
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

The new warriors

When Yellow finished telling them about her recent experience from being sent into another dimension and having to fight my creatures to survive and grow stronger, they were terrified of me after discovering that it was my idea and creatures that they had to face. She then told them about her experience in the Demon world, which wasn't much since all we did in the Demon world was fight, speak to the Demon King, and fight once again.

"We might need a vacation" Green said as he was reminded by yellow that his entire new life all he did was fight and exercise. "You two can take a vacation, since it is kinda my fault you have been fighting and not exploring the new world" I say as I look at them both.

What I said was true. Ever since they reached the new world I immediately sent them into combat in another dimension or pocket bubble for God knows how long and let them out only to send them into combat.

"Thanks" Yellow said as she became really excited.

"Ok I finally found two options for the two of them to choose" The world master said as his body began to slowly appear into reality right infront of us. The Yellow, Green, and the two other warriors were shocked at the world master sudden appearance.

"So what did you find" I said to the world master. "Well I found two options for the both of them to choose from based off the last things they saw" the world master said as he snapped his finger.

Two floating black screens popped infront of the both of them and on the screens were the options.

The two options for the guy that died while looking at the mirror was this.

[Vengeful Spirit King: A soul of someone who was transformed by hatred to a high degree. The hatred stemmed from being murdered either by their Lover or loved one and will not rest until they get revenge on their target. Once they kill their target they will shortly pass onto the afterlife and be forgotten to time.]

[Mirror Demon King: The Mirror Demob King lives in a alternate world known as the mirror dimension where everything living being in it are mirror beings that resemble the outside world. Like all the Mirror beings in the Mirror dimension the Mirror Demon King is able to drag its victims into the Mirror Dimension ans attack them while being intangible. They Mirror Demon King is also known for its ability to command any nearby Mirror beings that are weak minded and lead attacks to the other worlds. Though they are called Demon they are not related to the Demon species and the only relatable thing the two is how they love to terrorize their victims.]

And the options for guy that died in the toy shop were these.

[Toy Demon Lord: A Puppet possessed by a Demon Lord as a means to interact with the world of the Living. The Toy Demon Lord is well known to target kids and steal their souls by making them sign a demon contract with them. They can't be destroyed by physical means for they will rebuild their Puppet body, but can be destroyed via spiritually.]

[Toy Factory Golem: The Toy Factory Golem is a automated golem that lives in a personal dimension near the human realm. The Toy Factory Golem will create Golems that look like toys, but are in fact just just Golems. The Toy Factory Golem will send these Golems to different worlds to spy on the inhabitants of the world. Once they get enough information the Golem will either leave the world and no longer interact with it or continue to make toys and send it to the other world. They aren't aggressive with humans or any other beings, but will attack if one of its Golems are destroyed. Of course it knows the difference between destroying the Golems on purpose or on accident and will never attack if it was an accident.]

"Go ahead and choose which one you want to be" the World Master said as he began to float in the air with a pillow in his arms that he magicaly made.

The one who died while looking at the mirror looked at the first option, but when he saw the second option he instantly clicked on it. "Oh why did you choose that one" I said towards the person.

"Well, the first option seemed good, but it didn't really feel right to me while the second one did" the person said as they scratch the back of their head.

"If it felt right to you, then it is" Green said as he patted the person back.

I look at the toy person and noticed they weren't picking anything. "Hey need help" I said to them.

"Yeah I have no clue what to choose since they are both so good" the toy person said.

I have to agree with them both options are good to choose. One is a demon lord that feeds on souls while the other one is a being that lives in another dimension that creates beings to spy on people.

"Hmm if I had to choose I would pick the second option" I said.

"Why the second one" the toy person said.

"The main reason is because you can create beings that serve you and the second reason is that you get to live in another dimension. Also if you pick the first option you have to stay in a Puppet if you want to stay in the human realm."

Hearing what I said the toy person nodded their head before picking the second option.

"Great now that you chose your new species all that is left is to give you names" the world master said.

"Hmm your name will be White and your name will be purple" the world master said to the two people. White was the Mirror Demon King and Purple was the Toy Factory Golem.

"Of course he names them colors" I said to myself.

"Hey Red I'm going to send them to your main body if that's alright" The world master said.

