
The Demon Next Door.

A teenager is transported to another world to live with a bunch of anime characters in a God's idea of a paradise. Rent included.

Goreleech · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

Demon Next Door: It is never a good idea to piss of Satuski.

The warrior chuckled as he headed off to lunch.

"This school is freakin WILD man. i love it."

The lunchroom sat in the exact center of the school's wings and was basically a tower inside the school. When you stood in the exact center of the cafeteria and looked at the ceiling you could see clean to the sky as the dead center was an open sky. THAT was a cool sight. Then the warrior looked around before he spotted Kirito in the line and he joined him. The black haired swordsman chuckled as Tyler walked up.

"Satuski's intense."

"That was her relaxing."

"Scary. We met the girls. Good picks."

"I wanted to get Yoshkia and Xenovia. But they're kinda tangled up at the moment."


"Yeah. Atta girls and all, but YAH. watch yourself. Already had a horny girl hit me with the loveletter."

"Ya did, didn't you?"

"I dragged her into a broom closet and RAILED her."

"If I wasn;t married to a supermodel, Tyler? I'd be jealous. But Asuna's better at it all."

"Ha. HAve you?"

Kirito smiled knowingly.

"A lot."

"Damn dude. respect. her gimmick?"

"eh. She likes trying out different things. Her favorites include her.....flexibility. She was a gymanist and a cheerleader so."

"Damn. Oh."

He slid him a list of creams. Kirito chuckled.

"She loves her lotions."

"Gotta spoil your supermodel wife, right?"

"Oh yeah. I love that girl so freakin much."


He JUMPED! Tyler lost it laughing as Asuna's sweetly toned voice came from RIGHT behind her startled husband and he looked at her with a jackhammering heart.

"Um. Hi Asuna."

She hugged him.

"Love you too."

he smiled and Tyler chuckled as Asuna gave him the deatheye.


"Sure thing Asuna. You get the word?"

"I did. I'm second in command."

"Yup. We'll talk raid at home."

"Sure. And. WE will see to Yoshkia."

"don't bother. I know the girl she was with. her name's Xenovia. one of Rias' pieces. Basically she's like you but with a sweeter personality and short blue hair."

"I like her and I don't even know her. Rias will be talking to them then. Seems Yoshkia like to pounce."

"Atta girl. and mind NOT throttling Kirito there?"

"But I LIKE strangling my husband. let's him know I care."

Tyler whistled at that cutely voiced reply.

"Okay, Asuna. That was some next level cute. And Kirito? You are completely screwed."

The guy just smiled and hugged his wife rather then invite hiw own death. The trio got their meals and split. Tyler's consisting of a pizza and a tall energy drink as he found an upper level with a good view of the rest of the cafeteria's ground floor behind a pillar. He sat down and munched while watching the goings on below. At one table he spotted Rias' unmistakable blood red mane and smiled as he pulled a laser pointer from his bag and pointed the neon blue thing at her table. Rias looked at it curiously before looking up to see where it was coming from and he waved. The redhead smiled at him and flew up on her wings with her lunch to sit with him.


"Oi. I PREFER watchful protecter."

That made her smile and he smirked as he spotted Koneko. He lifted the laser pen,

"Don't. She'll kill you if you do that."


He set the thing down and Rias smiled as he looked at her.

"So Koneko and Xenovia but not me?"

"YOU I want to go raiding with ALONE."

That made her smile.

"I'll look forward to it."

He smiled and had an idea. which she saw as his eyes flashed.

"Not here."

"As you wish."

She shivered and took his hand with a smile.

"But I already have my answer."

"I've HAD my answer. How's Asia?"

"She's fine. She LET them catch her. Turned out she was stronger then they were so she wanted to screw with them a bit."

"She's spent too much time around Akeno."

"She so has. But. She's still sweet little Asia. and she wants to move in with us. Guess you're power made an impact."

Tyler blinked at that.

"OH yeah. I forgot it did that."

Rias frowned.


"The boosted gear draws women to it with it's power."

"OH. Um. OH."

Drake chuckled as the gem appeared on his hand.

"Relax, Tyler. That ability was purged when I entered your soul. It's actually a soul by soul basis if the Lure comes with the boosted gear. Issei has it since he NEEDS that type of help. YOU don't. so I swear on my scales the gear is doing nothing to anyone's heads."

"Thanks Drake."

Rias smiled at this with a little relief.

"I feel better."

"How is that idiot?"

"Well. He's crushed how just how easily you made using Drake look. And the rest we'll talk about at home."

"We'll go home together."

She smiled at that and he squeezed her hand.

"I love how that makes me feel, Tyler."

"I love how you make me feel, Rias."

"NOT here."

"I know. And DAMMIT do I want to say it."

She shivered before Tyler looked over the railing and noted Koneko was chatting with Asia. He smirked.

"I CANNOT pass this up."

"She is GOING to kill you!"

"Why it'll be funny!"

He fired the laser pointer at the table just in front of Koneko and the girl noted it. Tyler was laughing as he flicked the thing as if teasing a cat and the girl looked up at him with PUUUUUUURE MURDER in her eyes while her pretty blonde friend laughed at the troll. Rias waved from across from him and Koneko flipped him off as he put the pen down laughing.

