
The Demon Flower System

A young 17 year old man who loved the way plants of all sorts looked and acted like. Til one day he was killed while helping someone who was getting mugged. He was given a second chance by a God of his world, called the world master, who wanted him to attack and claim another God's world for him. Accepting this task he is given the body and personality of a flower and meets various situation and events on his journey to dominate the new world he is in. (hello there, this will be my first book so there might be some mistakes. If there are any please point it that way I can try to fix them if possible.)

ERROR16291 · Fantaisie
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70 Chs

New skill

Red began to move his roots towards the bodies of the rabbits and just as he was about to drink the blood of mother and son he felt an urge not to harm their bodies. "What is this urge?" asked Red in great confusion.

[That would be the will of the rabbit soul that you absorbed. When something Dies to a soul eater they have a 25% chance of leaving a will in the user's body. And since this soul is your first it has a 100% chance of leaving a will behind.]

Reading this, Red obliged to the will left by the father/husband of the rabbits. Red moved his roots to the father rabbit and started pricing the corpse with his roots. As the roots started drawing the corpse of its blood a notification appeared in front of him.

[Root mastery has leveled up to level 2. New move has been added to Root mastery 2. The user is now able to increase the range of the user's roots by an additional mile.]

Red reading this got confused "System I had a maximum reach for my roots?"

[That is correct, the host had a reach of one mile before the skill leveled up.]

"So you're saying if that rabbit used Long ranged attacks instead of close range I would be dead"

[That is correct]

The notifications Red received made him worried since his roots were his main way to attack, and if he couldn't even touch the target he would have no chance of survival.

"System how can I level up root control"

[To level up root control the host must constantly use their roots for about twenty minutes for the next level up]

Reading this, Red instantly started using his roots either by moving them underground or bringing them above ground and smacking nearby plants in his vicinity.




After using Root control for what he thought was twelve minutes he discovered that the reach maximum doesn't count if it's moving downwards. Red with this information tried to make more roots off the roots he was using to dig underground. He continued doing this for a couple more minutes till he received a notification.

[Hosts skill Root mastery has leveled up to level 3. New function added to Root mastery 3. The user's range has increased by a mile. The speed of the roots have now increased.]

[User has learned the skill Root duplicate]

[Root duplicate: The user is able to create new roots out of other roots within five seconds. Cool down three minutes]

Red after receiving the new skill tried using it. On one of the roots that was out of the ground.

[Root Duplicate]

Out of the roots five more roots started growing out in incredible speed and when the five seconds were up, new roots stopped coming out of the old Root. "I could use this for defense as well as offensive use" Red smiled after the realization of this new skill.

[The hosts roots have completely healed]

Red was shocked that his plan of using blood as water worked. 'System can I actually use blood for healing my roots? '' asked Red, wanting to confirm something.

[Yes but the healing period is slower than using water]

"So it isn't a permanent solution for my water problem, Sigh* I should have known this" Red said in his mind. "Well time to go back to leveling my Root control" Red then started using his Roots and his new skill Root duplicate for a couple of hours.




[Skill Root mastery has leveled up to level 4. New function unlocked the range of the root has increased by two miles.]

"System how far is the lake again"

[The lake is five miles west]

Red spread his roots all around him and made them all move forward. Within five or so minutes he got the confirmation he wanted.

[Host has reached a water source. The host will now gain five XP per hour]

"This was a good idea. Not only will I be able to heal more quickly but now I will get XP" Red said with enthusiasm. He then felt something near him and he turned around in that direction and saw an outline of a deer about three or four miles away. "How can I see the deer?" asked Red, confused.

[When the host's roots started to expand so did the user's sight using Soul eyes. In short terms when host expanded their roots the roots are apart of host, so Soul eyes would be able to see seven mile from hosts body]

"Well this is good since I can now use my skill on it" said Red with a devilish "smile".


An animal could be seen eating grass from the ground and as it raises its head one could see antlers that were the color white. The deer looks around as if looking for something, but then goes back to eating. As it lowers its head it sees a small hole coming out the ground. The deer moves its head closer to the small hole. As it moves its head more and more close something comes out of the hole startling the deer as it jumps away only getting a scratch on its face.

The deer looks at the thing that popped out ready to charge at it but sees that it was something that looked like a stick. The deer walked cautiously to the "stick" as it got closer and closer it felt a sharp pain in its thigh. As it looks to see, it sees another "stick" stabbing its hind leg. The deer in pain wins at the top of its lung and tries to break away. But as it tries more "Sticks' ' come out of the ground stabbing the deer. After a couple seconds the deer finally takes one last look at the first "stick" and closes its eyes.


[Host has killed a Forest deer 10 XP has been given to the host]

Reading this notification made Red happy "Ok time to bring the body back here" but as he was about to something entered his vision as he saw an outline of what appeared as a lion. This made Red terrified since his Soul eyes and the expansion of his Roots made it look like it was close to him.

After a couple of seconds of calming down he looks at the lion and realizes that it isn't looking at him but the deer corpse. He then sees it walking to the corpse and begins to eat it. Seeing this an idea pops into his head but before he could do anything he sends his roots to stab the lion with the skill Root duplicate. This instantly kills the lion.

[Host has killed a fire lion. Host will now instantly level up]

[Stat screen has now changed]

Name: Red

Race: Soul Flower

Title: ???

Level: 2 (19/100 exp)

Soul: 1/100

Strength: 18

Speed: 18

Magic: 76

Defense: 11

Skills: Telepathy, Soul eater, Root mastery (4), absorption (1), Soul eyes (passive) (1), Root duplication.


Red seeing his new stats was happy and wanted to start his big plan.

(Aurthor here for those confused on how stars are added for every level allow me to tell. For every level 6 stat points are added to every stat. That is all)