
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

Noxferatus Part 1

As the man known as Noxferatus finished speaking he looked at everyone before smiling. Every single creature that saw the smile of Noxferatus felt a chill run up their spine.

"So you're the Demon of the forest" a tall snake that had multiple eyes covering its entire body said as it flicked its tongue out and stared at Noxferatus. "You don't look that tough, I bet I can beat you in just a minute" the snake said as its multiple eyes looked around the room staring at every creature, seeing each of their reactions.

Noxferatus did not seem any bit agitated, instead he just continued to smile. "You want to see how strong I am" Noxferatus said as if he was just having a normal conversation. The multiple eyed snake, agitated by Noxferatus calm demeanor, flicked its tongue out before baring its fang at Noxferatus "sure."

[Eye's of fire]

Soon multiple balls of fire formed on top of each of the multiple eyes that covered the snake. The balls of fire soon flew towards Noxferatus. The other creatures in the room stared at Noxferatus, hoping to see what he would do to counter this move.

[Mana Absorption]

The balls of fire collided with Noxferatus body, but instead of an explosion of fire occurring, the balls of fire instead seeped in Noxferatus body as if they were like water being absorbed by the roots of a plant. "What!" the multiple eyed snake said as it stared at Noxferatus in bewilderment not understanding why its balls of fire didn't explode.

[Eye's of Ice]

Spikes of ice soon formed on top of the eyes, "try blocking this!" Soon the spikes of ice launched towards Noxferatus at a high speed. The ground that the ice spikes flew over soon began to form small chunks of ice.

[Mana Absorption]

When the spikes of ice collided with Noxferatus, the spikes of ice shattered and soon melted back into water and steeped in Noxferatus body. The multiple eyed snake stared at Noxferatus with rage forming in its eyes.

"I guess it's my turn" Noxferatus said as several cracks appeared floating behind him. The cracks soon shattered open revealing a field covered in a long line of flowers. In the middle of the field was a throne of some sorts sitting in the middle of the field of flowers. "Let's begin the great show!"

Soon several things came out of the ground of the flower field. These things had a root like shape, but each had different colors on them, one was like a normal root color, one was entirely white and another was black with purple stripes going around it. The roots slowly moved towards the multiple openings.

When the roots were close to the entrance, they all rushed towards the multiple eyed snake in an instant. The multiple eyed snake formed several balls of fire on its eyes and launched them towards the roots. Several of the roots were burnt apart, while others just absorbed the balls of fire and continued going towards the multiple eye snake.

[Eye's of Barriers]

Soon a green barrier began to form around the multiple eye snake. The roots struck the barrier and several cracks could be seen forming on the surface of the barriers. But soon the cracks began to regenerate as if they were never truly damaged. "Hah do you think you will be able to destroy this bar-" the multiple eye snake was soon interrupted by gray beams coming through the openings and attacking its barrier.

Massive cracks soon began to form on the surface of the barrier and more were forming as the barrier was still getting pelted by the gray beams. As the barrier was being pelted by the gray beams, the eyes of the snake began to slowly bleed one by one.

"That's enough!" the Multiple eye snake shouted as its slit pupils soon enlarged until it covered the entirety of its eyes.

[Cursed Eye of a thousand Vipers]

The barrier soon changed colors as it soon turned from green in white and soon multiple bumps formed on the barrier. The bumps began to expand outwards and as they expanded outward their shape slowly began to turn in that of a vipers. Soon multiple white vipers formed on the surface of the barriers. The white vipers lunged towards Noxferatus and opened their maws wide revealing their sharp fangs that looked like it could pierce metal.

Soon the vipers all clamped their maws into Noxferatus' body and began to tear his body to pieces until there were just scraps left. The vipers held pieces of Noxferatus torn up body in their mouths. "Ha ha ha ha, how do you like that. Do you regret hurting my eyes that my ancestors worked hard on perfecting" the multiple eyed snake said as it began to laugh like a maniac. The snake turned its attention to the other creatures that had witnessed the battle and spoke with a voice of superiority "do you now see that my species were not fools for investing every bit of miasma that they had into out eyes. I was able to defeat the very being that made almost all of you cowards, ha ha ha ha!"

[Mana Absorption]

The snake stopped laughing as it felt its own mana begin to be drained at a fast rate. It looked around trying to see what was making it lose so much of its mana. "Could it be Empress White Wing doing?" the snake thought as it stared at Empress White Wing. He saw her just floating in the air looking at a direction with a small grin on her face.

The snake turned its attention to the spot that Empress White Wing was looking at and could only see Noxferatus. "Him? Why is she looking at him?" the snake thought and stared at Noxferatus closely. As the snake stared at Noxferatus torn up body he noticed something that he didn't realize before "why aren't those portals closing?"

"Took you long enough to notice," a voice said in the snake's head.

[Root Duplication]

The pieces of Noxferatus that were being held in the vipers mouths soon began to squirm before roots began to burst out of the vipers mouths. The roots moved towards the torn up pieces and began to meld with one another. When the roots were done a body made out of roots was created and on the face of the root body was a completely intact flower. "You missed" a voice said in the snake head.

The snake stared at the root body with fear written across its face. "Since you tried to kill me I should return the favor now shouldn't I? '' the voice said as the root body began to slowly lift up its arm towards the snake. "W-wait let's talk about this, '' the snake said as it felt something sharp appear around its neck. The feeling of something cutting its neck was slowly getting stronger and stronger "goodbye now."

Soon the head of the snake disappeared from its body and the body fell onto the ground making a popping noise. The barrier and the white vipers soon began to crumple away as its source of mana was now dead. The creatures soon fell silent as they saw the scene, "i-in his hand l-look" a ape like creature said as it pointed at the root body. The creature looked and saw something in the hand of the root body. "It's his head" a creature said as all the creature recognized the multiple eye snake head now being held by the root body.

The root body looked at the head for a bit before tossing it towards the decapitated body of the snake. The root body looked towards Lord Strong Tooth, "can I join your council?" Lord Strong Tooth stared at the root body before grinning "you're in luck, we have a seat that had just opened up."

Lord Strong Tooth walked towards the root body until he was standing directly in front of it. Lord Strong Tooth moved his claws towards his mouth and soon ripped one of his sharp teeth out. He soon moved his paw towards the root body, gesturing to take the ripped tooth. The root body grabbed the ripped tooth and held it in front of it, the root body could see and feel a tremendous amount of mana seeping out of the tooth. "The tooth is a sign as you become a member of the council of monsters" Lord Strong Tooth said as he soon moved to a spot in the middle of the cave. Soon several creatures began to move to spots until they all made a circle, even Empress White Wing moved and sat in a spot in the circle.

"Your spot is over there" Lord Strong Tooth said as he pointed at an empty spot that was between a albino spider and a pink wolf. The root body began to walk towards that spot and sat down once it reached it. "Now let us talk about the human problem we are facing" Lord Strong Tooth said as he stared at each and every creature in the room.