"Oh my god is it fun to fuck with you people!"

"You're a dick!"

He chuckled at her amusement and waved at the pretty Asia, who waved back excitedly. Then the warrior smiled as he looked at Rias and she smiled too.

"I'll see you at home. That's nice to say."

"Yeah. And we're only a wall apart."

"For now."

He smiled and headed off to his next period. He walked in and the teacher smirked as she looked up at him.

"Well. Hello."

She was a beautiful lady half a head shorter then he was with long, glistening silver hair that hung to her lower back. The woman's eyes were a deep teal and her skin pale with a large bust on her slender frame. Tyler smiled as he recognized her.

"So YOU'RE what a battleangel looks like? i like it. Nice to meet you, Rasweisa."

The valkery smiled as she spoke in a warm yet soft whisper.

"It is nice to meet you too, Tyler. And battleangel? I like it!"

"Fenrir's my favorite legend from your pathenon."

"I've met her many times. And what do you know of the Valkeries?"

"excuistely beautiful women with extreme skill in battle. Bout it though."

"Thank you for both."

"Shall we educate ourselves on our lacking for each other?"

She squeaked and squirmed in a rather adorable manner as she blushed.

"I am your teacher...."

"So? always got time for a quality beauty."

She shivered.

"NOT in class."

He got her phone numhber and she got his. Then he stole a kiss off her soft and stunned lips.

"see ya soon."

Oh she sighed longingly at this as he sat down in the empty class.

"OOOH THAT'S a REAL dragon!"

He chuckled at that as he sat down near a window and set his laptop up.

"Akeno's new name is Sparky."

"Oh my hell I am DOING that to her!"

"Ha. we'll set it up then. Say a day she just up an loses her name entirely to be called sparky or jolt or electric grape or whatever."

"OOOOH she hates you don't she?"

"She';'s my summon."


"I'll summon you too, Raswesia."

"Ya freakin BETTER. And NO i DO NOT fuck for contracts."

"It weird I can hear Akeno saying that?"

"I am NOT that bad!"

Akeno walked in with a smirk and Tyler smiled as he flicked her with his fallen angel wing affectionately.

"Naahh you're too good to be bad, akeno."

She smiled at this and flicked him wirh HER fallen angel wing.

"Thanks Tyler."

"every time."

He then petted her fallen angel wing curiously and she just chuckled.

"Soft right?"

"really soft. I kinda like it."

"Well. I think cuddles are in order."

"Since last night kinda got complicated."

"She's getting her talking to. By ALL of them."

"Good for Yoshkia. Play on girl."

Akeno chuckled.

"Don't peek!"

"I'd only peek on YOU ya freakin minx."

She laughed at the cocky reply as the rest of the class came in with Asuna being counted among them. Tyler smiled as his friend sat beside him>

"Hey Asuna."

"Hi. Kinda weird going to class like this."

"Try it from MY end."

"YOU win. I got a schedule from Satuski. Seems she's big on results for clubs."

Tyler looked at the paper.

"One raid per day during school hours? Makes sense. I'll talk to her if we need a break."

"She's tough."

"Very. why she's in our raidng crew. That jacket she wears is NOT just for show. It's also a form of living clothing called a kamui. She flips those bands and gets a drastic power boost. I had to put a level to it, at her full strength she rivals ME after about...ten boosts? Yeah that sounds right."

Akeno whistled.

"So she's as strong as Rias id when pissed. Scary."

"Very. Plus her skill with that katana is extreme as well. Oh. hey Raswesia."

The silver haired valkery smiled as she guessed what was coming.

"I'd love to join your raiding club Tyler."

"Thanks Rasia,"


Akeno was also smiling.

"ME too!"

Yoshkia came bopping into the room all smiles with a flush on her face and Tyler waved.

"Hey Yoshkia."

"Tyler? Asuna? Akeno? Yay! we got a class together!"

She sat behind the warrior and he patted her.

"Wanna join my dungeon raider club, Yoshkia?"

she smiled.

"I'd love to but I got picked up by commander Mina's air patrol club. we'll be flying our strikers around the city."

"Damn. Alright. Hey Akeno. Asia been claimed yet?"

"I don't think so. I'll ask."

Rasweisa smiled.

"I can answer that. She's still free. But that's not gonna last long as EVERYONE loves her. I sent a ball already."

"Thanks Rasia."

"I love that I am keeping it."

"Xenovia's Xeria."

"She is going to LIKE you."

The friends chuckled and Yoshkia blushed as she leaned in close.

"Don't say anything?"

"I won't. I promise."


"Unit perk. I know. I met Shirley."

Yoshkia smiled with relief.

"She's super nice."

"And a sexy bunnygirl."

"Oh she is a VERY sexy bunnygirl."

"Atta girl Yoshkia. Atta girl."

She beamed proudly and he had a thought.

"So who's your favorite Yoshkia?"

"Hmmmmm. Perrine's really tasty and flexible too. Plus she LOVES riding. So Perrine."

"Sounds about right. Blondes ARE just better."


Asuna, Akeno and Rasweisa looked at each other with a new worry.

"HE is an encourager."

"SHE listens to HIM."

