
The Demon God is a Big Sister

" Big Sister? Where did you get the food from?" " I got it from hunting." she smiled proudly, knowing that she would be praised for her good deed. He stared at her as he looked between the food and her The older brother glared at her with a very stern look as he grabbed his phone and began to call someone. " Hi Dad, I think Cora is going crazy; why? Because she brought home actually food... call the police? " " How much doubt do you have on your sister!?!" she yelled and questioned her little brother loyalty and belief in her but... she dosen't regret the way he acted because... this time she won't make a mistake.. WARNING: This Book will contain Mature scenes, for example, Blood, Death, and Sexual Content! Please read with caution!! Book will be a lite comedy

SourPlumBear · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Information 3/4/2022

• Each Chapter Will be separated, usually three or four parts, so each chapter can be longer to read.

• This is a modern, fanstay, thriller novel

• Romance and Comedy will appear too

• Reserve Harems, Main Character will have multiple relationships.

• MC is very overpowering

• There will be Three Point of View characters, Third and MC

• They are scenes that can be graphics. There will be a ®18 on it to warn you

• [....]: System, °....° Monster/ Demon language

• There will be a peaceful race that friendly with the Human race

• Dungeon Colors, Rank, and classes will be explained at the beginning

• ☆ are rank for items, □ or ■ are unknown or mysterious words, ◇ Rare or higher items

• They are Gods and Demi-Gods

• Please don't judge my writing and storytelling. I try my best

• This Book will be a very world vast culture, I intend to have various cultures in regions. With a lot of research. They will be different names and history

• There will be rewrites if storyline is missing or confusing

• Will Add more notes later on when chapters increase!