
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

On the island Part 1

When the boats finally hit shore the students were told to stay on the boats for a bit and the hooded figures started heading into the forest. "We finally made it to land" said byro as he no longer felt see sick.

After a couple of minutes passed the hooded figures returned holding several creature parts in their hands and tossed them at the ground.

"All nearby creatures have been killed. So let's start making camp." said a hooded figure.

The students were handed several thing that they needed to make a camp. "Once your done making camp please come to the beach in ten minutes and wait for further instructions." said a hooded figure as he then hopped onto one of the boats.

Several students started walking to the forest to make their camp while others went to the beach to make their camp more closer to the boats.

"So Eli where is you camp going to be" said Byro as he followed her into the forest. "It's going to be in the trees, after all the forest is where in the strongest." As she said that she lifted her hands up to her chest and started chanting.

"Oh Great Mother nature, I ask for thee to lend me you power for my own needs."

After the chant was finished a green ball of light appeared in her hands and Elizabeth closed her hands tightly.

Her hands was covered in a green aura and when she finally opened her hands a green light busted forth. Several trees then started making extra branches and the branches were turned into stairs.

When Elizabeth and Byro walked onto the stairs several more of them were created in front of Elizabeth until she stopped walking. She then swiped both of her hands in the air.

The nearby trees then started creating and changing the appearance of their branches. When it was done the branches were changed into a sturdy wooden platform.

"I keep forgetting how well liked you are by the God of Woods" said Byro as he clapped his hands. "To be fair I did save his son from getting killed by those demon rabbits at our estate" said Elizabeth as she set her things down.

Byro also set his things down and looked at what he was given.

"We have several ropes, a hammer, several stones which was probably why it was heavy, and a tent" said Byro as he then dump them all out.

"Hey sis how long are we here again" said byro as he saw something that disturbed him. "About five to seven weeks, why?" said Elizabeth as she stopped organizing the things in her bag.

"Well we only have four pieces of jerky and I might not be good with math, but I think that this isn't enough for even two weeks."

Hearing this Elizabeth went through her stuff and found four pieces of Jerky as well in her bag.

"Well they are probably going to tell us something about it once we head to the beach; let's just worry about our camp first."

Byro and Elizabeth then began working on their tents.




When they finally finished making their tents with eight minutes to spare.

"Soo sis what do you want to do now" said byro as he layer on the hard branch made floor.

"Let's just go to the camp and wait for further instructions" Elizabeth then walked down the stairs that she made with Byro in tow.

After several minutes of walking they finally reached the beach only seeing about a handful of kids there.

Several minutes passed and everyone finally came. "Ok now we shall begin the training" said a hooded figure.

"My name is Ray von Stonehold of the Stonehold family" the hooded figure then took her hood off revealing a girl with brown hair.

"As many of you know the Stonehold family are loyal servants to the God and Goddess of Land and Sand" Ray then began chanting making a yellow and brown orb appear in front of her.

When she closed both her hand tightly with the orbs inside of each, both her hands began to glow yellow and brown. She then opened it and a shock wave with a yellow and brown light came out of her hand.

All the students that were there felt a feeling of fear when they were hit by the shock wave including Elizabeth and Byro. "What a terrifying amount of mana" said Byro and Elizabeth as they finally coped themselves.

When the students finally calmed down Ray lifted her hands slowly into the air. And for a couple of seconds nothing happened.

Then a student shouted "something is happening to the sand." Hearing this made everyone look at the sand beneath them revealing a wave movement happening with the sand.

When Ray snapped her fingers several shots of sand were launched into the air and when the shots of sand were done everyone looked up and saw sand floating in the air.

This amazed everyone who was looking "You might want to close your eyes" said Roy as the light in her hands disappeared.

Elizabeth and Byro who new what was going to happen quickly looked down. The sand began to slowly fall down one by one until all of them fell down.

"My eyes!"

"Ah that hurts!"

"Why did you do this!"

Several students who didn't listen were hit by sand in their eyes, making them feel pain in them.

"She always does this" said a hooded figure as they shook their heads looking at the screaming students.

"Everyone please calm down" said Ray who was nervous due to the other hooded figures sighing and shaking their heads.

After the problem was "solved" Ray began to speak once again "I got this strong because of this island and so will you guys as well. Because for the next ten weeks your going to be surviving here.