"Our workload just doubled. HE is a BAD INFLUENCE."

Tyler merely patted the adorable witch.

"She;s awesome."


The girls slumped at that as the rest of the class came in and took seats. Tyler noting Issei himself was one of them and that the green eyed boy glared at him a moment before sitting away from the rest. Rasweisa smiled as she greeted her class.

"Alright everyone. Today we'll be discussing the Spanish Inquisition."

Tyler smirked and leaned in Akeno's ear.

"Wanna bet she was there for it?"

"You're MEAN! And she's 19."

"I know. well. 19 MORTAL years. Her VALKERY age?"

"Oh. You know."

"QUITE well."

"Tyler? Something you'd like to tell the class?"

He looked at the smirking platnium blonde.

"Did you know that during the age of exploration, a red headed slave cost up to three times more then a brown or black haired slave?"

The valkery sighed at that.

"PAY attention."

"Yes Rasweisa."

"I am your teacher ya freakin idiot. Do NOT inspire me to a project DUE TOMORROW."

He chuckled and Akeno held up a sparking hand.

"Tyler. Do NOT fuck us like that. I WILL zap you."

He chuckled and the class moved on with the lesson. the warrior took exacting notes while also screwing with the girls around him with a well aimed eraser landing on their desk whenever Rasweisa wasn't looking. It'd get flung back at him after a few minutes and he noted Yoshkia had the funniest reactions so he focused on her. The eraser landed and she gave a low squeak of frustration.

"I know where you sleep, Tyler."

He chuckled at her strained voice of fury as the class ended and Asuna glared at him.

"ENOUGH with the eraser you hilarious dick."

He chuckled at that unsaid threat before looking at a clock.

"woah. Last period already. And I gotta meet with Rias for my nightclub."

Akeno smiled.

"We're off for the next coupe days. Clubs don't start until next week anyway. Now it's mostly building the base."

"Alright. I'll ask Asia and Xenoiva to join our raider crew."


"You too. if you want."

"Sure. I'd like to see you when serious."

The friends split and he noted Issei had a new look of heartbreak as he was utterly ignored. Akeno saw this.

"Talk to Rias when you see her. We...got some news."

"Alright Akeno. You okay?"

She smiled as they walked along the hall.

"I'm alright. Thank you."

"I gotchyer back."

The pink eyed beauty smiled at that promise as they walked out the door and into a small section of forest along a stone path. Tyler smiled and she saw the idea in his hand at the oddly romantic scene.

"Let's NOT get caught in such a stereotype?"

"Sure. After?"


He unfurled a wing and wrapped her in his fallen angel and she smiled.

"Acceptable. And I like it."

"We never DID have our cuddlenight."

"No we did not. Summon me when you're free."


She smiled as they approached a rundown old schoolhouse made of white planking and even had a belltower. Tyler smiled as he saw it.

"Now THERE'S a familar sight."

"It's good to be home."

The duo walked in and up the battered stairway to a door that opened up into a dreary common area. Rias was seated in an old throne behind a desk while the rest of her club minus Issei were present. Tyler smiled as he saw the twin couches and coffee table between them.

"Now THIS is an odd feeling. Oh there you are Asia."

The pretty blonde friend to Rias popped up all smiles.

"Hi! So you're the fan they dragged here? You're handsome!"

"And YOU'RE cute."


Asia was an adorable girl a foot shorter then him with beautiful golden hair that hung to her thighs. She had a petite frame and pale skin whle her bust was large on her chest. The girl's eyes were a sparkling blue and he smiled at her happy chirp of a voice as he sat beside her on a couch.

"So Asia, wanna join my raiding crew for the dungeon?"

She and the rest blinked at this and Rias looked at him.

"Why HER? Just curious."

"She is the very BEST healer I've ever heard of."

"Oh. WOW."

Asia smiled.

"Sure. and thanks!"

"every time, Asia. Yo Xeria."


The happy squeak came from a taller, more rugged girl with short cut blue and green hair sittin g beside Koneko. She was half a head taller then Asia with fair skin and a well cut frame from her active lifestyle. She had a larger bust on her chest and her voice was a warmer belltone as Tyler smiled at her.

"Wanna join the club too?"

"Sure. Durandal?"

"And your skill in holy magics. Since here things like that don't affect you."

"SMART. Asia?"

"PURE healer."

Rias smiled.

"I love the way you set it up. So during the day you're in the dungeon. yet at night, you're mine."

"WE still need to talk, Rias."

"We do."

Koneko smirked as she got up and laid beside the warrior with her head on his lap. Asia giggled at this.

"Wow Koneko!"

"I like him."

He patted her and she glared at him.

"DO NOT tease me with a laser pen again."

"I won't. And I had to do it at least once."

"I will sacktap you with a spiked gauntlet."

He rubbed her small belly and she sighed at the petting.


Akeno smirked as she sat on his other side and DRAPPED herself across him.

"Oh my! I see this getting fun!"


"What's up Rias?"

"Over here."

"Sure. Akeno, Koneko, scoot."

The two girls groaned at that as tyler went over and got a hug from Rias. who smiled knowingly at the others.

"I'd like it made clear this time."

"We'll have our chat, Rias."

"We can go home NOW since we're the last period a the day and yeah."

