
Chapter 108 Last Meal

Taking the plate from Edgar, Aella turned and spotted the first of the assassins. They were all dressed completely in black, from head to foot. Black cloth even covered their faces, leaving a slight slit for them to see through. She took a bite of her ham, watching as they appeared from every direction and finally settling before her, ready for her to start teleporting them.

A feeling of giddy elation rushed through her, as she flew up into the air, to be able to see them all. They looked so badass! All of the other workers had paused what they were doing, to watch them in fear and uncertainty.

"I'll take you four at a time, to the new location we are building at. Your jobs will be to keep an eye on the workers I have already taken over, as well as those I still plan to take over. No fighting, or crime activity, and you're to protect everyone from any creatures that might live over there. I never explored the area to see what kind of monsters there might be. They should have plenty of space for you to find somewhere to sleep. Are you ready?"

They all nodded, none making any noise. As she settled back to the ground, they crowded close, four at a time.

It took her only a few minutes to get all twenty moved over. They immediately scattered, casing out the area and checking up on the workers and their areas. Not foreseeing any future problems, she finished her lunch before returning to work moving the materials.

She had just enough time to bathe and change her clothes to something fancy, before the supper was supposed to begin. Teleporting to a waterfall she had found on her travels, she laughed and played in the rushing mist and spray for a brief respite. Warming herself, and drying off with her fire, she directed the cloak to clothe her in tight black clothes with a red skirt and a red inner lining for her shirt's hood. The skirt was barely doing anything other than covering the tight fabric over her butt, but she liked the color combination.

Teleporting to the dining hall, she looked around and saw that the other nobles had already arrived, waiting to be seated until she arrived. They were milling about, at the end of the hall, holding drinks and chatting with each other. There was definitely a feeling of tenseness in the room as Aella nodded to Edgar to announce her.

"Her Majesty, the King of the Demons, Aella!" Edgar called out over the room.

Studying each of them, she was pleased to see they had dressed nicely for the formal event. Moving over to her chair, she allowed Edgar to seat her, as it was his job to do so. The two regents, Frederick and Seifer sat on either side of her, and then the rest of the nobles filled in the remaining seats. It was amusing to her, to see them hesitate before sitting, as if trying to figure out if they should sit there, next to that noble, or that close to her. There was so much politicking going on she could puke.

"Now that we are all seated, Edgar, would you please begin with the meal? Announce each dish, if you would, please?"

He bowed and motioned for the first servants to start arriving.

"This first dish is an assortment of finger foods, for your indulgence," said Edgar as plates were placed before each person.

Aella looked over the bite-sized pieces of cheeses and crackers, some white meats that turned out to be rabbit, and bits of small fruit including cherries and grapes. Eating a bite here or there, she mostly watched the nobles as they grew more comfortable and began chatting quietly among themselves again. On several occasions, she caught them sneaking glances at her, before quickly looking away.

As the servants took away their plates, other servants set down small bowls with a steaming stew in it. Leaning forward, she sniffed the stew in delight. It was her dad's recipe!

"This second course is a stew from Her Majesty's father," said Edgar with a small smile at her.

The nobles were stunned, glancing back and forth between themselves before quickly picking up their spoons to taste the stew. Aella didn't care what they thought of it, and tried to remember the lesson she had been given on how to hold her spoon, but the taste was so good, she couldn't help finishing it in a fraction of the time it should have. The potatoes were soft and the meat melted in her mouth.

Sitting back, she smiled and nodded to Edgar in satisfaction. There could easily have been many more bowls set before her, but she was looking forward to seeing what the rest of the meal would be.

The next plate that was set before her consisted of a salad with tiny red tomatoes and bits of green cucumbers.

"The third course is a salad, with unique vegetables from the royal garden," said Edgar.

Aella raised an eyebrow as she poked at the vegetables. The salad was colorful, with bits of purple and blue, but she wasn't interested in plants after the soup. Thinking for a moment, she decided she would need to look at this garden. Where could it possibly be? She hadn't seen one.

"For the main course, there is an assortment of fowl and fish, as well as a whole boar and deer."

Aella watched as the servants struggled under the weight of the pig, even though it wasn't fully grown when it was killed, and saw that its belly had been stuffed with an assortment of things. An apple had even been shoved into its mouth. The deer was small as well, but smelled delicious. Servants asked each person what portion they would like, then served them a plate. Aella insisted on being served last, which she could tell unsettled everyone, especially the nobles. What if they ate the part she had wanted? Would she kill them?

The questions danced on their faces as they tentatively asked for specific sections. While the resulting unease was humorous to her, Aella's real reason for waiting was because she didn't know what the best parts were. She had been hoping that she could watch what everyone else grabbed, and then have the same, but everyone grabbed tiny portions of every single section.

"Edgar, give me a portion of the choicest parts of each thing," she finally said, refusing the urge to sigh.

Edgar, realizing what the problem was, smiled and bowed to her, taking her plate from the servant who gladly handed it over. He proceeded to pick tiny bits here and there of a variety of things, having fed her enough by this point to have a good idea what she would like.

The nobles watched curiously as he loaded her plate and delivered it to her. As she began to eat, they started to ask for seconds on the things they had really wanted.

There were swans, chickens, geese, pigeons, quail, salmon, pike, and catfish. While everyone ate their fill, Aella had plenty of time to observe their interactions with each other. They seemed to have calmed down and were getting rather chatty. Taking another drink of her wine, she smiled. They weren't immune to poison, and there was plenty of alcohol flowing. Servants were making sure that no one's cup was empty.

As everyone began to slow down, Edgar motioned for the servants to start clearing away the table.

"The fifth course will be a light offering of breads and soft cheeses, as well as various deviled eggs and stuffed mushrooms."

Aella wasn't very hungry anymore, but tried a little bit of each thing, deciding she didn't really like the mushrooms.

"The sixth course will be a delicate dessert," said Edgar, as the servants flooded out again, sweeping the leftovers away and replacing them with tiny chocolate cakes so light, they almost had no weight to them.

They melted in her mouth as Aella popped one in. The rest of the table almost inhaled them. She was sad to see them all disappear.

"The last course for this evening will be a series of fine wines from the royal cellars. Feel free to drink your fill, as these are the last of year 752."

The nobles all gaped at the wine glasses that were set before them and filled from a series of bottles.

"Your Majesty," said one noble finally, gently picking up the glass. "Surely you didn't bring us here just to show off these fine foods and drinks?"

"No, you're right," she said raising her own glass and taking a sip. It was very bitter and dry. She hated it. "I wanted all of you to enjoy this meal, because it's your last nice meal for a very long time. As soon as you are done eating, you will go home and begin arranging your estates to start moving tomorrow. You are all being relocated to the site of my new kingdom."

"What?!" they all exclaimed, several standing up from their seats.

Aella smiled at them and set her drink down, "Enjoy the last of your wine, my nobles."

Teleporting to the library, she couldn't help breaking out laughing.

"What's so funny?" asked Bridgette, looking up from the stack of books she was working on.

A little food p o r n for those of you who like that sort of thing. I know. I know. I'm not very good at it, but eh. I had fun typing this chapter, and loved the idea of leaving those poor nobles with the knowledge they were going to have to move all over again.

Sdrawkcabcreators' thoughts