorrow then, Tyler. You were down there for a mere three hours and found a bike."

Belfast looked at him.

"NOW I have a new worry, Tyler."

He smiled.

"I get it. I know how to ride bikes actually. My grandfather was a Harley-Davidson enthuasist ao I've spent plenty of time around them."

"Get a helmet."

"Sure. Had an Uncle die like that."

Rias smiled as she came over.

"We'll go cruising, RIGHT?"

"Absolutely. What's today? friday? We....OOOH."

She smiled as she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeeeah gotta watch that."

He kissed her and Belfast smiled.

"Dear, I sense a meeting is in order."

"Ugh. Fine."

Kirito was looking the MG34 over curiously as Rias went to fill Belfast in on her chat.

"So you got this from a crate?"

"Yup. And this."

He slid the knife over.

"You can buy them off outlines on the walls too. Just watch yourself. No inven. All on person."

"No storage? Like say a backpack?"

"MAYBE? Again i didn't get very far. Maybe....three hallways and an atrium?"

Asuna blinked.

"That's IT? Are they that big?"

"More I'm that OCD with looting."

"Ah. NOW it makes sense. Uniform or random?"

"Both. Any unfound crates don't despawn until found, and any foudn crates respawn in a new place. Same with mobs. So, keep your head on a swivel. you might turn a corner, and be faced with a thousand. NO pain absorber. PERIOD."

Kirito shivered.

"So getting eaten alive by zombies. YEEESH."

"Yeah I'm bringing my trenchgun tomorrow. That one's more my speed since there's a propose to going deeper."

Kirito nodded sagely.

"I hear that. Middive join?"

"uhh, Hestia?"

The twin tailed goddess chuckled.

"Sure. Four maximum since it's supposed to be a survival sim. And if you want to join say Tyler on his dive, just say so in the elevator and Tyler will get the heads up."

Asuna smiled as she saw the payout.

"Not bad for a first foray, Tyler. It might be safer to raid that for your rent money."

He smiled.

"You'd think that, since the mobs are easy an all, but it's actually MORE dangerous. Since the kills are easier and the revives enabled, you'll get cockier an ya might thing. if you die, the funds you've collected that round take a random hit."

Hestia nodded.

"And you drop ALL your currently carried gear and are left naked at the starting line. You can try to reclaim your gear, but you'll need to do so naked."

Asuna blushed hard at the implications.

"Okay. Let's only do that one together or alone, Kirito."


Tyler chuckled as he stripped down his kar98K.

"Long as you're careful and keep your escape route in mind, you should be fine."

Kirito chuckled at that one.

"SAO's freakin MOTTO."

Asuna smiled at that one and Tyler took the MG.

"I'll get this thing situated. Oh. There ARE weapin tiers down there so keep that in mind. This one is a low tier."

They nodded and the redheaded wife smiled as she took the notes.

"I'll give these to Satuski for a change of pace."

"Sure. We'll plan that raid a few days in advance to get some gun practice in."

They nodded and he carried the beefy machinegun to his room and smiled as a box at on the bed with his name on it. The gun was set aside and he found a note from Rias on the lid.

"Surprise! You're not the only one that gives gifts!"

"I fucking love her."

He opened the box with a smile and chuckled at the new leather jacket that had her house crest emblazoned on the back while the lining matched her blood red hair to perfection. The outer lining was black and he smiled at how warm it was when he tried it on. And it fit his frame perfectly. He headed downstairs and smiled as he found Rias sitting at the counter with Belfast enjoying a refreshing Iced T after their chat. He walked over and Rias smiled as she saw the coat.

"Good. It fit."

"I love you too, Rias. This thing is awesome!"

She smiled as he hugged her.

"I can do stuff too ya know."

He held her tightly for a moment.

"Love you too."

Belfast smiled.

"I will assist as well, Tyler."

"Thanks Belfast."

Rias leaned in his ear.

"And you didn't tell her because?"

He smiled.

"Because this is our issue. And we'll work on it together."

"Ah. Alright."

He patted her and Yoshkia came bopping over in her nightrobe.


He patted her.

"Still excited, Yoshkia."

"Me too! I wanna play and do stuff!"

He just patted the adorably ditzy Yoshkia as BElfast and the other ladies sighed with pain. Hestia's twin tails drooped.

"OOOOH Yoshkia. Sweet and adorable and yet? You hurt."

Tyler smiled as he patted the blushing girl one more time.

"We'll have some fun, Yoshkia."


He kissed Rias and she smiled at the affection before he hung his new leather coat up beside his first and then field stripped his newest MG. Once he was satisfied in it's state he hung it with the rest of his heavy machineguns and put the loaded drums inside fireproof cases in the closet. Rias came in and went to her dresser for something as he locked the ammo crate up and looked at his arsenal before taking down a M1A1 Thompson and started cleaning the submachinegun. Rias smiled as she watched from her mirror.

"Should I be worried about those?"