"Let's then."

The pair were encased in a red hue before they were teleported to the house. Rias and Tyler left their shoes by the door and headed up to his room. The warrior smiled as he saw belfast's door was wide open yet she was not home. Then they went into his room and Rias locked the door before they sat on his bed. He looked at her.

"what happened?"

She sighed sadly.

"Issei was nearly arrested for rape."

He looked at her mildly shocked.

"What happened?"

"He seduced one of his room mates, a girl by the name of Tia, who's from Hestia's world in to bed. seems his lure made it easy. And they got to the sex and she was DISGUSTED by how bad he was at it and just how GROSS he was too. i guess he wanted to fuck her in the ass and have her SUCK on it after. WITH a drink."

"Yeesh. Ya gotta et PERMISSION for that kinda nasty."

"I heard of your romp and all I'll say is KEEP LISTENING."

"Will do."

"Good. Now. She told him to stop and to GET off her but.....he didn't hear her and just kept going. when she tried to MAKE him stop as Tia is a rather capable girl, he used his boosted gear to KEEP her in place. She screamed and Koneko knocked him the fuck out before he could finish. Tia's fine and HATES him now and so does every other girl in the school. he nearly raped that girl, Tyler. And when she fought back he used the sacred gear to KEEP her from fighting as he...."

She sniffed and had tears well up in her eyes and he grabbed her in a very tight hug.

"I gotchya, Rias."

"You were right about him."

"I'm sorry."

She sniffed again and wiped her eyes.

"I dumped him-"

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?"

She laughed at the sudden light in his eyes.

"I'd love to be!"

"Do. NOT. MOVE. and close your eyes."

She blinked but complied with the sudden order. Tyler went to the bathroom and retrieved something along with the letter before he took her hand. That made her gasp.

"Do it right. please."

"I will. THIS is just because I can. And to be honest I'd a DIFFERENT plan for this. But I like this too."

He slid the ruby/sapphire and diamond ring onto her hand before placing the letter on her lap.

"And you can look."

She did and gasped at the glitterign ring.

"I love it! Where did you get it?"

"Was in my lootbox. And YOU were who I thought of."

She smiled and took the letter with a trembling hand.

"And this?"

"read it."

She tore it open and read the two page loveletter with such joy and a trembling hand he worried she was having a fit. Then she pressed it to her chest while breathing hard.

"What was your original plan?"

He smiled at her soft whisper.

"Sneak into your room and leave them on your nightstand."

"Just to make me smile?"


She shivered at this and looked at the last line on the letter.

"I love you, Rias."

And smiled as he said them aloud FOR her.

"I don't know yet. if I love you. But. I WANT to find out."

"I'm not going anywhere."

She hugged him hard.

"I'm your girlfriend. AND primary."

"IS that okay?"

The redhead looked at him curiously.

"IS what okay?"

"If I HAVE extra girlfriends at all? I don't have to if you don't feel like watching me dick around with other girls."

She smiled warmly at that.

"I'm fine with it so long as we set some rules. I had a bad experience last time."

"Pack up then and move in here."

That made her blink.

"Share a room?"

"As MY primary, YOU get to live in HERE with me."

She smiled so wide it looked like it hurt.

"I love that. And my bed I'll leave for when you piss me off. Actually I'll just keep it there since like half your room isn;t being used."

"Let's get to it then."

The industrious pair moved the busty redhead's belongings out of her room and into his own. Her setup mirroring his own to perfection and neatly sawed the room in half with her four poster bed set flush with the far wall and had easy access to the walkin closet. Rias had a new look of joy on her face once her dresser was situated beside his own.

"we LIVE together, Tyler."

He hugged her hard at that.

"I know. i've been feeling it since we GOT here, Rias! I'm living with YOU for fuck's sake! YOU! Rias Gremory herself and you're MY girlfriend!"

She smiled happily at his near euphoric joy.

"Now the last piece. Lay on your back and remove your shirt."

"Yes dear."

"NOT like that."

"I'll make it a big one, Rias. i promise. Just know THAT is a placeholder."

"i know. And a deterrent."


His boosted gear appeared.

"THIS is our deterrent. and know I AM going to beat the ever living piss outta Zecks."


"Rizar, leaving you in the gap, never being there when you actually NEED HIM, take your pick."

She smiled at that as he laid on the bed.

"I'll keep that in mind. Now. OUR terms."

"ONE recruit per week?"

"Yes. i like it. And point them out BEFORE recruiting IF possible."

"will do. flings?"

"So long as you brag to me after. I'm curious myself so I'll be talking to Belfast."

"No dudes for you."

"OF course. NO cheating for you."

"And plenty of spoil for you."

"I want a boyfriend. NOT just a sugar daddy. So I'll do stuff too. And. I get jealous sometimes. I don't mean to, I just do."

He held her by the face with a smile.

"Your spot as primary is NOT up for debate OR challange. Rest a the slots go crazy. but. NOT. YOURS. NO one could EVER replace YOU in my heart, Rias. NO ONE."

She shivered and pressed her head to his chest.

"Thank you. And if I feel lonely?"

"YOU are MY number 1 priority. Ya wanna snuggle ya got a snuggle."

