
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

The Demon Kings Castle 1

"Why didn't you tell me that you don't have full control of your creatures, and why did you leave them with me if you didn't have full control" the princess said as she was on my back. The reason she is on my back was due to her depleting her demon mana, turns out demons which are rumored to be the best in magic don't have that much mana in them. So she is currently fighting the exhaustion of Mana depletion, a stage where the person who runs out of mana becomes both physically and mentally tired.

As we walk through the forest we come across a clearing and soon we can see a large castle in the distance. "So is this the demon kings castle" I say to the princess. "It's one of the demon kings castle, this one is governed by me and several of my other siblings."

As we walk towards the gates I sense something creating mana in front of us and soon after I could see a ball of mana coming towards us. "Hey do you have any enemies in the castle" I say to the princess, as I do so I begin to use [Flower field].

"No I don't, why" she said but soon after she could see why I asked her as several black blades head straight towards us. I use the roots of the flowers that were made by [Flower Field] and create a wall of roots in front of us. As the blades hit the wall I notice that they were evaporating the wall little by little.

I quickly get out of the way and soon the blades pass through the walls and hit the ground where me and the princess were standing earlier. "Those are our castles defense magic" the princess said, she soon got off my back and walked towards the castle. Seeing this I was about to stop her but then "sis is that you" I heard a voice coming from inside the castle, soon after the gate of the castle dropped down and several people came out. Well six people to be specific, I was shocked by this people since I couldn't detect them at all when they were in the castle.

The six hug the princess then one of them turn towards me "who is that sis" a small boy said while pointing at me. This caused the rest to look at me "hmm, lets put on a show" I thought and used [Aroma] and gave myself a scent that made people uncomfortable. Their reactions were predictable seeing how four of them tensed up while the other two took several steps back.

"Sis who is this" one of them said as they got more tensed. Seeing their reaction and also feeling uncomfortable she looked at me and said "cancel that right now or else." I look at her "you're no fun at all" and cancel [Aroma], the six of them finally stop tensing up and look at the princess. "Seeing how they are calling her 'sis' they must be siblings."

The princess then pulls them all aside and they begin to whisper to one another, not caring on what they are talking about I mind my business and prepare myself for the talk with the demon king by fixing any broken body parts or any loose roots on my body. They finally stop talking and the seven of them look at me, soon the tallest one walks towards me.

He is a a man, or should the better term be demon, that is most likely 6'8 or '9 and seems really buff, or I think so seeing his outlines. There was something about this man that felt domineering "my name is wrath and by the name I am the sin of wrath."

"The sin of wrath, I think I remember the Roy telling me about the sins when we were playing a game of poker once. The strongest of the seven sins 'Wrath' a being known to be the most deadliest in close combat." I look at wrath and say "I expected you to be taller" and soon I can see myself in the middle of the air with half my body. "My my someone is hot blooded" I say as I fix my body mid air and look back at wrath. I'm quite surprised since I didn't see him attacking me but a girl to his right who had her right hand out.

"Envy, why did you do that" wrath said as he looked at my now rebuilt body. "Wrath, he made fun of you and I'm the only one who does that" she replied while looking at me. I land back onto the ground and look at my cloak. "Hmm she caused a hole to appear on the cloak" I said as I look at the big hole on the side of the robe. I look at her trying to figure out how she caused a hole to appear "what an annoying girl." Soon I could see myself in the air and could see wrath putting his right fist out while looking at me with hatred in his eyes.

I float in the air and look at them, while rebuilding my body once again. I look at the two people who now hit me and caused holes to appear in my cloak, "its a good thing this is just a skill and not something that will take a long time to fix."

I look at the two and a idea on how I can figure out how they are causing holes on my body to appear popped into my mind. "Hey do you guys want to have a fight" the seven of them look at me in surprise, especially the princess. Wrath looks at me and says "are you sure you want to fight all seven of us, even though you beated greed you cant beat us all."

"So that's her name" I thought as I look at the princess. I look at wrath and reply with "yes I'm sure-" before I could continue I saw several dark blades heading my way. I was about to stop it by using [petal storm] but my body was constricted out of nowhere. "okay this is a bad start" I say as I create another root body by using the [Flower Field] that I made earlier. Before the blades hit me I sent my consciousness into the body, which caused all the skills being used by the body to shut down, this included the [Reapers Cloak] and so when the blades hit my body it was instantly disintegrated.

"Ah Sloth" Greed shouted out as she looked at a young boy who was holding a pillow. "Ah I'm sorry I thought he could take the hit" Sloth said and before the rest could speak they heard a voice in their heads "I didn't think that would happen." They all looked in the forest and could see a cloaked figure walking out "how did he survive, that attack burns the soul" sloth said shocked. Everyone was shocked, including greed as she had no clue that I could create more bodies and jump into them.

Before they could react I used [Aroma] to create a scent of uneasiness and used [Flower Field] to create flowers around me. The seven of them tensed up after smelling the scent made by [Aroma].

At this moment all they could think while looking at the cloaked figure was 'How do we beat him.' I didn't allow them to think as I used the flowers roots and launched them all towards them. They all split up and tried to move towards me, but as they got close I would always create a wall of roots in front of them. "lets make this more fun" I said as I then raised so many roots into the air, creating walls of roots to be made and soon all the roots stopped going up and if seen by air one could tell that this was a maze made of roots.

The seven looked around and tried to process what happened and could soon see me in the air looking at them. "What is a maze without any creatures in it" and soon several roars could be heard within the maze. The roars were made by deltas that were just made and were now heading towards the sins, they weren't going to kill them of course just see what abilities they have. As I watch them and the deltas fight it out I make several of the roots come towards me and refill my mana.

After an hour or so they all made it to the center of the maze and were all breathing raggedly. This is to be seen since I sent waves upon waves of deltas at them, just to see what skills they had. And after all that I finally saw the skill I wanted to see by Envy when she covered her hands with Red mana and touched a delta causing it to explode. "She used demon magic to cause explosion in living beings, that's a smart way of using magic that can cause damage to other creatures.

I soon dropped the wall of roots and the seven of them looked at me with several emotions in their eyes, but the main one was not rage, not hatred, nor was it admiration, but one thing that these demons never felt before.
