
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

The Demon Realm

I take a step into the woods and feel something off. I take a step out of the woods, I take a step back in my body was telling me something was wrong. I know everytime my body said that something was wrong it always did.

"What's wrong" said the demon princess confused at what I was doing. "For some reason my body is telling me that this forest is dangerous" I said to her.

"You're a plant correct" she said.


"It's natural that your body is telling you that this place is dangerous, since this place has been corrupted by demon magic." said the princess. So demon magic is able to corrupt surrounding areas. Can it also corrupt people?

We walk deeper into the woods and the more we keep walking the more I feel a looming danger approaching me.

The more we went in, the more I realized how demon magic influenced the nearby life. The trees turned red, their leaves black and the only grass around was only a few blades of it. Even those were dying.

I guess I can see why gods hate demons now, it's because they corrupt and kill all living beings that they touch or are near them

We continued walking and finally stepped infront of a cave. The cave gave me the feeling that I never felt when Ibcame to this world, but before I came here. It wasn't discomfort, but rather something bigger than that.

It was something that I felt when I was the entity and not a flower. The feeling when I first appeared and saw the white room.

This feeling was named Fear.

The cave was making me afraid, as if I will return to the white room that I called hell when I had the black sludge on me still and still called it when I had the white one liquid attached to me.

"What is this cave!"

The princess turns to my direction and says while also looking scared. "T-this is the portal to what the humans call out home world. Hell."

These words sent shivers down my spine as I remember the white room. Even in this body I still see that white room as hell. Every passing second with nothing happening and only blank surrounding was hell. One's thoughts would run rampant in a blank room. One could imagine a creature coming to get them in the white room and your mind would make it real.

I take a step back after remembering these feelings. The princess noticed this "you okay, you aren't getting second thoughts are you?" She most likely said that to make sure that I didn't run away, since if I did she would lose what her father tasked her to do.

"I'm good let's go" I walk into the cave and the princess follows behind me. The surrounding that should be in a cave wasn't there. Instead what replaced a rocky surface was a forest that was painted red.

I look around and see nothing but red on every living thing here. There was red on the bushes, there was red on the grass, and there was a lot of red on the trees "What is this?!"

[The host is seeing demon magic. Demon magic is colored red and isn't blue like other magic]

That answerd my question but to see this much magic on every plant around me is terrifying. "Princess what is wrong with the trees!?"

She looks at me and answers "these trees were brought he from your world to help our worlds oxygen. Our world is covered in volcanoes, magma fields, and lava rivers so breathing the air was toxic. Of course the heat would kill the trees, so to make sure they didn't die to the heat and other natural variables we put demon magic in every seed and made sure this magic would be passed down every generation. Of course the trees absorbed a lot of magic over time and began to influence the surroundings, making grass, bushes, and other plants. Many scholars think that these plants were create to help the tree survive."

So basically the trees created plants to help them survive in the harsh environment. "What about flowers, were they created by these trees as well?"

"Huh, no they were actually brought here by a deity that made the fifth demon lord and the future demon lords swear to never harm her believers. "She said with a face of someone who just heard a dumb question. So basically my 'mother' created my kind as a bargaining chip or something along the lines of that.

To be honest I'm not mad. I would do the exact same thing in her position, heck I'm even about to do it.

"So where is the Demon lord or king or what ever you call him, where is he at?" I ask the princess. "Oh he is at the royal Palace, it will take us just a couple of days to get there." She points in a direction and I only see nothing but trees in that direction.

We begin to walk into the direction of where she was pointing at. As we walk my body was feeling weird, the more we walked into the forest.

The more we walked the more my body was urging me to do something, but I have no clue what it is that my body is telling me.

I ignore the urge that my body is giving and continue to walk.




Two hours passed or so I think since I can't tell time. The urge keeps building up and I have no clue why. It's making my Root body feel uncomfortable, as if something wants to burst out of me.

The more we walked the more this urge that was in me made me want to do something. I finally broke after ten more minutes and allowed my body to do what ever it wanted. My body made me stop walking.