"I'll keep that in mind. And....slow please. I'd like to savor this."


"And fooling around. I LIKE playing so long as you LISTEN TO ME."

" I do."

She smiled at that and he took her hand.

"And know YOU are the only one I TRULY wanted."


"She wants a night. And Yoshkia's a cuddler."

"I like to cuddle."

"Hestia's great."

"Never slept with a goddess before."

"Ya slept with Asia before, right?"

"Fair enough!"

He chuckled and ran an admiring hand along her thigh as she was wearing shorts and she smiled.

"In time. I WANT to, but in time."

"I love you too. And my pieces?"

she presented the 3 pawns.

"Since these had already been accepted by your soul BEFORE you acquired the boosted gear, you'll be able to take the three."

She pressed them into his chest and he felt an odd falling sensation before his mismatched wings came out.

"There. You are a pawn in the service of the house of gremory. You're mine now."

He hugged her hard.

"I LIVE for you, Rias."

She shivered at this and hugged him hard.

"Issei's not cast out. OR off my board. yet."

"Prove a point?"

"And I want to be ABSOLUTELY sure."

"Alright. And I AM going to make Asia a summon of mine too."

"Go for it. She kinda has a crush already."


"She likes you since you're just so....YOU. Seems she kinda picked up on you before we did."

"She IS a very sweet and kind girl. So makes sense. Real recognizes real."

"So true. Now. I'd like a shower."

"And a massage."

"YES please!"

They showered together and he helped her with her volumonous hair and got a feel of her massive breasts, which made her shiver.

"You pinch me I sacktap you."

"deal. And DAMN lady. best I've felt."

"I'm awesome I know."

He smiled and once they were cleaned up she laid on the bed and he got to work on her back. The sexy redheaded devil smiling as she moaned and groaned through her massage until he flipped her on her back.


"Love you too."

Her melons were fondled again and she smirked as he moved along her belly.

"My PUSSY be VERY nice to or I;'ll cut your balls off."

"Yes Rias."

"GOOD. And I'm still a virgin."

"How far did you two get?"

"Not very. Groping, kisses, nudity, and showering. I WAS going to, but he always froze."

He smiled and she kissed him. The pair got into a makeout session and she was panting when she placed a hand on his chest.

"Not like this."

he smiled and kissed her again before getting back to her massage. Which made her sigh with a minor relief. He let her foot go and laid beside his sexy girlfriend and she rested her head on his chest with a smile.

"And I just FEEL better around you. I like it."

"I love you too."

She smiled at that and he slid an arm under her head which prompted the affectionate girl to roll over and rest her head on his chest. He smiled as he stroked her back and she shivered with each stroke.

"So you're going raiding today, Tyler?"

"I'd planned on it. WAnna come?"

She smiled.

"I'd love to."


He kissed her and she smiled at that before she looked to his shelf of anime merch and more notably the mass of statues of her.

"So you got the full set."

"I am not getting rid of them."

"Oh hell no. I kinda like them now."

He chuckled at that before he looked at a clock and noted it was 2:30.

"Let's hit the dungeon. We get back we can relax or sumthin."

She smiled at that and the pair geared up for a raid in the dungeon. Tyler hung his staffsword on his back while Rias changed into her school uniform while also borrowing one of his pistols. Then the pair walked hand in hand to the dungeon and Tyler smiled as he kissed her. She smiled at thr affection.

"Just keep it somewhat decent in public?"

"as you wish."

She smiled happily at that and he smiled.

"Wanna go out this friday Rias?"

"I'd love to! Staydate or go out?"

"either or. We could hit the town and see what kinda shit we can get into or we can just curl up in our room with pizza, my movie collection and tell the world to go fuck itself."

The redheaded devil smiled at that idea.

"Today is wednsday. we're sleeping together tomorrow and we got a date on Friday. Yoshkia's got friday right?"

"And saturday."


"Love you too."

She smiled as they walked to the lift and he hit the button on the dungeon elevator. Then he pulled his staffsword while Rias readied her own immense power. The warrior smirked.

"Let's NOT get jumped by a cyclops today."

"Yes. let's."

He chuckled at that sultry voiced suggestion before they reached a vacant floor made from a clean brick. Tyler walked out with the staffsword at the ready with Rias right behind him. The duo moved along the corridor until the lift was out of sight and Tyler smirked as they turned another corner and were faced by a mass of 5 foot tall fire ants. The things numbered in the hundreds and Rias smirked as her hands lit up with her flames.

"Dark Sacralant!"

"Whirlwind slash!"

Tyler dove into the fray in the hole Rias' explosive power carved in the charging hordes of ants and the severed bodyparts of the creatures flew like rain in a hurricane and the sounds of shattering carapaces echoed up and down the halls. Tyler's staffsword nearly invisible in his routines while Rias' power left craters dozens of feet deep and incinerated hundreds. Both lovers wearing smiles of euphoric joy at getting to raid a dungeon with each other and that sheer joy was translated into raw power and destruction as the ants died in droves. Then the last one was shattered under Tyler's boot and the powerful pair collected the pile of stones. Rias was smiling widely as she helped.

"That WAS fun Tyler!"

"Always fun diving into the dark to lay waste to a buncha fodder. Rampages are FUN!"