"Hmm yeah sure it's ok" I said.

"Ok then bye bye" the world master said as he snapped his finger and our view turned black.


"Ugh that was weird" Yellow said as she got up from the ground.

"You will get use to it" I say as I stand up.

"Ok now where are the other two" Green said as he stood up and looked around.

"They should be around here" I said as I to look around. "Where could they be" I say as I look around frantically.

I lower the roots that were surrounding us and continued to look around and can only see the Root creatures and the Hive creatures.

"Where in the bloody world are they" Green said as he looked around.


In the Human realm several carriges could be seen moving across a dirt road. "How much longer do we have to go" Byro said as he laid on the carriage leather chair.

"About three more days until we reach the school" Elizabeth said as she laid across Byro on the carriage leather chair.

"How do you think Red is doing" Byro said to Elizabeth as he looked at the carriage floor.

"He is probably doing ok, after all he is the strongest creature we have faced" Elizabeth said.

Suddenly a bright light began to form in the center of the carriage. The light was so bright that they had to close both Elizabeth and Byro had to close their eyes or else they became blind.

When the bright light dissapeared both Byro and Elizabeth look at where the light came from and could see two beings in the center of the carriage.

One had the lower body of a snake, the torso resembled a humanoid torso, it had elongated arms, and it's head resembled one of a unfurled flower. It's body was also transparent and had a white hue around it.

The second one resembled a gray Puppet with a bright blue stone in the center of its chest. It had thin arms and thin legs. It head was round and was like a turnip and had one circular eye in the center of its head.

The two beings began to look around them and noticed the presence of Elizabeth and Byro. "Are you Red" the transparent being said as it looked at Byro.

"Huh Red" Byro said as he snapped back into reality when he heard the name Red.

"Yes are you Red" The transparent being said once again as it moved its head closer to Byro. This act creeped Byro out as he could see the many sharp teeth that were inside the unfurled flower.

"We aren't Red, but we do know Red. In fact he is my sister tamed beast" Byro said to the transparent being as he pointed at Elizabeth.

The transparent being as well as the Puppet looked at Elizabeth. "Do you know where he is" the transparent being said.

"Uh, well he I could summon him but it will cause problems for us" Elizabeth said as she looked at the seal on her right hand.

"Can you summon him using other ways" The transparent being said to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked at the root body that was inside the carriage and was just laying in front of the carriage door. "Well I guess I can summon him using a different body" Elizabeth said.


Back in the Demon Realm Red, Yellow, and Green could be seen looking frantically for the two other warriors. They have spent close to a hour looking for them and explored miles to search for them. Red and Green even sent out their men/soldiers to aid in the search for the two warriors.

"Where in the world are those two, they should have been sent to the area around my consciousness" I said as I created more Deltas to search for them.

[Host is being summoned by the Owner]

"Owner? Oh yeah Elizabeth, what does she want" I said as I stopped making Deltas. "Yellow Green I'm going to be heading to the human realm so protect this body" I said to them before leaving my body and heading to the Human realm.




I entered the Root body that I left with Elizabeth and began to look around me. As I look around I could see Elizabeth and Byro sitting down

I stand up and look at the two beings in the center of the room.

"Are you Red" I hear from the serpent like creature. "How do you know my name" I say to the creature using Telepathy.

"We met in the World Master room remember" the creature said using my Telepathy.

"Wait are you White" I say to the creature.

"Yep" White said as he did a thumbs up.

"So that must mean your Purple" I say to Puppet.

"You are correct" Purple said as they got up and walked to me. I kneeled down and poked Purples head.

"So your supposed to be a Dimension Factory" I say as I continue poking Purple head.

"I'm confused as well for why I'm this small" Purple said as they slapped my finger away.

"Hey Red can you explain to me what these two are" Elizabeth said as she was confused at the quite talking that was occurring.

"Hmm, oh sure" I say to her.

I begin to tell her that these two were my comrades that wanted to see the outside world and I allowed them to. But when I sent them my other comrades, Yellow and Green, distracted me and I forgot about them for a bit until she summoned me.

"So you two are Red ally and you two have color for names" Byro said as he began to chuckle.

"Yeah, it's sort of a thing among us" I say to him embarrassed by this fact.