***(Demon princess pov)

Me and this flower have been walking for about five hours. I turned back several time to see what he was doing, but most of the time he was just following, while other times his head twitched.

About thirty minutes later I didn't hear any foot steps behind me. I turn around and see that he stopped walking and his head was facing down.

"Hey why did you stop walking?" I say to the him but he doesn't respond. "Hey I'm talking to you" as I say these words, I soon regret this action.

He lifts his head up and I could see his face. The flower on his face began to turn red and the roots on his body also began to turn red. Within seconds his flower was entirely blood red as well as his roots.


I hear a monstrous roar coming from him as the part where his mouth should be at began to split open. The split part soon began to change into a mouth, the sight of this made my body tremble.

The petals on his flower face soon began to leak a black liquid. Soon an entire Petal began leaking this black sludge rapidly, one by one all of his petals began to leak this liquid. I knew what this liquid was since I was warned about this by my elder brother. The sin of sloth, he was a lazy person but really smart.

He told me to never go near a being that was leaking a magic known as miasma, for it could kill even father if left unchecked. This knowledge was embedded into my head for reasons unknown.

I step away from him as more miasma began to spill out of his flower. Soon I felt a burst of magic coming from him. The burst spread all over the the area. Some nearby demons feeling this burst of mana became scared and ran away.


He roared once more until the burst of mana disappeared. His flower stopped leaking miasma and his roots turned back to their regular color. His flower was changed from red into pure pure. His head looked at me and I heard a voice "are you ok?"

***(Reds pov)

I let my body take full control, in doing so my body stopped moving. My head began to feel fuzzy and I couldn't hear clearly. My body than felt weird.

I look up and see the princess horrified face as if she was looking at a monster. I then get hit by the feeling of pain as my whole body began to hurt at once. I try to scream out loud, but nothing came out. I then force my self to scream out loud.


The area where the mouth is ripped open as nosie began to leak out. Where the rip appear I was hit by incredible pain in that spot. Soon more pain came to my face and soon after I could see the outline of a liquid pouring down. I don't know why but this liquid made me remember the liquid that I had when I first arrived in the white space.

More and more of this liquid began to pour down my face.

[Hosts mana is being transformed into miasma due to the Demon magic nearby. System will now take precautions to ensure the hosts survival]

Soon more liquid began to pour out of my face causing the pain to increase more. Memories of the white void began to appear into my head as I could remember that horrible space.

[System has found a solution]

[Would the host like to evolve into a decay flower]

[10 seconds until the system chooses]


My mind being filled with pain clicked the yes option.

[The host is now evolving]

Soon a big burst of miasma came out of my face as the pain slowly subsided. After a couple seconds the pain that I felt soon disappeared.

[Evolution is now complete]

[Skills unlocked. Decay beam (1), Roots of decay (1), and Field of decay]

[Decay Beam (1)- allows the user to shoot a beam of white light out of their or other flowers pistil, the center of the flower. If the target gets hit they will turn into stone and after thirty minutes will crumble into dust]

[Roots of decay (1)- The user is able to turn their roots into decaying roots that will be destroyed after thirty seconds. If something living is hit by these roots they will slowly crumble into dust]

[Field of Decay (1)- the user is able to make a field of decaying flowers. If any living being enters this field and stays in it for about ten minutes they will turn into stone and after thirty seconds crumble into dust]

I see the notification, I guess I should be happy with a free evolution. Even though the system said itself that I could have died if I didn't evolve.

Ignoring this fact and returned back to reality. I can see the princess face looking horrified and this confused me at first causing me to say "are you ok?"

It is when I said those words that I remembered what just happened a couple seconds ago. "Am I ok WHAT ABOUT YOU!" she yells at me.

"Oh nothing happened it was just the usual thing for my kind" I say to her. "I'm sure that flowers don't just spit miasma out of their petals as if it usually happens" she says.

"Well have you seen my kind" I say to her. She was about to answer but stops herself "Let's just continue going."

I wonder to what happened to the scared girl that I originally met. Was it apart of a act and if so she did a good job at that, of course she doesn't realize that I'm also using her for my own gains.