She kissed him as they picked the last stone up and they moved into another corridor that opened up into an arena 150 feet wide and 400 feet tall. Tyler smirked as he looked at it.

"THERE'S your classic boss ring. You ready for this Rias?"


He kissed her this time and the pair moved into the ring proper. A red magic barrier rose up behind them and encircled the pair as a deep, dark chuckle was heard.

"Well, well. We meet again GREMORY."

Tyler looked up to see a tall man decending from the ceiling on a set of ten blackbird wings and he looked at Rias. Who was wide eyed at this apparition.


She nodded and he kissed her.

"Come on Rias. I'M here this time."

She relaxed immensely and smiled.

"You're right. And you got tricks."

The warrior smirked as he faced the fallen angel.

"So YOU'RE god's pet bitch?"

OOOOOH that one pissed him off!



Kockabeal gasped as an explosion rocked the chamber from Tyler sending his power to near godlike levels in a split second.


"Simple. I was SUPPOSED to have it."

Tyler soared at the backpeddaling fallen angel and the sword blade appeared from his arm.


And sliced half the man's wing5s off in one swing. Kockabeal howled in agony but Tyler pivoted on a wing to tackle him to the ground as Rias channeled her own immense power.

"Diabolical SCREAM!"

And set the idiot on fire with her blood hued flames. Tyler smiled as he gripped the wing stumps of the fallen angel and TORE them off.

"Bring back memories?"

Rias was flushed in the face from her power while the pair tore the fallen angel apart. Then Tyler pinned the helpless creature and Rias smiled.

"Awww! You're so good to me!"

"And we're just getting started, Rias! Would you care to PLUCK this bird?"

"with pleasure! Dark Sacralant!"

Kockabeal was incinerated and the barrier shattered as the loot dropped. Tyler smiled as he poowered down and highfived his sexy girlfriend.

"THAT'S how it's done."

"Oh my hell I WISH we'd had you in our world, Tyler!"

"ME too."

The pair smiled and looked at the mass of loot. The warrior smiling as he loaded it into his pack.

"Four loot boxes, another dress, a mass of cash, a sword, a spear, a bluebprint for something, that backpack, some gems, and what looks like a bikini. weird lootdrop."

He shrugged and Rias smirked.

"Look the loot over at HOME Tyler."

"Yes Rias."

"GOOD boy."

The pair headed up and turned in the stones to the booth, getting a whopping 75,000 dollars in all. The pair whistled as they walked home.

"75k for that run? And the cash payout was another 35,000? We're set on funds for a while."

Rias nodded a little impressed.

"We'll be able to put some work into the place now."

"Oh hell yeah. Once the fencing's up we can have some fun with the pool and hot tub. Or we can upgrade those too."

"I'd say upgrade. I want a heated pool for all year round fun."

"Sure. We'll get the canopy built over the area then. Koneko wants to help out."

Rias smiled as he took her hand.

"I'll be with Yoshkia tonight."

"Careful Rias. she's a pouncer!"

"Why I wanna. She's SO warm!"

"So true."

They returned home and found Kirito and Asuna snuggling on the couch watching TV while Yoshkia relaxed on the recliner. Belfast and Hestia's shoes were by the door but the pair were nowhere to be seen as Tyler and Rias walked in. Asuna smiled as she looked at them.

"How was the dungeon?"

Tyler chuckled.

"We made 110,000 dollars. NO I am NOT shitting you."

The relaxing trio blinked and Kirito looked at him.

"What the hell were fighting?"

"We got attacked by a killer ant swarm. 300 ants the size of a mastiff. AND a bad guy from Rias' world by the name of Kockabeal. A fallen angel with extreme powr that fought god in his world."

They whistled and Asuna blinked.

"Wait. if you fought a bad guy from HER world?"

Tyler nodded.

"There's a chance if I go with you on your riads we'll encounter bad guys from YOUR worlds."

Kirito shivered.

"Tyler. PoH."

"I'll deal with him."

"Alright. Loot?"


Tyler passed him a lootbox.

"Had your name on it. i got one for Hestia too."


The busty goddess came down the stairs now smiling and wearing a light gown while bare foot. Tyler smiled as he gave her the crate.

"Had your name on it."

"Thanks! And the chance of encountering enemies from your worlds is based on if Tyler's included in the raid and if he can BEAT THEM. since Ganisha wants to give you the chance to fight some of them too."

"so if I am NOT with them, the faces from the past WON'T appear?"

The goddess nodded.

"That's right. Seems Ganisha wants to see how you fare against your icons' adversaries."

"Wow. Well. Cool."

Rias smiled as she looked at him.

"I can't WAIT to see you fight Valy."

"OR Loki."

"ME either."

Yoshkia looked up.

"Hestia? what about neroui?"

Hestia smiled as she looked at her.

"Those appear in the dungeon too, Yoshkia. And sometimes you'll encounter them in the sky as it IS another type of dungeon."


"Yup. It's entirely sky based though."

Tyler smiled.

"I'd love to go flying with the Strike Witches some time, Yoshkia."

She smiled warmly at that.

"I'll ask Commander Mina then. And she said she wants to shoot you. oh. Talk to you, Tyler."

He chuckled.