"Nah. All the ammo is in that box there. Here."

He flipped her the spare key.


"Sure. All the guns have their safetys engaged so just make sure not knock them on your foot. Some are kinda heavy."

She smiled as she tied her hair up.

"Pizza should be here soon. Clean up before then."

"Will do. You headin out?"

"Going for a run before it gets here. Like to TRY to keep a routine."

He smiled and pulled a handgun from the wall.

"Here. MY peace of mind."

She smiled as she took the M1911 handgun.

"Thanks. I know how to use it too."

"Two fulls here."

"I'll be careful."

He kissed her before taking a shower as his redheaded girlfriend went for her run. After he went to the living room with his laptop to work on his stories and Belfast looked over from her own screen.

"YOU have a way with words, Tyler. I reached the Sky dance with MElody."

"That one I was in a rather specific state of mind when I wrote it. Kinda been trying to recpature it since."


"Not exactly. More a combination of longing, loneliness, and just a hitn of horniness too with exhuastion too. I haven't been able to recreate that kinda trance state since."

"Perhaps you ran out of things to say?"

"I thought that, but I kept getting new ideas. I think none have resonated with me to THAT degree."

Yoshkia appeared for a snuggle and he smiled as she sat between his legs.

"Cuddle thief."


He patted her with a smile as Hestia came up from the basement wiping her sweaty shoulders off with a towel.

"Ahhh I feel better!"

He smiled.

"exercise in the basement?"

"More naked yoga as you'd know it. There's a sign so if you see it don't go down."

"Sure. Oh! We're putting work on the fencing this weekend, right?"

The heads nodded and Asuna looked up from planning her own zombie riad with Kirito.

"Koneko and Xenovia will be helping out too. Rias asked them for a hand since we're kinda undermanned for that kinda thing."

"Smart. Koneko's stronger then I am and Xenovia's a workhorse too."

Kirito smiled.

"What IS today anyway?"

Tyler looked at the date on his laptop screen.

"Today is...friday the 8th. Belfast? Think you can order the supplies for the fencing?"

The maid smiled from her spot at the counter.

"Asuna and Hestia already placed the order. The cost was 10,000 even."

"Thanks ladies. We'll have some fun tomorrow."

Yoshkia looked up from her spot.

"Commander Mina wants to meet you Tyler. So her, Major Sakamoto and Captain Barkhorn will most likely drop by at some point."

"Sure thing, Yoshkia."

He hugged her and looked at Asuna.

"We'll get the backyard enclosed before we build our frontyard fencing."

"Smart. Stone walls for the front?"

"We'll see. Didn't someone want to plant hedges or something?"

Belfast perked up.

"That was me. It would add some greenery to our neighborhood."

Tyler chuckled.

"I can't wait to go tearing through the hood on my bike."

THey chuckled and Kirito smirked.

"Great. You're THAT kinda asshole neighbor. Do it loud an proud."

"The American Way."

Rias came in then with a flushed face and a satisfed smile and Tyler tossed her a towel.

"Thanks. i feel better. Oh. Pizza guy's rolling down the street."

Tyler paid the man the 300 dollar bill as Rias rinsed off in the shower. The friends watched another movie from his collection while munching on good pizza before Yoshkia smiled at him and the warrior chuckled. The pair went up as Hestia lifted a shotgun from behind her and pumped it threateningly.

"We are ALL paying attention Tyler."

"Love you too, Hestia."


"Wow. Divine cute."

He left the goddess all red and angry as he and Yoshkia went up. The door shut and Yoshkia smiled as they went o the shower.

"OOOOH I've been waiting for this all day!"

He chuckled at her eagerness.

"So have I, Yoshkia."

They got in the water and she looked at the erect hose wide eyed.

"Wow. I like it!"

He smiled as he lathered the slender girl up in the shower and she giggled as he fondled her own slight bust.

"Hey that tickles!"

"Wow,Yoshkia. Ya got some firmness there."


Once clean the pair laid in the b ed and she smiled at him.


"Whaddya wanna do?"

She blushed.

"Um. My first?"

A HEAVIER pounding was heard on the door and Belfast was heard this time.

"Yoshkia dear, WE NEED TO CHAT!"

"FUCK! Dammit come on!"

"NOW dear!"


Tyler just laid there as a VERY pissed and disappointed Yoshkia got dressed and stomped out.

"Oh COME ON. I just want to see what it's like."

"Always next time, Yoshkia."

She sighed and walked out with a smiling sweetly Belfast as Rias tagged herself in and Tyler smiled as she laid beside him.


He chuckled at her icy tone.

"Yoshkia wants her first eh?"

"I guess she's an eager one."

She smiled as she settled beside him and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"So long as you do it RIGHT, I have no issues."

He kissed her.

"I love you too, Rias. And the ladies'll figure it out."


She rested her head beside his and he pulled her close.

"Good night, Rias. I love you."

"Night, Tyler. And...getting there."