"For HER? same thing."

they chuckled at that as he opened the blueprint and Kirito came over.

"A blueprint dropped too?"

"Yeah. And get this. it's for an addition to the house for an awning over the pool and hot tub. And if I'm reading this right it's supposed to be solid brick."

"Wow. And the price attached?"

"I'm looking....here. Wow. Only 55,000. we'd need to do the work ourselves and all, but that's more fun then a pain in the ass."

Belfast came in now with a thoughtful expression.

"I overheard dears. Do we have the needed expertise for such a project Tyler?"

"Sure. I'm licensed in my world and was actually the leader of a few job sites in my day since I'm kinda a hardass for results."

Asuna chuckled as she came over now.

"I wish we'd had you back in the BloodOath. Okay."

She looked at the plans and nodded.

"I like this. 55,000?"

"Add an extra 25 in case of any surprises."

"SMART. we can start this one this weekend with the fencing."

Tyler frowned.

"I'd say NEXT weekend, Asuna. Let's get yhe fencing in first before we worry about the interior."

Rias nodded.

"I agree there. I HATE nosy neighbors with a passion. Let's get our privacy assured before we move on."

Kirito nodded as he looked the plans over closely.

"Same here, Asuna. Plus it's not a good idea to have so many projects going on at once. Plus the materials needed will make a mess."

The redhead smiled at these points.

"Alright. So the fencing this weekend and then the brick addition next."

The heads nodded and Tyler smiled as he passed the blueprints to Belfast.

"I appreciate the trust."

Next he slid the lootboxes over.

"Alright. Yoshkia here you got another drop."

"Thank you!"

"This one's got my name on it, Hestia got hers and looks like kirito got one."

The boxes were divided and the warrior smiled as he tore his open. Rias looked in as well and blinked at the spread. Inside lay a velvet box of a distinct shape, another leather jacket, a set of sapphires matching Rias' eyes to perfection, a fresh chess set made from crystal, a new figurine of Rias, and a circular picture frame made from the Gremory House symbol. Tyler took the velvet box and peeked inside and smiled widely.

"THIS does NOT exist, Rias."

She blinked at this. then gasped at the implications before smiling widely at those same implications.

"NO it does NOT."

Belfast smiled as she guessed.

"I am here Rias, dear."

"Thank you Belfast."

Her voice was filled with an utter excitement and Kirito chuckled as he looked over.

"Need some pointers, bro?"

"Dude you have NO IDEA how long I've been PLANNING this."

"Oh SHIT. Well. GOOD luck to ya."


Tyler smiled as he looked at Hestia and she blinked.

"Why are you lookin at ME for, Tyler?"

"I need a....favor."

"OH my ME you are SCARY sometimes, Tyler. Sure! whatever you need!"

He pulled a book from a pocket and slid it to the goddess. She looked through it curiously before gasping hard at the grandoise occasion planned inside.

"Okay. You have my FULL assistence Tyler."

he smiled.

"I will owe you BIG TIME for this Hestia."

She hugged him.

"THIS is the EXACT reason this world was created, Tyler. And so you know? GANISHA is impressed."

"Thanks Hestia."

"I'll expect you to make one for ME too-"


"Oh FINE. I'll get right on it."

Rias blinked.

"Um. Do it right please?"

Hestia smiled.

"Rias. Shut up. Okay? TRUST ME."

"Wow. NOW I have a new anxiety."

Belfast looked at Tyler and he nodded. So she looked.

"Oh my."

"Yeeeah I kinda got a FLAIR for grandoise occasions and big events."

The maid smiled at that one as she passed the now top secret book to the goddess.

"You do indeed. And I am here should wish any assistence."

"Thanks Belfast."

Rias was all smiles and glow at the new event on her horizon and Tyler smiled as he kissed her. The redhead smiled as they got into another makeout session that saw the sexy devilgirl pinned against the wall before a loud,

"I see we FORGOT a rule."

The pair looked over curiously, Rias still firmly pinned to the wall with her hands pinned over her head and Tyler pressed RIGHT up against her, to see the rest of their now exasperated and smirking room mates looking at them. Belfast had a knowing light in her eye as she spoke to the now laughing pair.

"Do keep the more.....sensual...affection OUT OF OUR SIGHT PLEASE."

Tyler just kissed his beautiful girlfriend before letting her off the wall.

"Sure thing, Belfast."

Rias nodded sheepishly as she fixed her hair.

"Yeah. I guess we're THAT type a couple."

Asuna smiled as she kissed her husband.

"Good for you, Rias. And WATCH IT! he seems an attacker!"

"Pff. I am too!"


Kirito just chuckled as Tyler sat in the recliner and Rias went up to THEIR room for a shower.


"Ha. same."

Yoshkia came over now all smiles.

"Friday'll be fun, Tyler! This time we CAN screw around!"

The warrior busted up laughing at her exurbeant ditzyness and hugged her while Belfast and Hestia slumped.

"Oh dear."

"She knows what she wants. That's a god thing I think."

Asuna just shook her head with a fond smile.

"I heard from one of her friends. Barkhorn? is that how you say it? Seems Yoshkia is a more.....WILD.....girl then we think. And has a tendency to go WAY overboard."

Tyler smiled as he patted the embarrassed witch.

"Yoshkia's a handful. But, comes with the territory. Love her to death, MILDLY scared of what she'll come u with next."

Yoshkia smiled as she looked at the hulking warrior and hugged him.

"I love you too!"

He looked at her and she blushed HARD as she reliazed what she said and he smiled at the now SHAKING girl.

"I love you too, Yoshkia."

She sighed with relief and hugged him.

"And I'm not sure WHICH type of love it is yet, so we're friends with benefits."

"Wow. atta girl."

"Luccini's fun!"

"She's Luccini."

Belfast smiled as she saw her moment.

"Yoshkia, dear."

"FINE. ugh. Coming, Belfast."

Tyler chuckled as the now irritated witch followed the kindly maid to the basement for her interrogation. Rias came down now and had a knowing smirk on her face.

"TYler. Come with me."

"Yes Rias."

Asuna laughed at that one.

"Seem familar Kirito?"

"She's got THAT guy on a leash! Nice knowing ya bro!"

Tyler smiled as he followed his girlfriend up to their room. As they walked he noted she'd put on a pair of yoga shorts while bare foot with a lacy camisole. The door was shut and she smirked at him.

"So I heard Yoshkia. Should I be concerned?"

"Nah. She's a lesbian looking to try out her first boy her own age."

"GOOD. And get a condom."

"Yeah about that."

The redhead lifted an eyebrow.


"In my world some idiot fucked up a science lab and I lost the ability to knock up. I can fill ya to leaking but no kid."

She blinked.

"Wow. Weird bonus. Diseases?"

Ganisha's voice was heard then.

"That guy was made immune since his world is so freakin hellish? There are NO sex diseases in MY world and the worst you have to fear is a bad cold."

Tyler smiled.

"Thanks Ganisha."

Rias smiled as she got a kiss.

"Make hers a good one."

"will do. So long as YOU record yours."

"I was GOING TO ANYWAY! Ha! and I know you're kidding."

"And I know YOU'RE serious."

She hugged him and he held her tightly.

"I love you, Rias."

"I know."

She kissed him again and the warrior smirked.

"Do NOT spank me. If you rile me up and LEAVE me like that, NO cuddles for a week."


He held her tighter for a moment before they parted and he threw a twirl on her like they were dancing and she smiled.

"And I'm happy."

"I'll make you happIER."

She smiled and the duo returned to the living room where Yoshkia was happily snuggled with Hestia on the couch and Belfast was in the kitchen with Asuna making dinner. Kirito was cleaning his sword, while Tyler and Rias sat in the recliner. The adoring boyfriend smiled as she sat between his legs in a way he could still work on his stories and she could watch. Her thick red hair was like a blanket that was INCREDIBLY warm and soft on his bare chest while he worked the keys.

"Dinner is ready, dears."

"Thanks Belfast."

The friends all gathered around as Asuna set a pot out.

"Some rabbit stew and juice. It's Hestia and Yoshkia's turn on dishes."

They nodded and Tyler smiled as he tasted the concotion.

"Wow Asuna."

The copper haired girl smiled as she sat down.

"Best cook in SAO for a reason!"

"Atta girl."

Belfast smiled asshe nodded as he glanced at her before the friends dug in. The stew vanished rapidy and Rias kissed her boyfriend as he went up with Belfast following a little bit later. The silver haired beauty smiled as the door shut.

"I admit to excitement."

He kissed her lightly.

"ME too. So let us clean up properly then."

"OOOh you are so correct."

The pair went into the bathroom and into the shower where the sexy maid smirked at him over her shoulder.

"And I was informed of your blessing. So no precuations need be taken."

He kissed her and the woman smiled as her lovely breasts were fondled.


He slid into her from the rear and she squeaked in her moan.

"DAMN Belfast."

she grunted as the thrusting picked up speed.

"I take VERY good care of myself. And a little faster."

She got a flood in the shower as her horny lover rode her most lovingly indeed before they were in the bed and he had her pinned to the thing pounding her as her massive breasts slapped against her with satisfying thwackin sounds until she dropped from her last orgasm and her ass was flooded.

"Oh MY."

"Damn it Belfast. YOU are AMAZING."

She smiled proudly as they recovered from the wild session.

"and YOU as well. I quite enjoyed myself."

He kissed her lovingly.

"And now I do suggest we clean ourselves off, off ourselves."

She smiled at the theft of her manner of speaking.

"I do believe that IS a sound suggestion."

He lifted her up into a princess cradle and carried the laughing lady to the shower.

"How romantic!"

"NOW i can brag i can carry a fully loaded heavy cruiser."

She smirked at the multilayered brag.

"NOT in an unseemly manner. and that WAS quite clever."

"That itch sated?"

"It is. And I believe if I feel such.....interest again...I can indulge safely. it will NOT be a common boon."


"THOSE I SHALL partake in most often. Provided your primary paramour allows it."

He chuckled as the adoring warrior cleaned the beautiful Belfast's sexy body off.


"I am."

Once they'd cleaned up the pair laid in bed still naked and the warrior smiled as he kissed her deeply.

"Good night, Belfast. You are great."

She smiled.

"Good night, Tyler. You are warm."